WELCOME TO THE MARVEL MULTIVERSE -*RIP STAN LEE & Boseman* - Deadpool & Wolverine = 07/26/24

Going to sound super gay for saying this, but Hayley Atwell's assets are too big

Can't stop noticing them in the Agent Carter clip. She needs them things reduced lol

If her boobs can get smaller, and Lupita's a little bigger, all would be right in the world

Her SW commitment doesn't matter much. One multi-movie contract doesn't mean you can't star or cameo in another blockbuster film.

Yup, look at Zoe Saldana. She likes being in franchises. Avatar, Star Trek, and Guardians.
Yup, look at Zoe Saldana. She likes being in franchises. Avatar, Star Trek, and Guardians.

Avatar is being filmed back to back to back next year so it is really just Star Trek and Guardians, who both take longer than the average sequel to come out there is plenty of time.

It really depends on the scheduling. Star Wars movies coming out in December and and BP in Nov they might be filming at the same time (assuming her character makes it to the 2017 sequel)
Going to sound super gay for saying this, but Hayley Atwell's assets are too big

Can't stop noticing them in the Agent Carter clip. She needs them things reduced lol

If her boobs can get smaller, and Lupita's a little bigger, all would be right in the world


I guess I'm just a fun size loving person in a world full of super size that

Wow. Marvel was just granted a subpoena to sue Google into giving up the ip address to whoever leaked the Avengers trailer lol.

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That's what I said would happen to anyone who leaked the trailer around comic con. Im sure the guy who released the BvS footage is being sued into a black hole right now.

Don't worry, they said that in the end it is revealed that it is actually Peter Parker played by Andrew Garfield is inside the suit and that is actually the Iron-Spidey suit.

not srs of course
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Don't worry, they said that in the end it is revealed that it is actually Peter Parker played by Andrew Garfield is inside the suit and that is actually the Iron-Spidey suit.

not srs of course
 but can you imagine that kinda intro... 
Anton Vanko, father of Ivan in Iron Man 2 will be in Agent Carter

Agent Carter premieres January 6th. Joe Johnston, director of Cap 1, has some involvement in one of the episodes

Gunn says he has ideas for GOTG 3
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