Iron man: Civil War

Book it, that story arc is way too big to include in only 1 film. Shows his side of the story. This one will be right after The Cap one
More spoilers... allegedly this is from someone who worked on the production team

The Superhero Registration Act is only referenced, but they explore how the government is uneasy about superheroes running around unsanctioned, and we see Rogers and Stark being placed on opposite sides of the conflict, with Stark believing in some sort of registration of the gifted, and Rogers being against it.

The Avengers are outlawed by the government. Stark retires, Thor goes back to Asgard and Banner has to get off the grid again. Captain America refuses to leave the world unprotected and reassembles with Black Widow, Hawkeye, Falcon, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch.

That's a flashback of before they get their powers.

Only once, before Ultron disables all Starktech. Falcon is running down a lead on Bucky's whereabouts.

The Hulk out of control, killing everyone. Banner has been having trouble controlling the Hulk throughout the movie.

Asgard falling.

Thor creates lightning, the others storm the base and fight some mooks before Cap goes off to search the computers, the Iron Men go retrieve the stolen Chitauri technology, Black Widow steals data on HYDRA's research, Hawkeye and Thor fight some mooks alongside the Hulk. The Twins get released and there's a big fight, before they are defeated and captured.

Wanda rearranges his components to make him vulnerable to an attack by Hawkeye.

They find out Ultron is planning to extinguish the human race, murdering thousands of innocents.

Hawkeye is actually pretty good. He's instrumental to the Twins switching sides, he delivers some cool lines, and he delivers the killing blow on Ultron.

Strucker is just an opening villain. He has 10 minutes screentime, tops.

Serkis is Ulysses Klaw, a Vibranium scavenger who collaborates with Ultron to locate a large underground mine in Sokovia.

Claudia Kim is playing a scientist from a South Korean tech company and an old friend of Stark with some doubts about the Ultron program. Ultron attacks her company to steal some data and upgrade himself, leading to one of the movie's five big action setpieces.

Nobody dies. Hawkeye was going to, but not anymore.

Black Widow doesn't lift the hammer. It's the Vision. :nerd: :nerd:

No Time Gem retcon. No gems in AoU at all.
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Agent Carter looks good. And if you watch closely in that trailer they showed, you see boob.
I was really hoping for Hulk to be shot into outer space. Lol @ Marvel trying to jump the shark. You have the climax of your film being banner controlling his alter ego in the first film and then in the second he outta nowhere has trouble controlling it again.
I was really hoping for Hulk to be shot into outer space. Lol @ Marvel trying to jump the shark. You have the climax of your film being banner controlling his alter ego in the first film and then in the second he outta nowhere has trouble controlling it again.

You have no grasp on Hulks character do you? If he voluntarily becomes the Hulk he has greater control of the Hulk. Not everytime he Hulks out will be voluntary (goes without saying). How savage/nonsavage and primal/intelligent the Hulk is also depends on many factors (including stress levels and such) during the transformation.
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You have no grasp on Hulks character do you? If he voluntarily becomes the Hulk he has greater control of the Hulk. Not everytime he Hulks out will be voluntary (goes without saying). How savage/nonsavage and primal/intelligent the Hulk is also depends on many factors (including stress levels and such) during the transformation.

:lol: I don't recall Avengers going into detail with Savage and professor hulk and joe fixit. Avengers left it as though he had complete control only to go back. We all knew that was bull but it's amusing that they made that such a climactic point in the film and will now have him struggling to keep control as a plot in A2. I need Banner to at least be full on schitzo in this one. Hopefully they show that struggle

People think Vision is over to the left of this photo

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Yea man, with the 8 episode limit, there should be no filler episodes and less BS

Just put it in, pull out, and leave
Except they'll probably show 2 episodes, take a month break, show 2-3 more episodes and then wait for the Antman film to come out (since she is supposedly in it) then continue on and finish the series.

So the 8 episode series will be done within 6 months. :lol:
Rose's quotes make it seem like it was completely his decision to scratch


Damn it wrong thread
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Releasing the 8 episodes that way would seriously defeat the purpose

I don't think they'll be doing it that way either, I'm pretty sure they said the mini season is supposed to air during the winter break that prime time TV has every yr
Except they'll probably show 2 episodes, take a month break, show 2-3 more episodes and then wait for the Antman film to come out (since she is supposedly in it) then continue on and finish the series.

So the 8 episode series will be done within 6 months.
Yeah, I don't think that'll be the case.
Releasing the 8 episodes that way would seriously defeat the purpose

I don't think they'll be doing it that way either, I'm pretty sure they said the mini season is supposed to air during the winter break that prime time TV has every yr
They've said it will be in the same time slot as AoS during the mid season break.

Yea man, with the 8 episode limit, there should be no filler episodes and less BS

Just put it in, pull out, and leave
Seriously. Most of these superhero shows would be way better if they condensed the good parts int 12 or less episodes. One of the things that makes me hopeful about the Defenders Netflix shows.

20+ episode seasons tho :x Gotham just added 8 episodes and now are up to 22. More or less the same as Arrow and AoS :smh:

What's happening when those 3 cars flip? What's that pod on the floor doing?

People think Vision is over to the left of this photo


Where is the boob that dude said you could see :nerd:
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You talking about bip slip or just awesome cleavage? She is very blessed in that area of her body.
Yeah 22 eps are od. That's why the British tend to have so many critically acclaimed shows that the US eventually redoes and stretches. The story unfolds without much filler.
You talking about bip slip or just awesome cleavage? She is very blessed in that area of her body.
Awesome cleavage. I mean it's the first thing you see when you see it. But when you get a peek, it's gone. It's just gone.
Damn at all those pics especially the one on the bed and one with the suspenders.
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