WELCOME TO THE MARVEL MULTIVERSE -*RIP STAN LEE & Boseman* - Deadpool & Wolverine = 07/26/24

Dude wants a goofy version of the Avengers. :lol: Wants to see Hulk in the toilet, Thor cooking in the kitchen, Stark getting a water bottle from a fridge, etc...
Honestly, there's just not too much room for romance with so many ingredients getting thrown in the pot. If they really want to go the Banner/Black Widow route it only makes sense in the context that the two are already established characters in the Avengers universe. Scarlet and Vision are two characters that have yet to be established in a film that's going to be chock full of characters.

Slow down the story with too much romance and I bet people will complain like they did for ASM2
One love story is already pushing it. They should get that right first.

I wonder what movies they will use to flesh out scarlet, quick, and vision? Dr. Strange :nerd:
that poster is :x sick :wow:, but who is this Vision guy now? :nerd:
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Dude wants a goofy version of the Avengers. :lol: Wants to see Hulk in the toilet, Thor cooking in the kitchen, Stark getting a water bottle from a fridge, etc...

I like when they seem like average everyday people despite being "earfs mightiest heroes"

That's what the cartoon series is for, though lol

Speaking of...I miss EMH :frown:

but who is this Vision guy now? :nerd:

In a nutshell, a long time avenger that was created by Ultron
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^It's cool man. I know little about him myself. Never messed with the Avengers until these movies. Except few crossover events in the comics.

First vid is more comic stuff. Second vid is more movie stuff.
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With all the reality shifters being added to the MCU, Think that's how they will handle a reboot?
oh hell yeah 8)

Best of luck but I think the tickets for Hall H have been handed out.

I"m rooting for you though and keep us updated on the announcements.

And grab me an extra Avengers poster if you can get your paws on more than one. :D
Almost got a Captain America one but people were mobbing the Marvel employees haha. Will attempt to update during the Marvel panel. Going to camp out tonight! And attempt to keep my hygiene at a very clean and refreshing level haha.

You guys should follow Jim Lee on twitter, he's just giving out sketches everywhere, literally.

Last night dude even snuck in a sketch to some guests bag w/o her knowing. :lol:

He's giving away 50 sketches a day I believe.
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These Avengers movies are going to have too much going on for any type of romance, let's chill on the Vision Scarlet Witch ship

Word. Leave any romance for solo movies. No love story is part of the reason Avengers was awesome, in my book.
I'm not even against romance in these movies. I just hope it doesn't happen cuz SW and Vision in a relationship is one of the stupidest things in comics as far as from an ongoing plot.

Just dumb. I know stuff like that is usually used for metaphors for real world things that are frowned upon or w/e but let me be the first to say I'm a roboticst. **** them androids and automatons. They aint human or sentient. That's where I draw the line.

Oh god, no more reboots.

This franchise should not need a reboot for the next 20-30 years.

Lol I feel you but I was thinking they would do a movie version of house of m tailored to the MCU or a heroes reborn type thing if they wanted to "reboot" the MCU. It's better than getting origins all over again *looks at spidey*
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