WELCOME TO THE MARVEL MULTIVERSE -*RIP STAN LEE & Boseman* - Deadpool & Wolverine = 07/26/24

Does anyone think Pym as he is in the comics could hold a franchise?

Because having Iron Man create Ultron is making more and more sense to me. I always hear people say that Pym is most known for is hitting Janet and creating Ultron, and having multiple hero personas. If that's the case, I think they made the right decision going with Tony.
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Thanos will probably put forth his plan to get all the infinity gems by the time A2 comes around.

Will we see Death though? And most importantly, can we get Angelina Jolie to mocap for her?
The bigger question is are ya'll ready for Cap's death?
What are u talking about
Ain't nobody anticipating his death
It will happen though by avengers 3 :nerd:

Don't get me started on that. I'd say Cap "dies" at the end of Avengers 2, because it should end on a sad note ala Empire Strikes Back, hence the broken shield. Then you can have Bucky or Sam go to Wakanda in the beginning of Cap 3 to get the shield fixed and bring Cap back somehow. Just some quick ideas, I'm sure Marvel can flesh it out more.

I know people wanna see Baron Zemo or some of these other c-list villains Cap fights, but I think Phase 3 solo movies should all lead up to Thanos somehow.
Don't get me started on that. I'd say Cap "dies" at the end of Avengers 2, because it should end on a sad note ala Empire Strikes Back, hence the broken shield. Then you can have Bucky or Sam go to Wakanda in the beginning of Cap 3 to get the shield fixed and bring Cap back somehow. Just some quick ideas, I'm sure Marvel can flesh it out more.

I know people wanna see Baron Zemo or some of these other c-list villains Cap fights, but I think Phase 3 solo movies should all lead up to Thanos somehow.
Evans is contracted for Cap and Avengers 3 though
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Does anyone think Pym as he is in the comics could hold a franchise?

Because having Iron Man create Ultron is making more and more sense to me. I always hear people say that Pym is most known for is hitting Janet and creating Ultron, and having multiple hero personas. If that's the case, I think they made the right decision going with Tony.
That aside Antman is lame. Thinking back Stan probably should've just added in a more human like character like they've done in the movies but just badass on a Batman level so that character could keep up with Cap and Thor.

But basically Batman :lol: A nice spin on that would be making the character a female.
Anyone watch the animated series on BET? I catch these at midnight sometimes when browsing through channels.
Looks more like a motion comic book than actual animation though.

I've seen most of the episodes on Netflix. Not sure if it's still there.
That Avengers trailer audio gave me goosebumps. Literally. I don't think I'm ready for the trailer to leak, I might pass out...

But spiderman will not be there.  :smh:   In a way it ruins the outcome but whatever

You know as the days go on I feel like the spiderman cameo becomes more and more of a possibility. I mean it's still a long shot but I don't think any other hero has been more requested to show up in Avengers than Spiderman. He's not even an OG avenger and yet him being on the screen with them even for a brief second would easily put A2 or any other MCU film on top of the highest grossing box office list. Sony and Marvel's relationship is pretty good from what I've read and they've been working together to expand Spider-mans universe for Sony but because ASM2 somewhat underperformed I feel like Sony is kind've in a jam with their spiderman reboot series (which I absolutely love by the way) becoming stagnant too soon. They had ASM3, a Sin6 film, a venom film and ASM4 film all on the books right when ASM2 released but after box office number were said and done and the writing duo of kurtzman and orci split they seem less ambitious and the only thing confirmed is now is a sin 6 film and ASM3 that's scheduled for 2018. Way too long of a gap too keep a continuity going that isn't or didn't have the impact TDK had ( I say that because the gap between TDK and TDKR was 4 years) and you don't want an old spiderman and Andrew Garfield isn't getting any younger. Sony's smartest move would be to have Spiderman appear in an Avengers film in between time to reinvigorate interest in the spiderman franchise. Spiderman doesn't have to actually be in the Avengers but an after credit scene that shows him put in an application to be an Avenger or Peter snapping a phot of Avengers tower or anything would benefit both Marvel and Sony x10 and the movie going audience would GO NUTS, I MEAN NUTS! ....*sigh* my imagination
That Avengers trailer audio gave me goosebumps. Literally. I don't think I'm ready for the trailer to leak, I might pass out...

You know as the days go on I feel like the spiderman cameo becomes more and more of a possibility. I mean it's still a long shot but I don't think any other hero has been more requested to show up in Avengers than Spiderman. He's not even an OG avenger and yet him being on the screen with them even for a brief second would easily put A2 or any other MCU film on top of the highest grossing box office list. Sony and Marvel's relationship is pretty good from what I've read and they've been working together to expand Spider-mans universe for Sony but because ASM2 somewhat underperformed I feel like Sony is kind've in a jam with their spiderman reboot series (which I absolutely love by the way) becoming stagnant too soon. They had ASM3, a Sin6 film, a venom film and ASM4 film all on the books right when ASM2 released but after box office number were said and done and the writing duo of kurtzman and orci split they seem less ambitious and the only thing confirmed is now is a sin 6 film and ASM3 that's scheduled for 2018. Way too long of a gap too keep a continuity going that isn't or didn't have the impact TDK had ( I say that because the gap between TDK and TDKR was 4 years) and you don't want an old spiderman and Andrew Garfield isn't getting any younger. Sony's smartest move would be to have Spiderman appear in an Avengers film in between time to reinvigorate interest in the spiderman franchise. Spiderman doesn't have to actually be in the Avengers but an after credit scene that shows him put in an application to be an Avenger or Peter snapping a phot of Avengers tower or anything would benefit both Marvel and Sony x10 and the movie going audience would GO NUTS, I MEAN NUTS! ....*sigh* my imagination
marvel/sony is watching us as we speak 
Honestly, whenever Spiderman changes hands from Sony to Disney, to avoid boring the audience to death/confusing them with a Andrew Garfield Spidey or another Peter Parker reboot, I'd love them to go straight to Miles Morales

That's just me. I'm probably in the vast minority. But I'd prefer seeing a black Spidey instead of seeing a third reboot with another Peter Parker in the 2020s
Eww Miles Morales. There's only one true spiderman, and he was raised in queens by his aunt and uncle
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Honestly, whenever Spiderman changes hands from Sony to Disney, to avoid boring the audience to death/confusing them with a Andrew Garfield Spidey or another Peter Parker reboot, I'd love them to go straight to Miles Morales

That's just me. I'm probably in the vast minority. But I'd prefer seeing a black Spidey instead of seeing a third reboot with another Peter Parker in the 2020s

I say start it with the Death of Peter Parker. Just like in Ultimate Spider-Man. Would make for a great intro and action scene. Pete vs the Sinister 6 defeating them then dying.
Yeah, Peter has way too many stories for Miles to even be considered any time soon
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