Imagine getting on the internet to talk about arguably the most anticipated film of all time and not expecting to be spoiled............................
Being called into the Boss’ office


Big thwip energy

insane that for a movie that probably needs the least promotion/marketing that they'd spend so much for ads especially considering they have hardly revealed much in commercials

Marvel spent record amount on Avengers: Endgame promo campaign

Many will consider the upcoming Marvel epic Avengers: Endgame as the film event of the year. Hey, maybe even the last decade.

It should come as no surprise, then, that Endgame has reportedly broken a very impressive – and very expensive – record in the lead up to its release later this month.

According to a report in Deadline, Endgame has apparently spent more money than any other film in Marvel Studios history as part of its (admittedly extensive) promotional campaign. Like, Tony Stark levels of cash.

Dwarfing the spends of Infinity War ($150 million), Spider-Man: Homecoming ($140 million), and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 ($80 million), Avengers: Endgame has spent a whopping $200 million (!) on getting fans excited for the Phase Three conclusion.
insane that for a movie that probably needs the least promotion/marketing that they'd spend so much for ads especially considering they have hardly revealed much in commercials

Just because they’re not revealing a lot of footage, doesn’t mean they’re not buying up ad time and cereal boxes

It’s a myth that this movie doesn’t need marketing. Maybe don’t need for us MCU fans, but they’ll need it for the average fat man drinking beer from Oklahoma or international markets they’re still trying to capture
cereals are probably paying them to put these characters to be in their boxes :lol:

post was somewhat in jest but its the most anticipated movie ever, minimal advertising would have sufficed and simply a few banners here and there
I haven’t clicked on any tags but one false swipe on anyone’s phone can open it as crazy and dumb as that sounds :lol:

There’s a reason why I bought tix for a 2AM showing...eleven years of buildup and the way news travels fast on social media best believe nobody gonna ruin this movie for me

2am showing? That's about 8 hours too late :lol: Most of us in at 6p Thursday night
insane that for a movie that probably needs the least promotion/marketing that they'd spend so much for ads especially considering they have hardly revealed much in commercials

Marvel spent record amount on Avengers: Endgame promo campaign

Many will consider the upcoming Marvel epic Avengers: Endgame as the film event of the year. Hey, maybe even the last decade.

It should come as no surprise, then, that Endgame has reportedly broken a very impressive – and very expensive – record in the lead up to its release later this month.

According to a report in Deadline, Endgame has apparently spent more money than any other film in Marvel Studios history as part of its (admittedly extensive) promotional campaign. Like, Tony Stark levels of cash.

Dwarfing the spends of Infinity War ($150 million), Spider-Man: Homecoming ($140 million), and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 ($80 million), Avengers: Endgame has spent a whopping $200 million (!) on getting fans excited for the Phase Three conclusion.

Everything has been really nuanced and strategic in terms of marketing. This further lends credence to the fact that Disney themselves leaked that footage. The footage show things you’re incredibly hyped to see but doesn’t really “spoil” anything. Anybody who would leak the film would leak who would die if anybody did, end credit scenes, how Thanos is defeated, secret cameos or something we legit don’t know. Everything we saw in the leak however were things that were in leaks from a year back or in LEGO sets.....chess not checkers.

Why you focusing on the next arachnids thwip?


First ticket is just me. No woman asking me questions. No homeboys holding us up for snacks....just me. Salivating. Reflecting. After the leak I purchased a 3 am ticket standard and 6:40 am ticket in IMAX. I will have seen Endgame 3 times in less than 24 hrs. My previous record was Spider-Man: Homecoming watching it 3 times in 24 hrs starting opening night 8pm Thursday and ending about 6pm the next day as well as Civil War opening day and literally walking out my showing and into another one about 6 mins later. I NEEDED to see that Airport fight again immediately and I’m sure I gonna need to see that final battle again immediately as well.


Only watched IW once in theaters. **** that movie.
Personally I did myself a favor by watching that spoiler, gave me legit time to gather my emotions of the epicness Im finna witness on screen....like The Russo’s really bout to make cinematic history, not that they haven’t already...but still....now I’m just looking forward to the audience reaction...you gonna hear the crowd out by the parking lot....
Im still gonna leave that theater in tears....is 10 years spent with these characters and the hardest thing is to bring something like this full circle and actually give us a satisfying conclusion, which I feel they will...couldn’t ask for more, NOTHING will ever top these first 10 years and the OG 3! NOTHING....these 3 dudes are forever legends all equally...must be a surreal feeling to be RDJ, Evans or Hemsworth man...
Thats just Scar Jo making backstage power moves. Trust me, NO ONE is asking for a Black Widow film. I think they are just rewarding her because she was the most prominent female Avenger for a while.

She was probably like "hold up, why is Brie Lason getting her own film and Im not"
Brie is the one with the Oscar :lol:

yall dudes really got THAT little self control yall cant even not click a damn spoiler tag

what the hell yall think the damn thing for?

i mean clearly it aint even something from the end of the movie.. but just because it was from the leak i put it in a spoiler for the bunched up panties brigade
And yet dudes who aint even click complaining and whining like little bit *****es.

**** is wring with these dudes?

Why is common sense not common? Why click on any spoiler tag?
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insane that for a movie that probably needs the least promotion/marketing that they'd spend so much for ads especially considering they have hardly revealed much in commercials

Marvel spent record amount on Avengers: Endgame promo campaign

Many will consider the upcoming Marvel epic Avengers: Endgame as the film event of the year. Hey, maybe even the last decade.

It should come as no surprise, then, that Endgame has reportedly broken a very impressive – and very expensive – record in the lead up to its release later this month.

According to a report in Deadline, Endgame has apparently spent more money than any other film in Marvel Studios history as part of its (admittedly extensive) promotional campaign. Like, Tony Stark levels of cash.

Dwarfing the spends of Infinity War ($150 million), Spider-Man: Homecoming ($140 million), and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 ($80 million), Avengers: Endgame has spent a whopping $200 million (!) on getting fans excited for the Phase Three conclusion.

I never would have guessed this
Going to try my best to avoid this thread and all social media next week since I won't be able to see it until the following weekend when I get back from overseas..

I don't think I've ever been this hype for any film in my life..

I watched IW twice, so I will def do the same with EG during my downtime.
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