WELCOME TO THE MARVEL MULTIVERSE -*RIP STAN LEE & Boseman* - Deadpool & Wolverine = 07/26/24

Goons are the last thing he should worried about.

Thanos is in desperate need of a new publicist.

No one gives a crap about dude. All he's been doing is smiling and mugging for the camera for the past 5 years. He better magically snap Falcon's neck or something in the first 2 seconds of his appearance for me to take him as any serious threat
Killing Falcon would make you think he's a real threat? :lol:

Of all the delusional bitter posts I've read this cracked the top 3.
Just got out

For those wondering there's a mid and post credit.

Will leave rest of the discussion for later but I thoroughly enjoyed the flick, Vulture was surprisingly great.
But I gotta say I rank this like in my top 2 or 3 MCU movies easily....I even daresay I like this better than CW.

Like 2 or 3 major gripes but GOT DAMN IT LAMEKILLA WE NEED TO HUG FAMBS :'(

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But I gotta say I rank this like in my top 2 or 3 MCU movies easily....I even daresay I like this better than CW.

Like 2 or 3 major gripes but GOT DAMN IT LAMEKILLA WE NEED TO HUG FAMBS :'(


I need the hug fam! I can barely contain my excitement. The lamekilla review will be up around 3am EST

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But I gotta say I rank this like in my top 2 or 3 MCU movies easily....I even daresay I like this better than CW.

Like 2 or 3 major gripes but GOT DAMN IT LAMEKILLA WE NEED TO HUG FAMBS :'(


Thank you lamekilla lamekilla for willing Spidey into the MCU. :nerd: :pimp: :lol:

You know what we need next, right? :nerd:

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Easily the best Spider-Man movie. This is pretty much how you'd want Spider-Man incorporated to the existing MCU. It's too early to say where to rank this in the MCU, but it's up there.

The end credits scene tho :nerd:
Thank you lamekilla lamekilla for willing Spidey into the MCU. :nerd: :pimp: :lol:

You know what we need next, right? :nerd:


This is a win for all of us fam. This is how it's suppose to be. Oh and don't worry, they're coming :wink:

I'm finna cry man Spider-Man is alive

MAKE MINE MARVEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Easily the best Spider-Man movie. This is pretty much how you'd want Spider-Man incorporated to the existing MCU. It's too early to say where to rank this in the MCU, but it's up there.

The end credits scene tho :nerd:

Lets goooooooo!!!!
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The nephew in Queens though :nerd:
I loved how the movie ended. It really showed the character of Peter with how he turned down the fame and was content with being on the ground level still, all with a huge smile on his face as he left.
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Without spoilers, one was the lack of tension or "stakes", if you will--in a sense the movie is more about Peter's growth and development but you really feel no major sense of "oh man, this is bad"

It ties into my second gripe about the rather anticlimactic third act but again I'm thinking this was somewhat intentional.

Either way it could have been handled better to me. The culmination of Peter's efforts in Act III really just amount to an "oh, good job, kid!" Like I said, maybe that was the point.

I have to watch it again this weekend to see if there really was anything else I didn't dig. Certain conventions of the superhero movie were turned on their heads and I loved that.

Oh and as good as that actor was, that kid was NOT Flash Thompson. Zendaya is forever bae tho.

And the score stunk except for the 60s cartoon arrangement

That's really it for now as far as "gripes", now if we want to go into "nitpick" territory:

No awesome bombastic scenes of Peter vaulting and swinging from skyscrapers in Manhattan like in the Raimi trilogy or in ASM2. Very few swinging scenes period. He's mostly just hopping around Queens, which as we know doesn't have very tall buildings. He also does some swinging from the trees in the suburbs.

No Bugle or JJJ, and unless I missed something not even a mention. No real indication that Peter might want to or will in the future seek employment :lol: even though he is 15 in this

It seems like Peter spends a WHOLE lot of time just being out in the open without his mask. There are two explicit scenes in which he looks down upon his schoolmates at a social gathering with his mask completely off :lol: and it's from a pretty negligible distance too. The Spider-Man suit is poetry in motion tho

I feel like this movie's main purpose was to "establish" or "cement" Spider-Man into the MCU canon. This creates the need for Holland to stick around for a while. I hope this Sony situation does not impede that.

By the way I felt like the Sony and Columbia logos did not belong in the opening credits lol.
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