Homecoming --> 7 / 8


- The movie flowed really well. I felt like the tension wasn't there until the Vulture reveal scene.

- Holland did a great job as both Spidey/Peter. I also have to give a shoutout to Batalon as Ned, who provided the lulz.

- Zendaya was understated, but effective. The MJ reveal scene was ehh, but I think they're going for a slow build here with her becoming Peter's close homie and eventually him tasting the mocha yambs. It seems like they're going another way with MJ being really intelligent and possibly on Peter's "level."

- I appreciated the addition of RDJ here because it really shows the father figure theme + Peter is still a kid.

- Keaton killed it. This is how you do a villain correctly. So happy to see Keaton flourishing.

- Peter's "you don't deserve this" to Liz at the dance had great double meaning: 1) him constantly going MIA on her + 2) who her dad really is.


- The score/music was severely lacking. The only dope music was the classic Spidey theme playing during the beginning credits.

- Harrier as Liz annoyed me. She was a really flat character.
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Btw someone brought this up just now but I completely missed it when I was watching the movie..

But on the list of items to move to the upstate facility, mentioned during the movie was 1-the Hulk buster armor, 2-thor's magic belt and 3-Cap's new shield

What is number 3 about? Tony already looking to apologize? :nerd:

If Cap gets a new shield, you lose the bet to Zik.

99.9 percent sure this will happen in IW

Tony is in trouble.

Cap pulls him out of the frying pan without his shied.

Tony will be humbled and say, You can have your shield back. Thanks for the help.

And to add to the awesomeness (or corniness) depending on how you look at it : this is when we'll finally hear both Cap and Tony say 'AVENGERS ASSEMBLE'

Oh ****


Amel is always right

But if I'm right about the shield, I'm also wrong :wow:
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Man it's really been a while since i've done one of these since I didn't see Doc Strange until it was on Netflix and still haven't seen GOTG2. Oh well, Spider-Man Homecoming:

First and foremost, this film was great. I left it being completely satisfied, which is what I really go to the movies for above anything else. At this point i'm honestly trying to figure out whether i'd rank it as the best Spider-Man film yet, because there are a lot of things that I think it really nails and a few key things that I feel the previous films did better. Aunt May, for example, was not bad here. The actress playing as her didn't **** up in any major way, but I felt that she never once had any of the emotional appeal or strength that the previous two actresses did. And this struck me as strange since it's not like Peter has a ton of parental figures around him to sideline her. Tony's the only other mentor/adult figure in his life, but Aunt May is always just in the background in comparison. Again, it's not a bad performance, but not much is accomplished with it in my opinion. Even when she tries to give him advice on things and you can tell she cares about him I was never able to really accept her in the same way I was the other 2. To continue on about mentors, I was surprised that they didn't delve further into what had happened to Uncle Ben. Yes, everyone knows about it at this point, just like they know about the death of the Waynes, but I at least expected to get a few minutes of real focus on it/a flashback to it or Peter remembering it. Was he gunned down on the street? Did a mugger break into the apartment? Did Peter try to make money wrestling? Was the family's debt climbing because Peter broke someones arm at school and they were being sued? Come on Marvel, give me something more to go on here, because, just like with Batman, Uncle Ben's death is pretty central to who Peter Parker is. I like that they're not necessarily focusing on it as much as the previous versions, just like I like how they have yet to say the whole with great power comes great responsibility thing, but at least give it some focus.

And those are really my only complaints. My friend Carlos said he didn't like how the suit gave Peter so many different web options/abilities, but I actually thought that 1)that was realistic for how a suit designed by Tony Stark would be and 2)it's kind of poking fun at the different abilities Peter gains in his video games. Rapid-fire mode for example is something i've seen in every Spider-Man game i've ever played. Same with some kind of web grenade :lol: I like that Peter isn't instantly portrayed as being an expert at this fighting crime thing. He has to figure things out along the way and he makes some very big mistakes at doing so, because even taking Civil War into account he's still just a 15 year old rookie who has only been doing this for a few months. Yes, he can stop a bus and survive falling from amazing heights, but he's also up against tech that he has no real knowledge of and he doesn't have the experience to let him quickly adapt to most situations yet. This more than either Spider-Man or Amazing Spider-Man portrayed Peter Parker as a young kid with fantastic powers who really needs to learn more about using them properly and about fighting crime in general. The comedy that then came from him not being an expert was perfect in my opinion. A constant presence, but not to the point of it being ridiculous. That's the kind of humor we want from Spider-Man (Not to say that that previous films didn't also have their own levels of good humor as well). And this film really focused on how he's just a teenager. You know the Maguire films start with him about to graduate and he graduates in the second film for ASM, but here he is firmly entrenched in high school and has to deal with high school problems. This serves as a good replacement for the more adult problems that the other two had to deal with (And both are historically accurate problems for Spider-Man to suffer), such as paying rent and holding down a job. In short, I loved Holland's performance. No complaints at all. He was smart, but not too smart. Strong, but inexperienced. Funny, but not to the point you think he's a joke. And he's filled with all the nice guy heroism that you want to see from Spider-Man of all characters.

Vulture was perfect. Keaton ******* killed it. The scene with him and Peter in the car before the Homecoming dance was easily one of the best in the film to be honest and he wasn't even in the Vulture suit! I'll admit, i've never really cared for Vulture as a villain, but just like with The Lizard in ASM I think they did a good job with the design here. It's not just him strapping on some funny costume and suddenly he can fly. No, he has actual flight gear that requires upkeep, advancement, and certain parts of it that he has to wear to protect himself from the temperature and high altitudes he's travelling at. I then loved his motivation and what he was doing because of just how realistic it is. Firstly, stealing alien tech, re-purposing it, and selling it is one of the smartest things we've seen any villain do in the MCU. Furthermore, he's making an honest attempt to stay under Damage Control and the Avengers radar, because he's not dumb enough to think that his relatively small operation is about to take them down. Dude probably has some of the best common sense out of all the MCU villains so far. I really can't praise Keaton enough. Voice, motivation, appearance, all perfect. I also didn't see the reveal of him being Liz's dad coming, but it was handled perfectly. It makes sense, because he's mentioned before that he had a family who he was doing all of this for, and it's played off perfectly in terms of just how freaked out Peter is by it.

It's not a big deal, but I didn't care for Zendaya's character at all. I honestly felt that they tried too hard to make her stand out as being this kind of oddball/socially awkward character and then threw that reveal out that she's the new MJ at the end to explain it away. It's clearly setting the character up for the next film and the move to new love interest, but it just felt kind of forced, similar to how big of a loser Electro was in ASM2. **** wasn't necessary. Furthermore, if you're going to call the character Michelle why have her be MJ (Mary Jane Watson) at all? I just don't really see the logic behind it and personally I would rather have had her be one of Peter Parker's numerous other love interests. I'm disappointed that Liz won't apparently be back, because I was glad that they were moving away from Mary Jane and Gwen Stacy, but now we're going right back to MJ again in a fashion. I mean, Debra Whitman, Betty Brant (Whose name was used for zero reason, just like Jimmy Olsen in BvS. The character's older than Peter and really had no business being here if you were just going to throw the name at a random high schooler), Carlie Cooper, etc.

Let's see now, despite some complaints from people before the films release, I think that Tony Stark was utilized perfectly here as a mentor figure to Peter. It's not a Batman/Robin sidekick type of relationship, because Tony naturally has far more to deal with and can't be there every second of the day. Therefore you've got him controlling one of his armors while he's in Dubai at a party (And on that note, I was happy to see some of Tony's other abilities show up again, because as I mentioned in the aftermath of Civil War his abilities were notably toned down for that film). At the same time, he's got Happy watching over Peter, calls Peter to tell him when he thinks he's done a good job, provides Peter with the chance to use the suit and gradually develop his powers, etc. It basically continues the character growth/arc he's been going through since his first film, which kind of came full circle in Civil War. He's the one who recruited Peter, so you have to have him watching over Peter. Otherwise he does seem like a jerk who just doesn't give a damn. This is really a lighter version of where Tony was after the comic version of Civil War (And where Captain America was after the Dark Reign) as the new top cop/gun of the superheroes, who has a number of different programs running that he oversees. The Hulkbuster, Cap's new shield, and Thor's magic belt were all good nods to stuff we could see in future films and obviously show that he remains the inventor/designer. Does he pack all of the emotional appeal that Uncle Ben's character does? Of course not, but I don't think the writers tried to force him into that position either. His personality is no different than it's been previously, but he still makes an honest attempt at helping Peter to grow. Never could have imagined the dude doing that back in the early days :lol: Also, **** outta here Peter. At least take that new suit with you when you're refusing a spot on the Avengers :rofl: And it was good to see Pepper back and the ring as well. :smokin Nice touch Marvel.

This film did a good job of setting up the Sinister Six, which I think is probably what most Spider-Man fans want to see in his films at this point. We've got Vulture, Scorpion is named and shows up in the teaser, and two men hold the Shocker label in this film. That's 3 members right there, without having to force any of them into the film or without having either of the other two undermine the Vulture's status as the films main villain. Let's get Doctor Octopus, Kraven, and maybe Electro in there and we've got ourselves a powerful set. The after credits scene was good for doing this, but not the best in the MCU. It does work with the whole friendly neighborhood Spider-Man angle. At that level Peter isn't worrying about Thanos or Ultron level threats so his scene shouldn't show them at all. The videos with Captain America were funny, but that second after credits scene with him wasn't :smh: **** off Marvel. So, overall, I loved the film. Definitely plan to see it again. Still on the fence about where i'd rank it in the MCU or in terms of Spider-Man films. I'm hesitant to instantly say its the best, but it is certainly up there.
Echoing some of my thoughts I already toiched on.

If Feige is serious about not repeating villains the S6 may have 2 new members. So instead of Doc Ock and Electro maybe Chameleon and Mysterio to go with Kraven, Shocker, Scorpion, and I assume Vulture as leader.

I actually liked Zendaya'a sarcasm and weirdness. I think at the one or two scenes where it appeared she was trying too hard is cuz deep down she does want friends. Just didn't care for the Michelle to MJ stuff either.
Btw someone brought this up just now but I completely missed it when I was watching the movie..

But on the list of items to move to the upstate facility, mentioned during the movie was 1-the Hulk buster armor, 2-thor's magic belt and 3-Cap's new shield

What is number 3 about? Tony already looking to apologize? :nerd:

If Cap gets a new shield, you lose the bet to Zik.

99.9 percent sure this will happen in IW

Tony is in trouble.

Cap pulls him out of the frying pan without his shied.

Tony will be humbled and say, You can have your shield back. Thanks for the help.

And to add to the awesomeness (or corniness) depending on how you look at it : this is when we'll finally hear both Cap and Tony say 'AVENGERS ASSEMBLE'

Oh ****


Amel is always right

But if I'm right about the shield, I'm also wrong :wow:
You need to watch that part of the movie again cuz you're clearly wrong. Not to mention **** aint even happen yet.

You definitely losing that bet to me. Prepare for the avy and sig change.

I think having Pete organically calling her MJ as they get closer in 2 would've been better.
I was a bit surprised they kept Pete on the team after the **** he pulled in D.C.

They didn't even bother to show his excuse :lol: Just detention and probation.
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Not sure if it was mentioned but I was confused as to why they said vulture would kill shocker if he found out that they were at the High school but now it makes sense. Because vultures daughter goes to that school
Were they clear on the names here? Liz's name was Liz Allan Toomes? Or is the one of those weird things where she gets her mom's last name even though she's clearly married like with Miles?
Were they clear on the names here? Liz's name was Liz Allan Toomes? Or is the one of those weird things where she gets her mom's last name even though she's clearly married like with Miles?

Mary Jane is named Michelle and Ganke is called "Ned Leeds".

Just go with Liz Toomes :lol:
I was a bit surprised they kept Pete on the team after the **** he pulled in D.C.

They didn't even bother to show his excuse :lol: Just mention and probation.

I liked that they weren't overly dramatic about it. Instead of acting like missing the competition was the end of the world, they figured he was going through something and were more worried about him. It would've been cliche to have his friends alienate him over it.
I was a bit surprised they kept Pete on the team after the **** he pulled in D.C.

They didn't even bother to show his excuse :lol: Just mention and probation.

I liked that they weren't overly dramatic about it. Instead of acting like missing the competition was the end of the world, they figured he was going through something and were more worried about him. It would've been cliche to have his friends alienate him over it.

I don't expect alienation, since all of them seem to like Peter minus Flash (Who needs a good *** kicking), but I think them being pissed would be natural when a team member who they were counting on just dipped without any explanation. I'd then expect them to question him on where he was after its all said and done. It doesn't even really have anything to do with it being the end of the world, but anyone who does that kind of **** for a tournament/game/group project is naturally going to get grilled because he/she is then flaking on his/her share of the work. As it is, I think that it only gets swept under the rug because they all have the near death experience, which Liz even mentions.

EDIT: Also, lol at the idea that Steve Broke *** Never Held Down a Job Rogers is going to be the one who purchased Avengers Tower :lol: From all the way in Wakanda? When he's a fugitive from over 30 different countries? When he continually relies on other people to provide him with his gear and has since WW2 **** outta here :rofl:

And i'm expecting the new shield Tony is making to be this

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