WELCOME TO THE MARVEL MULTIVERSE -*RIP STAN LEE & Boseman* - Deadpool & Wolverine = 07/26/24

Description Of Alternate GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY Ending

There are three characters that got cut out [of the "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" montage]: Nebula, the Collector and Grandpa Quill. Nebula and Collector we decided, at a certain point, they’re kind of bad guys in the first movie. It was a real joyous experience with that finale so we thought we’d keep it to the characters that were part of “the good team.” Which includes Yondu. He did fight on the good guys side. So we thought we would keep it to them.

Grandpa Quill we cut because he was in old age make up and we were a little afraid people wouldn’t recognize that it was him from the beginning of the movie. And also, it was a pretty sad moment. It was Grandpa Quill and he has this photograph of Meredith and Peter as a little boy and he looks up at the stars and we go up to the stars and it was really sweet. It means that he must have seen Quill getting abducted at the end of that day and is still waiting for him to return but it was freaking sad so we took it out.

Nebula’s was actually my favorite. Nebula’s I really liked a lot because she’s lost her arm and she’s just pissed off and she’s just walking through this field all pissed off with a busted Ravager vehicle behind her. And she’s just pissed off and I loved it.
I'm guessing that BP's presence is definitely gonna felt in this in one way or the other because I expect the fact that they're also filming in SA to mean that we'll get a glimpse of Wakanda.
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When that beat drops and Tony suits up in the HB...joint gives me chills everytime...sooooo bad ***

Was watching Nortons Hulk today, I like Ruffalo but Damb Had it been Norton in these movies it would have been amazing...
or was Maggie playing the horse? if so she should've been nominated for infinite Oscars. Mr. Ed would be proud.
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Interview with Gunn.


"What are some of the minor characters in the movie you want to explore more in future films?
Yondu and Kraglin, the Ravagers. And I love Nebula. I think that she is underutilized in the film. I want to see more of her. The Collector."

Those are all the same characters I want to see more as well. The bae Karen Gillan might get the screen time she deserves.

Collector might not be in the next film tho

"So Benicio Del Toro will be playing a role in future films?
He’ll reappear. I don’t know if he’s gonna been the next one. I do think his story is really compelling, and I think he’s one of those very interesting shades of gray characters."
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"I can't talk about it," Phoenix started. "I’ve met on all sorts of movies throughout the years. What seems appealing about some of them is the idea of pushing myself in a way that’s out of my comfort zone. But really, it’s what I’m always looking for—good characters, big ideas and a passionate filmmaker. If those things line up with any kind of movie, I have interest in it." When asked if he has ever regretted turning down a role in a big movie, maybe a different Marvel movie or even Batman v Superman, Joaquin Phoenix admitted there is one. "There’s only one movie I regret saying no to—except the person who ended up doing it was so good and was absolutely meant to do it, so I don’t have any regrets. I’m not going to say which one, but it was a really big hit. It’s getting to the point where they’re making some pretty decent movies. I thought Iron Man was fantastic." Furthermore, Joaquin Phoenix was asked did he like comic books growing up, to which he replied, "There’s some great Batman stuff and classic Frank Miller Dark Knight stuff and Arkham Asylum. But I was always a big Wolverine guy. I love Wolverine—big [frick]ing great dramatic character. They’re all conflicted, and they’re really interesting."

From 2010

[COLOR=#red]RUMOR: Joaquin Phoenix Offered 'Hulk' Role in The Avengers

"Reliable sources tell me that Marvel has already put out an offer, and the actor they've spoken to is Joaquin Phoenix, believe it or not. Phoenix is taking time to mull over the offer and the bigger implications - Marvel may yet resurrect the Hulk franchise - but Marvel hopes to have him in place by Comic Con, which is when they want to announce their new Bruce Banner."

Karen Gillan man. I fell in love with her watching Selfie #dontjudge
Same here dude. It was a decent show to watch when nothing else was on. Too bad Selfie got cancelled
:lol: Pretty clear Marvel is in no rush to push a Hulk movie given that little tidbit of info. They were left with Ruffalo so they went with it. Had Phoenix took the role of Banner I have no doubt we'd be seeing a Hulk movie announced for the next phase. Hell it probably would've already been announced for next year so Marvel could get an earlier start on their 3 movies a year roll out. Probably would've went AOU, Planet Hulk/Future Imperfect, and then push Ant-Man to a November release date.

Disagree with Phoenix if he's saying Ruffalo nailed it as Banner or that he wouldn't have done a vastly better job. At least I know he's been offered roles by Marvel so if he doesn't take the role as Strange still a chance he can be someone else in the future like Maximus the Mad for the Inhuman movie which I think would be a great fit.

Norton currently still reigns supreme :smokin
Karen Gillan man. I fell in love with her watching Selfie #dontjudge
Same here dude. It was a decent show to watch when nothing else was on. Too bad Selfie got cancelled:smh:
I definitely got to see how cute she looks more (since I don't watch Dr. Who) and see more of her acting skills since I would've never pegged her for such a role. It may seem like nothing but not everybody can play a self involved narcissistic bimbo believably.
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I actually think Phoenix was speaking of Norton in the IH film.
I assumed that but then the other rumor went on to say he was offered the role of Hulk in Avengers to basically replace Norton.

So I was thinking he was talking about Ruffalo but it could be that he was talking about Norton and he did such a good job in his opinion that when Marvel offered him the Hulk role (again) he declined cuz of what Norton did.
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