WELCOME TO THE MARVEL MULTIVERSE -*RIP STAN LEE & Boseman* - Deadpool & Wolverine = 07/26/24

Also someone told me that the reason they changed Drax skin from bright green to greyish green is because they didnt want to work with so much green in front of green screen. They even contemplated making Gamora blue for this reason. If that's true we likely wont see Bug and Mantis either. If we do their skin would be altered.

Also looks like its the real reason we wont see the Skrulls anytime soon.
Is there a chance that we can get Nova film, or at least a guest appearance on GOTG2 or something?

James Gunn said no to Nova in GotG because he wants Peter to be the only human. Unless gun is lying I wouldnt expect him in Guardians. I wouldnt expect him in anything other than a cameo in any of the other cosmic films but I could be wrong.

What's his reasoning for wanting Quill to be the only human in the movie? To just make him stand out more and be more special? He's only half human anyway right?
The 'I want Quill to be the only human' excuse is just super lame

I get the sense sometimes from Gunn that he's a little too possessive of GotG from his comments. Ej. 'We don't serve as a setup for the Avengers.' etc. Etc. It's as if he created GotG instead of directing someone else's property lol
Has it been discussed that the ten rings make an appearance in Ant-man?
that rumor has been going on with Dr. Strange

Also someone told me that the reason they changed Drax skin from bright green to greyish green is because they didnt want to work with so much green in front of green screen. They even contemplated making Gamora blue for this reason. If that's true we likely wont see Bug and Mantis either. If we do their skin would be altered.

Also looks like its the real reason we wont see the Skrulls anytime soon.

Green is a nightmare for the colorist, add Green screen and you have a mess in front of you :lol:
Ahhh correct me if I'm wrong but a green screen doesn't necessarily need to be green. Just s bright solid color
I think the best choices are only between green screen or blue screen with green with a slight edge. I don't think any other colors are even considered. I think I read a while back that green or blue are chosen mainly has to do with the skin pigmentation and reflective. I am sure videographers and photographers can expand further into the subject.
What's his reasoning for wanting Quill to be the only human in the movie? To just make him stand out more and be more special? He's only half human anyway right?

Correct he is only half human. Gunn said something along the lines of it being important to the story that Quill be the only earthling. That serves the Guardians of the Galaxy fanbase more instead of the handful of Nova fans.

I agree with the "handful of Nova fans". Surprised so many people want to see Nova. I dont want to see him in a big role but I wouldnt mind him poppin up for 20 mins.
I dont know much about that green screen color selection stuff. I do know based on my photoshop experience, which isnt much (2 years of high school classes), that the computer selects based on contrast, not color. That's why when you hit Select > Similar colors that arent anywhere close to the one you already had selected would be added to your selection. I can understand not wanting to deal with that on a frame by frame basis.

So if green screen is the same I doubt green in front of blue would be enough better than green in front of green to make a difference.
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I have a feeling Marvel will force Gunn to put Nova in Guardians 2 in some capacity or another. It'll humble Gunn, it needs to happen :rolleyes
What's his reasoning for wanting Quill to be the only human in the movie? To just make him stand out more and be more special? He's only half human anyway right?

Correct he is only half human. Gunn said something along the lines of it being important to the story that Quill be the only earthling. That serves the Guardians of the Galaxy fanbase more instead of the handful of Nova fans.

I agree with the "handful of Nova fans". Surprised so many people want to see Nova. I dont want to see him in a big role but I wouldnt mind him poppin up for 20 mins.

The "handful" of Nova fans should be more or less the same exact fans that Guardians had before the movie though. Star-Lord and Nova had really good chemistry in the comics and I think it'd transfer real well on film. Plus, I just want to see Quill and Rider charge at Thanos on film, at least once in my life.
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Nova has/had a prominent role in the ASM animated show so I am sure his fanbase has expanded.
The "handful" of Nova fans should be more or less the same exact fans that Guardians had before the movie though. Star-Lord and Nova had really good chemistry in the comics and I think it'd transfer real well on film. Plus, I just want to see Quill and Rider charge at Thanos on film, at least once in my life.

I really only liked dude for his bromance with peter quill. Other than that I could give a damb about him.

I have a feeling Marvel will force Gunn to put Nova in Guardians 2 in some capacity or another. It'll humble Gunn, it needs to happen :rolleyes

He was forced to put Thanos in Guardians so they could easily force him to do Nova. RR was in early drafts of the script but they cut him out so I doubt Marvel cares too much about having him in.

As for dude who said something about him not wanting to set up Avengers, from the interviews and such it does look like Guardians is more focused on setting up the cosmic characters than the Avengers.
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Nova is more or less the "6th ranger" of guardians

Exactly. Green Ranger would be the most appropriate one too. He's not White Ranger level but then again, he's also not Titanium Ranger worthless :lol:

The "handful" of Nova fans should be more or less the same exact fans that Guardians had before the movie though. Star-Lord and Nova had really good chemistry in the comics and I think it'd transfer real well on film. Plus, I just want to see Quill and Rider charge at Thanos on film, at least once in my life.

I really only liked dude for his bromance with peter quill. Other than that I could give a damb about him.

Bromance or not, it'd be nice to see Quill interact with an actual "earthling" who's not stuck in the 80's. It'd make for really good character development for someone to start showing him the 80's are gone and can sneak in newer pop culture references. You can't do that with Cap.
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Nova has/had a prominent role in the ASM animated show so I am sure his fanbase has expanded.

But it's Sam Alexander's Nova. I need Richard Rider da gawd on film

To be honest, don't think it'll really matter much, kids probably won't be able to tell the difference or care. Hell I watched the show and I didn't even know which Nova it was. :lol:
Gunn knows damn well that the Guardians are going to show up when Thanos comes down and lays the smack down. Don't really give a damn about Nova. Let Gunn do his thing. He created a hit out of what, C-/D list characters? I have complete faith the sequel will be much better.
James Gunn said no to Nova in GotG because he wants Peter to be the only human. Unless gun is lying I wouldnt expect him in Guardians. I wouldnt expect him in anything other than a cameo in any of the other cosmic films but I could be wrong.

Wasn't the guy from Step-Brothers a human in that movie along with half of Nova Corp?
Wasn't the guy from Step-Brothers a human in that movie along with half of Nova Corp?

John C reilly's race was not confirmed unless Xandarian is a race. Always thought it was a culture, like American.

I think the only other human role got scrapped out. In the movie she was known as Pit Boss but comic nerds are saying it was Cammi.
Weren't'the the Xandarians pink though. In my opinion, if you want people to think Peter is the only human than why show a bunch of folks that resemble humans. He should have either added a little color to those that resembled humans or explain what they are exactly. I guarantee you that most of the audience thought a lot of those dudes were just regular people which is totally against what Gunn was specifically going for. This is the reason I don't buy that not including Nova because of Peter BS.
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Gunn knows damn well that the Guardians are going to show up when Thanos comes down and lays the smack down. Don't really give a damn about Nova. Let Gunn do his thing. He created a hit out of what, C-/D list characters? I have complete faith the sequel will be much better.
Guardians was buns though..........
That was marvels Spider-Man 3 :smh:
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