That's a surefire way to not be cast.

Lol even though many of the casting agents had on Marvel t-shirts :rolleyes

Came back from the casting and their were some SEXY woman there. They are doing callbacks starting Monday and I don't know if I'll get one but one of the girls complimented my shirt and gave me her number :D

I thought it was gonna be a show up and be in the movie thing, my bad. Any possible thing to mess with continuity would've been no off top.
If they do go through with an origin story for Dr Strange they got to be careful to avoid Tony Stark syndrome. Arrogant white man with money living it big. If they're not careful the beginning of the Dr. Strange movie might look a lot like the beginning of IM1 prior to Tony getting kidnapped in that cave.
I feel an arrogant surgeon is way too different than being an arrogant weapons developer/creator.

Strange out here dealing with life or death. Just think House but a surgeon and then he loses his hands.
Strange is a little to wacky to have audiences jump into it and just approve of magic in the MCU.
I disagree here. If done right I think fans will buying to magic and Strange more than GotG. Of course if it's done right.
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Info on the tshirt? Looks dope

I copped it from Hot Topic about 3 years ago and haven't seen anyone with it strange enough. When I first saw it I was like :wow: the hulk pose had me sold :lol:

I thought it was gonna be a show up and be in the movie thing, my bad. Any possible thing to mess with continuity would've been no off top.

No it's all G Mark, I was under the impression that we'd see parts of the filming and they'd pick and choose extras for whatever scene but when we pulled up to the movie studio they had an auditorium with casting agents taking headshots of people that came out and you had to fill out you information like pants size, height, yadda yadda. I believe they begun filming but not the scene where they need the extras. They're filming those scenes starting this upcoming week and onward. The chicks there though were drop dead gorgeous. Tons of sexy girls in heels there as well as comic book guys :lol: even the chick that took my headshot was insanely hot

I feel an arrogant surgeon is way too different than being an arrogant weapons developer/creator.

Strange out here dealing with life or death. Just think House but a surgeon and then he loses his hands.
I disagree here. If done right I think fans will buying to magic and Strange more than GotG. Of course if it's done right.

If done right I think it can be incredible but it's going to have to take a good amount of imagination on the audiences part. Talking raccoons in one thing, sorcery is another....but the Harry Potter franchise had audiences by the balls so odds are in its favor
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Man what if Dr Strange is House?
View media item 1138033

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I've never been an extra but my sister has been for a few movies.

Her last movie was Sorceror's Apprentice. They were shooting all day in this classroom and they kept going back and forth between the classroom and this rest area. I was allowed to visit the rest area and I remember thinking all the extras in the room was ******* hot. I felt ugly :lol:
I feel an arrogant surgeon is way too different than being an arrogant weapons developer/creator.

Strange out here dealing with life or death. Just think House but a surgeon and then he loses his hands.
I disagree here. If done right I think fans will buying to magic and Strange more than GotG. Of course if it's done right.

If done right I think it can be incredible but it's going to have to take a good amount of imagination on the audiences part. Talking raccoons in one thing, sorcery is another....but the Harry Potter franchise had audiences by the balls so odds are in its favor
That's what I'm basing a lot of it on among other successful fantasy/occult/horror type franchises.
Na I think audiences definitely have the imagination to buy into sorcery. If Dr Strange was its own thing apart from Marvel it'd be easy. The hard part is to handle the movie in a way that we can imagine it existing in the marvel cinematic universe
Aidan Gillan would be horrible as Dr. Strange. You think him trying to channel House to play Strange would be a good fit?

Littlefinger can't be no Dr. Strange. You'd be better off getting the real House, Hugh Laurie.
All the House talk makes me hope that this is the personality direction they go with Strange.

We already got enough of the fun, likable quippy dudes a la Tony Stark, Peter Quill, etc.

I think it'd be fun to have a hero that's a little nastier and a bit of a jerk. They just need to offset Strange with someone who's equally as likable. This is where I draw a blank. I don't know much about the Dr. Strange comics. I don't know if he has a 'sidekick' or friend like Tony Stark has in Rhodes.
He doesn't really. He'd just be a jerk solo unless they made his man servant Wong tag along with when he saves the world.

In the comics, Wong just takes care of what's in the house and is basically a butler but he knows some magic and is a martial arts expert among other things. It'd be cool to see them get really creative with that character and bring him to life to bounce off of Strange.
A man servant named Wong. Interesting.

There's three Asian actors that come to mind. Idk if any of them are the right fit.

View media item 1138862

Character potential is there if they make them a duo but yeah I can't think of the Asian character to fit simply cuz there's not a whole lot of popular Asian actors. Marvel might have to switch the dynamic and make Wong older.
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has everyone seen the dr. strange animated movie?

it's a mix between house and jack from lost (doing things surgically that other believed impossible).. and then you got a bit of tony stark thrown in.. genius surgeon who loses that ability.. spends his money trying recapture that thing that made him god like..

then he ends up on the path to being sorcerer supreme

I think it all comes down to how realistic they can make the magic stuff look or whether it will look corny
The Dr. Strange animated film was decent but started lacking toward the end with the Asian spirits coming into the city or whatever. I haven't seen that film or any of those Marvel animated films in years. Hulk vs. Wolverine was the best of those marvel animated films. Steve Blum's wolverine > Cathal Dodd's Wolverine
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