I'm sure no hard feelings. Captain Marvel seems to be basically the marvel version of Supergirl.

Black Widow is just a spy.
Just a spy? Just......a spy?
Yeah you got a point.
They want a strong woman that can hold her own in a movie, hellllll nah McAddams won't fit the mold, Blunt I'm all for....love her and she was pretty good in that Tom cruise movie, I think she can handle the role, without the need to attach her in a love interest with another character.
Punisher....Blade...Ghost Rider

Netflix Phase II?
ScarJo's the lead to a movie thats netted over $400M at the box office and she is the lead to one of the most celebrated Anime/Mangas of all time. She wouldnt be doing this if she had her own movie. She prolly feels great.
Never thought about that. I don't think it'll be necessary though. I don't believe they'll touch on the issues that'll benefit from a black writer or director.
Loki to appear in Thor: Ragnarok and both parts of Avengers: Infinity War

It has been confirmed that Tom Hiddleston's Loki will feature heavily in the new batch of Marvel films recently announced.

Kevin Feige says Thor's villainous step-brother will be in both Thor: Ragnarok and Avengers: Infinity War.

It was pretty much a given he would put in an appearance in the third Thor film. By the end of Thor: The Dark World he was able to take the form of King Odin and had persuaded Thor (Chris Hemsworth) to return to Earth and be with Jane Foster, played by Natalie Portman.

He will also play a part in Avengers: Infinity Part 1 and Part 2 because his sceptre has one of the Infinity Stones in it and once it is placed in the Infinity Gauntlet (bear with us....) it will set off havoc for the band of superheroes to deal with.

That doesn't guarantee he will appear in Avengers 2, but given how popular Hiddleston is and the glee he plays the villain with, producers may include him in some form.

Thor: Ragnarok will be released on July 28, 2017, while Avengers: Infinity Part 1 will come out the following year on May 4, 2018, before 'Part 2' follows on May 3, 2019.


tom is loki. dude just nails that role. would like to see him continue in the coming movies with a good amount of scene time.
Waiting for the *****ing that'll happen if Marvel doesn't pick a Black director for BP...
To me that's bull **** waiting to happen.

Black Panther was created by two white Jewish guys. Written by a Jewish guy for years and then another Jewish guy. Wakanda and their whole culture, created by Jewish guys. Took until the 90s for a black guy to pen BP stories.

Miss me on the need for a black director. Whoever Marvel picks will be fine.

Only thing dumber than that argument would be ppl demanding a female director for Captain Marvel.
Yeah a quality BP movie > any specific director. A great movie does better for us than anything. Don't misread that as to not use a black director, just whoever is right for the project.
Yeah, I'm all for for more black ppl and minorities in general getting an opportunity in certain high profile jobs on and off screen but this idea that has to _____ takes some of this being offended stuff too far.

Best person for the job.
:lol: I don't care either I just know it'll be an internet 'thing" like seemingly everything is nowadays.

Expect some ****** think pieces and dumb trending topics

I'd personally like to see neill blomkamp get involved with Marvel tbh.. And there are great choices who just happen to be black too. Antoine Fuqua would be great imo and F. Gary Gray was in the running for Cap 2

A note about the John Singleton version

In a 2011 interview to promote the release of the Marvel Knights motion comic, Reggie Hudlin had this to say on the state of Black Panther film scripts up to that point, “I remember reading some of those first scripts about the Black Panther, and they were horrible. There was one where he was African American, living in the projects and had no idea of his African heritage. I just found it simply incredibly offensive, and told the studio so, which I guess didn’t help me get attached to the film.”
Yeah a quality BP movie > any specific director. A great movie does better for us than anything. Don't misread that as to not use a black director, just whoever is right for the project.

A female and black director or writer would be great.

or at the very least a prominent person in the creative process should be black/ a women.

They would bring an important perspective to the project.

There was one where he was African American, living in the projects and had no idea of his African heritage. I just found it simply incredibly offensive, and told the studio so, which I guess didn’t help me get attached to the film.”

This is perfect example of why, if Marvel doesn't understand the stupidity of that script it's important to bring in people who can.

I def don't want reginald hudlin or johnsigleton but some new voices.

Kathrine Bigelow for captain marvel? military back round to the character would make her an interesting choice.
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Bigelow or Michelle MacLaren two directors I'd love to see work with Marvel/DC

MacLaren has done some great work on Game Of Thrones so I think Wonder Woman would be right up her alley.
There are millions of Americans of different colors who have lost touch with their roots. I would think it'd be inspiring for them to have a movie about a Marvel character getting back in touch with his heritage.

If people are going to get offended with Marvel going that route, then I don't know what to say. I imagine making the black panther movie would be like walking around eggshells
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