What?! $11,000 insane iPhone bill!

Jul 25, 2006
Beware. If you brought your iPhone when travelling out of the country, please consider the roaming fees. Let's learn about Mythbusters co-host Adam Savage case. He was surfing the Internet while on a trip to Canada for a few hours, AT&T charged him for some $11,000! They shut down his service until they get paid.


Adam Savage (@donttrythis), who has more than 57,000 followers on Twitter, tweeted:
Text messaging fees are stupid robbery? (they are), AT&T is attempting to charge me 11k for a few hours of web surfing in Canada. Pls RT!

And then, his next tweet:
Did I mention they've turned off my phone until I pay? #attsucks

[via TechDirt | photo credit]

International travelers better be careful using their iPhone. Can't believe it's that expensive.
Thats crazy...you'd think he'd be more aware of stuff ike that...seeing how that the type of thing he does for a living...

Jamie probably gave him the

Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Thats crazy...you'd think he'd be more aware of stuff ike that...seeing how that the type of thing he does for a living...
It's sad companies can charge this much and get away with it. How can you justify 11k in fees for using a cell phone? They'll probably lower his billthough.
Originally Posted by IHaveMyOwnOpinion

E3LAL wrote:

Can't believe it's that expensive.


He said it was just for a few hours. It wasn't like that first iPhone girl that complained when the the iPhone just came out.
Originally Posted by rodster831

Originally Posted by Dwadefan

He has the money to pay for it.

still to much money to pay for a phone bill IMO
It's beyond too much.
I thought international text fees were a dollar per message and web surfing was about a $1 or $1.50 a minute? But I would think he would know about roamingfees
hell i dont even consider canada "out of the country" lol

but thats ridiculous. but hell, text and interenet rates INSIDE the country are ridiculous.
you'd think they'd shut down service or atleast warn someone when they reach a certain amount on their bill.
ive had customers who have gone to europe and came back with $500 bills. im calling overuse or ducktales.
For an 11k bill, he must have been using it for more than a couple hours. He was probably on it all day to rack up that up
C'mon $11,000.00 for a few hours on the internet in Canada? I'm calling

Plus if it's true, did he forget to log off the internet? Or was it on it longer than said time?

Who cares dude has money to pay for it.

He makes about $10,000 an episode.
. $11,000 is like chump change tohim.
I guess people dont know how much they charge for internet usage when roaming.
they charge an insane amount. a few hours would really rake up a large amount.
depending on what you download and look at, etc.
def not a myth

I forgot were I heard this, but this one guy got charge over 10k for download a song or movie when he was in mexico or something.
Originally Posted by JoseBronx

def not a myth

I forgot were I heard this, but this one guy got charge over 10k for download a song or movie when he was in mexico or something.
lets say he was browsing youtube for an hour. he could probably watch about 5-8 videos in that one hour.
thats about a minimal of 3mb per video, give or take 1mb.

3mb alone while roaming would probably put him over $100
I actually called AT&T before going to Canada during the spring and I definitely can see it happening, I believe it was like 50 cents each text(incomingand outgoing), and 15 cents a byte of data...a single byte!!

I definitely wasnt trying to get screwed over so I just turned off my roaming because of all that but the phone somehow just switched to the Rogers Network sowhatever texts were sent to me still came in, and I made a couple phone calls from the phone since the hotel was charging a dollar per call so I still gotscrewed having to pay a 250$ phone bill.

Best thing to do is to just take a prepaid phone and use calling cards.
So just because you make a lot of money means getting ripped off is ok? What is wrong with you people.
If you cant use your phone overseas then what the $+@$ do you use!!!!????

Best thing to do is to just take a prepaid phone and use calling cards.


Well Im still mad
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