you mean his true girl Bobbi Morse a.k.a mocking bird, b.k.a adrinne palicki c.k.a BAE of the A-team d.k.a your favorite girl's, favorite girl...e.k.a, f your favorite girl , f.k.a 2nd to only the goddess Scarlett Johansson g.k.a it will only take one nude scene to make her #1 :nerd: h.k.a #shethabest!!!!

Dude would I even get along with you IRL lol
Wow this fanboying for Fitz just went full obsession mode :lol: Kill off the whole cast but Fitz? :lol: Madness.

You're completely right. We'd need to keep Jemma alive too. They can help each other through their grief.
She probably still would deny him. Fitz in that friendzone YNS forever alone club for life :lol:

Mackie was on the wendy williams show earlier this year and basically talked about how he treats his women and how he expects to be treated.

Said he does a bunch of chivalrous stuff and in return "you better make daddy a sandwhich" :lol:

It wasn't something wildly offensive but you'd assume someone with Media training wouldn't say that **** on TV considering how uptight everyone is
Mackie pretends like he's on coke when he does tv interviews. He's always mad energetic cuz he knows deep down he's just happy to be here.

Not surprised he said that on Wendy's show and there wasn't any backlash about it.

Maybe Thanos just won't really kill anybody
At this point I think you're just setting the bar so low you'll be nothing but surprised and blown away by Thanos in IW :lol:

Under hyping him for over a year now.
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Who do you guys think has the highest chance of getting murked in Infinity Wars?

Only high profile guys. Hawkeye is obviously near the top. I'm talking about main players.
I think Iron Man. Already had his run of firms, RDJ is getting old, and the character is mainly used as auxillary.
Thanos will fersure deliver. The main thing I'm worried about is who's going to die. Because somebody has to. Maybe even multiple people.
With all the hype behind Thanos, he needs to murk more then a couple of cats.
Thanos is gonna snatch that gem off his head to complete his gauntlet and then he'll just be any other Ultron robot that'll easily get ran thru :lol:
What's lucky?

Vision the type to bail on Cap and see the whole conflict beneath him.

Stark probably has him as the mole.
Vision is OP you say?

Guess it's lucky that he's on Cap's team this may :smile:

Not like it's gonna stop Cap from getting the hands. Comic Book Captain America had freaking Hercules, Wolverine, and Storm and is still the one that not only lost the war, but ended up riddled with bullets in front of a courthouse.
No Mask For Daniel Brühl's 'Baron Zemo' In CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR

Sadly (and perhaps, unsurprisingly), he began by revealing that certain elements of the villain's classic look will not be making the jump from the page to the screen. "He does not wear the mask," he told Business Insider, adding that his take on the character will be "different than what you'd think" and is "loosely connected" to the Zemo from the comics. "That's what I like about the Marvel guys," he admitted, "Some of the characters and things they're dealing with always reference to current events so my character is from a different area than you would think."

Given Zemo's links to Nazi Germany, it make sense that the Russo Brothers and Marvel are looking to freshen up the character for a more modern take - but many fans will still be disappointed to hear he won't even wear his iconic mask. In more encouraging news, those worried that Zemo could be a typical Marvel 'one-and-done' villain may be happy to learn that "there's a possibility" Brühl could return for future movies. "That's the way it's written," he stated.
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