Yeah, basically but I'll ignore him with this crazy theory that doesn't have legs. Nothing is pointing to Spidey being in the MCU but this other stuff for some reason gives him hope.

But good info to know overall about how Marvel really wanted to get things right with the movie
As long as Sony and Marvel's relationship remains good, there is always some hope to be had. But yea, there's not really anything concrete that points to spider man joining the Avengers aside from Sony and Marvel having a good relationship.
I thought this is appropriate on the whole Spidey and Avengers discussion: :lol:

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wow... didn't know Marvel and Fox had beef like that :wow: :lol:

"Marvel Studios and 20th Century Fox are not about to play nice with each other. Not now. Not ever. At least not in the next few decades. Let me make that perfectly clear. Marvel recognizes Fox is its biggest competitor (for its own properties, at least), and it recognizes the need to move its branding away from the X-Men and mutants in general, not the least of which is because Fox declared it legal grounds for litigation against Marvel if they ever used the word "mutant(s)" in any Marvel films. Marvel has responded by freezing Fox out of the toy tie-in and merchandise game for the X-Men, and then raised the bar with the news they'd reboot their entire lineup, but leave the X-Men behind. And in case that isn't proof enough that Marvel is absolutely dead-set on putting a chokehold on Fox, they're lowering the boom and killing Wolverine off this fall in the Death of Wolverine arc. Granted, we all know no one really ever dies forever in comics, but the face of the cinematic X-Men franchise can certainly remain dead in the comics until the movie rights eventually revert back to Marvel. Brutal, but brilliant."

Moviepilot has a lot of clickbait trash tho. "Reboot their lineup". What does that even mean? They need to take that noise somewhere else. If anyone knows that the movies outrank the comics in revenue and relevance it's Marvel.

Storm, Scarlet Witch, Rogue, Mystique, Magneto, Onslaught(which is now the Red Skull but still), and Sabretooth have all been CONFIRMED to be a part of the upcoming AXIS event.

Red Skull has control of Genosha (Magneto's former mutant haven) and Mystique has control of Madripoor Island and has made it into a mutant nation and she is leading a team. Rogue and SW are part of Uncanny Avengers, so you can expect Havok, Sunfire as well as a bunch of other mutants to be a part of this.

I'm pretty sure MP made that rumor as clickbait. What is true is that Disney aint doing any merch for Fox controlled titles, even tho that means less money for them. Dont get it tho. WIth the amount of money X-Men makes do you think that is gonna stop Fox? Could only happen if the X-Movies start flopping. Then they won't have merch revenue to persuade them to make more movies.
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The world would be a better place if Marvel just gets all the rights back =(

Their ridiculous shortsightedness makes it hard for me to feel sorry for them. Who sells their properties for POTENTIALLY FOREVER? Who gives more power to the lessee than the lesser?
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The world would be a better place if Marvel just gets all the rights back =(

Their ridiculous shortsightedness makes it hard for me to feel sorry for them. Who sells their properties for POTENTIALLY FOREVER? Who gives more power to the lessee than the lesser?

I'm not gonna speculate as I knew they were very desperate at that time, but you gotta do what you gotta do. I don't feel sorry for them either but as a fan, it sucks to know there won't be any cross promotions anytime soon. :smh:

Yeah, I get there's plenty of stories to still be told, but crossover events are always big in comic books, just imagine the magnitude of it in movie form.
He is not even close to the highest with the non comic book crowd. How Am I proving you point by saying IM makes almost double than SM in the movie crowd and you need to add spideys cartoon crowd just to compare?

Cap made more than spidey, Guardians will very likely make more than spidey, IM makes a lot more than spidey. Avengers also makes a **** ton more than spidey.

I said a billion times Spidey isnt nowhere near as popular to non comic fans as these other heroes. You keep twisting it in your head to mean the opposite of what I said. You keep thinking that the comic book crown matters. You don't. the 120k people who make spidey the most succesful Marvel comic book has nothing on the tens of millions of people who make the movies what they are. This is a business and Disney/Marvel Studios don't even look at you. If they did the IM and Thor franchises wouldnt be ******* on by they fans like they are.

Spiderman fans are already in the watching Avengers over and over crowd. No individual hero besides maybe IM made the Avengers film. Laughable that you think people watching spidey are not watching Avengers multiple times.

The likelihood that you see Star Wars and Avengers merge cinematic universes is next to nothing, yet infinitely higher than spidey and Avengers merging.

Blotters stop twisting the argument to your advantage. You keep saying highest grossing and I keep saying MOST POPULAR. Like this isn't even debatable. Spiderman is Marvel comics most popular superhero and he is the cornerstone of the Marvel Universe. You read marvel comics, you know this. Popularity doesn't exactly equal movie money. Superman is the biggest superhero in the world, yet Man of Steel did about $650 Milli in the box office, no? Or you can go the "no batman is the most popular superhero" route. Yet none of his films are top 5 highest grossing? Is Iron Man the most popular superhero right now? He's clearly popular than batman and Superman based on Movie profit :rolleyes iron man 3 made a billion dollars :rolleyes yet about 2 months ago we were all in here debating and you guys thought I was crazy for telling you iron man was a very known superhero before his first film and majority of you guys agreed that know one knew who iron man was before the first film :rolleyes :rolleyes

Out of boredom at work, I googled civil war and marvel cinematic universe, and this was one of the results:
Interesting read


Rumored partnership between Sony and Marvel

Marvel will divide into a marvel cinematic universe (maybe something similar to civil war) to marvel cosmic universe (inhumans, gotg, thanos, infintiy gauntlet)

I didn't know Sony was "a key player" in helping make GotG happen. I will read more about this.


I think you should pay attention more before you go on with this nonsense reaching theory. Black Bolt has a comic called Inhuman (there's a huge Inhuman comic push going on right now that's coming before any movie), Captain Marvel has a solo comic, Groot is in GOTG and one of the main talked about stars, Falcon is the new Captain America with his own solo comic, Rocket has his own solo comic too. Not to mention Wolverine is dying this month and the X-Men are about to go under a huge change story wise by next year.

But even if I were to go with they used the movie characters to promote the comics anniversary so what? That doesn't mean a Spidey merger with SONY is coming or any sort of crossover. Like I said which you keep ignoring, SONY sold everything back to Marvel but the film rights so that they could keep it without that whole reverting stuff. With that agreement in place, unlike with the X-Men and F4, Marvel can go hard on once again promoting their most popular character. You have to understand the relationship Marvel has with FOX is one of the main impediments to what you're reading too much in to.
Again this has more to do with Marvel not going out of their way to promote X-Men and F4 in a group poster than anything else.

I want you to keep in mind you're entire cockamamie theory is based off of an anniversary poster. Not even a credible rumor.

You miss my point. It didn't happen cuz it never was going to happen. It was a bull **** rumor. Just like the rumors that Osborn was gonna be in IM3 in the Iron Patriot armor.
Yes it definitely can. BTW all these civil war "rumblings" are fan generated or by comic/movie sites that are strictly speculating.

An Avengers and GotG movie will make more money than an Avengers and Spidey film at this point. Don't lie or come with hyperbole when you're talking. 3x? :lol: You sound delusional. If the current Spidey flicks were that good they'd be making a billi on their own

Marvel studios is not working with SONY in their Spider-Man movie expansion. As of right now, there have been no reports that they're involved with ASM4, Venom, S6, or the female solo movie.

Marvel canceled EMH so they could make a new Avengers cartoon more like the movies. Due to SONY giving up those animation rights, Marvel launched ultimate Spidey which isn't ANYTHING like the ASM universe. Please stop reaching. Now that they own both and are doing shows for both it only makes sense that they're in the same universe. Same goes for that Hulk show and the upcoming GotG cartoon.
It isn't coincidence that Marvel wants cohesiveness with their cartoon shows. That doesn't mean Spidey is gonna be in the Avenger movies. Only way that happens is if Disney buys SONY and gets the rights back that way.

At this point though, I can see like you're irrational love for ASM2, you won't get off this poorly put together theory until somebody directly asks Feige if Spider-Man will be in Avengers movies and he says no so consider me done here.

Nothing you have said has been convincing in the least and it is literally based off of nothing.

:lol: zik you crack me up. My "cockamamie" theory is more so an observation and one that you've been adamant to ignore. No duh, black bolt is part of the inhumans. The big inhumans push in Marvel Comics stems from that Marvel doesn't own the film rights to Xmen and they want to phase the xmen into the background and boost up their other yet much less known group of genetically advanced humans. This is all to eventually get ready for the inhumans film right? Ok so black bolt is on the poster. Groot, rocket, quill, on the poster. The Avengers, even hawkeye on the poster. Lots of characters who aren't normally on a group photo when you think of 75 years of marvel are on this group photo to celebrate 75 years. So we can deduce the fact that these characters that aren't normally on group Marvel photos and some of which haven't even been around for 40 years (Star Lord) are due in part to popularity in film and upcoming future films. Ok so....where does spiderman, who Marvel only has the merchandising rights to.......come in the photo that is clearly showing Marvels Heroes who are popular in film or who they plan to have in film? Again if it was general popularity, wolverine would've been in that pic because he is more iconic for Marvel than a talking tree or a guy who doesn't speak and wear silverware on his forehead. Marvel made posters for the xmen and fantastic four so that main poster has nothing do with merchandising either. So I ask you, aside from Spiderman being the cornerstone character of the marvel universe (which in turn makes his appearance in an MCU film that much more likely) why is he not only on the poster but front and center? I mean we did come to the conclusion that everyone on the poster is, has been in or will be part of an MCU project right....

And quit hyping guardians talking about it would make more money with avengers than spiderman with avengers. Really who were the guardians before this year?

Apparently part of Sony's team worked with Marvel on the visual effects

The best thing about Guardians was because of Sony.......hmm

^I shouldn't have made that post. That will give lamekilla more ammo :lol:

I'm saving my ammo. The "I told you so's" will be hollow tipped :lol:
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Not that this makes it better, but Sony selling Marvel their March rights in exchange for keeping their movie rights together was a recent deal, so it wasn't desperation on Marvel's part.

I thought we covered this a couple months ago already, lol

As much as I hate that Spidey is with Sony, for Disney to have done this, it probably made good business sense

They don't really need the Spiderman movie money per se, because every movie they make makes good money, but at the same time they can reap some of the Spiderman money as long as Spiderman remains a popular character.
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Not that this makes it better, but Sony selling Marvel their March rights in exchange for keeping their movie rights together was a recent deal, so it wasn't desperation on Marvel's part.

I thought we covered this a couple months ago already, lol

As much as I hate that Spidey is with Sony, for Disney to have done this, it probably made good business sense

They don't really need the Spiderman movie money per se, because every movie they make makes good money, but at the same time they can reap some of the Spiderman money as long as Spiderman remains a popular character.

The thing is we don't know the nuances of the deal. You've already posted that part of Sony's team helped in the visuals for guardians so now we know that Marvel has no problem cutting a check for Sony. So if Marvel wants to use spiderman in a film bad enough....and they don't have a problem giving Sony money............and they have full merchandising rights but don't necessarily need full movie rights because they're on great terms with the film studio that owns spiderman...........then..............................................................................................................................
E everysingletime I found the article that you quoted. EVERYTHING that I have speculated on from begging for the Civil war to spiderman being in the MCU has been eloquently presented here


All of this makes perfect sense. Ive always knew Marvel's best route would be the civil war. The infinity gauntlet is too ambitious as of right now but just the fact that Thanos exists and will be the "Dr. Claw" type villain over all in these Marvel films is what I believe Marvel is going for before they eventually give him the full antagonist role. AoU will be the start of Tony and Steve's real divide. Hulk will be shot into space. Spiderman will be the star of the MCU. Quote me on this

...but I'm sleep for now
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Imagine getting the planet hulk movie, civil war (lite) and infinity gauntlet in the mcu? And getting spider man back in the process? Nerd orgasm for days man (maybe weeks).

I'm not letting my mind go there without more concrete evidence. It's really fun to speculate though.
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Imagine getting the planet hulk movie, civil war (lite) and infinity gauntlet in the mcu? And getting spider man back in the process? Nerd orgasm for days man (maybe weeks).

I'm not letting my mind go there without more concrete evidence. It's really fun to speculate though.

Civil war will definitely be a little diluted because they're missing some character but we don't need to know about Johnny Storm getting jumped. As long as it's Tony, Steve and Peter lost in the middle with surrounding superheroes to change sides it's money.

As far as planet hulk/WW hulk I think it's happening too. Ruffalo has been trolling with his comments about a Hulk solo film and now that banner in the MCU is established as being able to change at will the next arc has to be what he does with that. I posted my theory pages back about how banner will be in A2 and I think he's gonna be relectant to change into Hulk but once he changes into hulk he's like a roided adrenaline junkie and doesn't want to turn back into banner. This is where Tony' Hulkbuster comes into play to keep him check. Of course I'm doing a ton of speculation but my main point is that we'll be getting the professor-esque hulk who will retain his hulk form but will be able to engage in conversation. Great platform to give him a movie where he becomes the king of a planet. I mean nobody cares about Betty or thunderbolt Ross anymore. Hulk's days of running from the government are getting old and Hulk still has solo box office appeal. I don't think avenger when I think hulk yet he's more of an avenger than captain America. Hulk is an OG but his solo adventures are what give him appeal. Bottom line I think this planet hulk film is coming. And it's all making sense
Blotters stop twisting the argument to your advantage. You keep saying highest grossing and I keep saying MOST POPULAR. Like this isn't even debatable. Spiderman is Marvel comics most popular superhero and he is the cornerstone of the Marvel Universe. You read marvel comics, you know this. Popularity doesn't exactly equal movie money. Superman is the biggest superhero in the world, yet Man of Steel did about $650 Milli in the box office, no? Or you can go the "no batman is the most popular superhero" route. Yet none of his films are top 5 highest grossing? Is Iron Man the most popular superhero right now? He's clearly popular than batman and Superman based on Movie profit :rolleyes iron man 3 made a billion dollars :rolleyes yet about 2 months ago we were all in here debating and you guys thought I was crazy for telling you iron man was a very known superhero before his first film and majority of you guys agreed that know one knew who iron man was before the first film :rolleyes :rolleyes

Everything I have said has been completely consistent. Well known is not the same as popular. Superman is the most well known but he aint as popular as batman. And IM did not matter before the movies. No one knew who he was. I still stick by that statement. People can't gain or lose popularity now? :lol: Now he's Marvel most popular character in the movie universe. Movies are more relevant and earn more than the comics right now and that's by far.
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First official release of trailer, probably superbowl like last time. I don't know if I can wait that long..

I'm going to have to break into Joss Whedon's house..
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