Were you home sick your first few weeks of college?

Sep 13, 2003
I'm going to UF for Summer B and after orientation a couple days ago I just get the vibe that I'm going to be home sick my first couple weeks there. Iknow I'll eventually find people to hang out with but in the time being, I'll be bored as hell. All of my friends are going to the community collegehere, I only have one other close friend that is actually going to a four year university. Did you guys get home sick? What was it like coming back home, didyou still stay in touch with your high school friends?
surprisingly no.

you will soon learn that independence is the most liberating feeling in the world.
Nope. I have a problem missing people.
I never miss anyone and its kinda weird.
HELL NO... your at UF my dude... get out and have some damn fun... I was soooooo glad
to get away from home that I didn't even think about anything back home... FAMU #+!+%
I went to summer B also. It started right after my high school graduation so i was very home sick leaving all my friends. I'm from NJ so going down toflorida was tough for me. I had never visited the campus besides orientation and didn't know anyone there.

but i ended up having the best 4 yrs of my life so it was def worth it.
no, if you are invited to the hot parties which I don't anticipate you getting into
if your in gainesville still go to JACKS on main and 1st tonight ill get your underage %$+ drunk as hell and you wont remember where home is.
I was homesick, but that only last a couple of days. At this point, I get homesick when I go home, lol. You just get used to being on your own after a while.
i was extremely homesick the first few weeks. probably worse than others cause i didn't have a cell phone at first. i slept a lot the first few weeks thenone night i realized that no one (family) was calling my dorm to check on me to see if i was home at random times at night and i realized that i trulydidn't have a curfew anymore. so after that it got better and i made friends with people in my dorm and around campus. but i think it's normal,especially if you're in a new state or at a college where you don't know ANYONE. FB helps too...
i went to New York from NC. Didnt know anybody. You wont get home sick. way too much stuff to do, trust me. And I did't know a soul when i got there, whichjust forced me to meet people during orientation. trust me..
nope, loved it, my suitemates made me feel very welcome since I was a transfer. I hated going home.

Now it is a bit different. I don't really like my new living situation (because my roommates get on my nerves sometimes) but I also don't really misshome. When I am home, I can't stand being there. I'm 21 and still have strict parents (mostly my dad). My pops stays calling me at 10PM on the dotasking where I am...
As soon as I graduate (and get a decent job) I'm moving out.

My friend couldn't wait to go away to college, as soon as she got there all she did was complain about missing home. When she was home, all she could dowas complain about wanting to be back on her campus. Now she is starting her senior year at a CUNY school so she can be at home.
Originally Posted by spsfinest212

Originally Posted by pdouly33

Yes, but I was very young when I started college.
How young? I have a friend who is starting in the fall and he's 16.
I was 16 as well. Started in 2004, my birthday is in October of 1987.
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