Welcome to the poorest district in America

Originally Posted by Regis

Media got you dudes by the balls. What statistics do they have to prove their claims as facts?
These "reporters" come to the Bronx and find the dirtiest streets they can, shoot film of closed shops probably on a Sunday at 9AM before theyre supposed to open and just paint whatever picture they want. You guys eat it all up like any one of us BX residents are asking you guys for help...talkin bout "excuses excuses..."
Im not sure if Im more offended by this irresponsible reporting or by how quickly you dudes felt the need to act like a Bronx resident asked you for help.

Originally Posted by Regis

Media got you dudes by the balls. What statistics do they have to prove their claims as facts?
These "reporters" come to the Bronx and find the dirtiest streets they can, shoot film of closed shops probably on a Sunday at 9AM before theyre supposed to open and just paint whatever picture they want. You guys eat it all up like any one of us BX residents are asking you guys for help...talkin bout "excuses excuses..."

I agree with you halfway. There are definitely people who are doing fine for themselves, not everyone is literally hanging by a thread. However there are areas where they are behind in terms of development and some work does need to be done. Changes have been made in the past few years so there are positives.
Originally Posted by 8PM at MSG

Originally Posted by Regis

Media got you dudes by the balls. What statistics do they have to prove their claims as facts?
These "reporters" come to the Bronx and find the dirtiest streets they can, shoot film of closed shops probably on a Sunday at 9AM before theyre supposed to open and just paint whatever picture they want. You guys eat it all up like any one of us BX residents are asking you guys for help...talkin bout "excuses excuses..."

I agree with you halfway. There are definitely people who are doing fine for themselves, not everyone is literally hanging by a thread. However there are areas where they are behind in terms of development and some work does need to be done. Changes have been made in the past few years so there are positives.

You could practically say this about every city in the country.
How much does cost of living in NY and overpopulation play a role?

Watching that video though, still didn't look poorer than the area my dad is from (Pachuta) in Mississippi, or the Appalachian mountains. Driving through there is like going back 3 centuries in a time machine. And they are still EXTREMELY openly racist. My dad must've sprinted back to the car after asking these white dudes sitting out front of a general store directions.
Originally Posted by rayray3thousand

makes me realize how lucky I have it...

You act like you saw starved bodies in the middle of the road.
It was garbage and liquor stores fam...with a white lady coming out the train station and she didnt even get mugged.

Lets not be so dramatic.
Originally Posted by Regis

Originally Posted by 8PM at MSG

Originally Posted by Regis

Media got you dudes by the balls. What statistics do they have to prove their claims as facts?
These "reporters" come to the Bronx and find the dirtiest streets they can, shoot film of closed shops probably on a Sunday at 9AM before theyre supposed to open and just paint whatever picture they want. You guys eat it all up like any one of us BX residents are asking you guys for help...talkin bout "excuses excuses..."

I agree with you halfway. There are definitely people who are doing fine for themselves, not everyone is literally hanging by a thread. However there are areas where they are behind in terms of development and some work does need to be done. Changes have been made in the past few years so there are positives.

You could practically say this about every city in the country.

Once again, true. And the media does skewer numbers. In 2000 the poverty rate in the South Bronx was 42.6%. The most recent numbers I could find (2010) place us at 38.6%, a 4% decrease, which speaks to the improvements. There's been a lot more buildings in place of empty lots from years back. The thing is that 38.6% still has us at #1. That's over a quarter million people, so it's still a substantial number. And here's an article link if your interested, doesn't go into much detail however... : http://www.nydailynews.com/blogs/dc/2010/09/south-bronx-the-poorest-nation.html
This cant be right, isnt Yankee Stadium technically in the South Bronx? I mean yeah its bad over there but cant be the poorest in the entire nation.
Originally Posted by Tony Goalie


This sums it all up.
Remember it's referring to only the South Bronx (Hunts Point, Tremont, Castle Hill, etc.), the report wasn't relating to the whole borough. I don't think their intentions were to trash the BX with said footages/images. Hell I didn't even know this was the worst district in the U.S. and I find that hard to believe as I'm sure it's much worse elsewhere. However you have to admit that the area is still quite dangerous. It's still drug infested, high activity of prostitution, rodents, gang violence, muggings, car jacking, etc. I'm witness to many of these things and I'm not from the area. However, this was a very biased report and like it was commented above, it's like they chose the perfect time/setting to film this report.
Originally Posted by gregzzy23

This cant be right, isnt Yankee Stadium technically in the South Bronx? I mean yeah its bad over there but cant be the poorest in the entire nation.
Of course not. Like Diego, erm Regis pointed out, this is just sensationalist journalism.
This isn't to say that the SBronx isn't doing poorly, in many categories, but rather to state that this specific "story" is embellishing and exaggerating.

Heck, there are poorer neighborhoods in New York; see Hasidic Jewish neighborhoods (ex: Kiryas Yoel), but you certainly don't see the media making a case here; though to be fair, these are neighborhoods, and not districts.

Compared to the same areas just 20 years ago, the area is much more visually pleasing, and safer.
The bronx is not even close to being the poorest place in America.  Not even close.

How about 80% unemployment
97% below the poverty line
61% of children live below the poverty line
Per capita income of $6,200
Infant mortality 5 times above national average
70% school droup-out rate
Estimated 17 people per single family house
59% of homes are substandard
39% of homes have no electricity or running water



[font=Arial, Helvetica]http://www.eaglesnestcenter.org/images/WashingBaby059.jpg[/font]

As some people have pointed out this report is basically full of isht. The South Bronx is bad and is definitely behind where it should be but poorest district in America? No chance. The report just toyed around with the numbers to make it say what they wanted. They said 250k poor people in the Bronx. That very well may be the most in any "district." However, the population is approx 1.5 million. That's like a 16% poverty rate. There are areas with way smaller populations but much higher poverty rates. We're talking as high as 35% in some places. And it's funny how they used the term "district" as well to fit their report. It gives you the indication that it represents the entire Bronx when it really does not. For the most part the Bronx has a lot of really nice neighborhoods to go along with some of the really bad ones like the South Bronx. Bronx just isn't as gentrified as other areas, thus its fallen behind the curve as far as development goes. But I don't imagine that will last too much longer. Developers are already licking their chops at the prospect of taking over some areas in the Bronx and revitalizing them. They're even calling the South Bronx "SoBro" already

Anyways, the point is that this report was very poorly presented. Though the two rap dudes in the vid definitely spoke some truth.
Originally Posted by Regis

Originally Posted by rayray3thousand

makes me realize how lucky I have it...

You act like you saw starved bodies in the middle of the road.
It was garbage and liquor stores fam...with a white lady coming out the train station and she didnt even get mugged.

Lets not be so dramatic.

On a slightly more serious note, you can always count on NT to rely on its overwhelmingly privileged perspective to point out just how easily the lazy and poor could change their situation.
I don't know the ethnic breakdown here, but I'm pretty certain that if it wasn't for the sheer racism and radical religiosity of the current GOP, there would be many many more republicans based on the responses in this thread.
...just interesting.

...I think this really applies for most black people.

Just curious, not revealing my personal stance, what type of social aid do you all think is appropriate? 
I understand that some people want to live above their means, but it's not that easy to roll out of bed and get a job that covers all of your bills.  Some people will get paid enough to cover rent and utilities, which could put them just above the poverty line so they don't get financial help from the government.  Now they have to use one or two paychecks to cover everything, which is even harder for single parents.  I hate to sound corny, but until individuals can start thinking for themselves and can start helping each other out nothing is gonna change.  Money is definitely the root of all evil.  The number of people with actual power in this country is miniscule compared to the rest of the population, but, of course, we'll never get closer to demanding better for our society because you'll always have people that'll compromise their morals and values for a green piece of paper.

Don't even get me started on these !+!@% @%@ politicians who are too scared to lose their funding from big businesses to actually put money back into areas that need it, like education
Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Originally Posted by Regis

Originally Posted by rayray3thousand

makes me realize how lucky I have it...

You act like you saw starved bodies in the middle of the road.
It was garbage and liquor stores fam...with a white lady coming out the train station and she didnt even get mugged.

Lets not be so dramatic.

On a slightly more serious note, you can always count on NT to rely on its overwhelmingly privileged perspective to point out just how easily the lazy and poor could change their situation.

ain't no way its the South Bronx.I thought it was actually going to be Camden then I saw what that Nter posted about Pine Ridge 
The South Bronx is not the poorest place in America, ya'll are right about that no doubt. It's strictly the poorest congressional district. I do think those #s are a problem though.
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