What age did you loose your virginity?(mature please)

Nov 30, 2008
I am about to be 17 and it just seems like everybody has had sex in my high school. Iono', i feel left out for some reason.
Your thoughts and what age you lost yours...
you can't say "mature please" because the very topic and original post is pretty juvenile...
Originally Posted by JrMOFF2

I am about to be 17 and it just seems like everybody has had sex in my high school. Iono', i feel left out for some reason.
Your thoughts and what age you lost yours...

Why don't you wait til you're married?
well i was with a girl that lost it she was 15 and pretty hot and i was only 13 and i was like man id be dumb to pass this up!!! so i lost it when i was 13 inmy bestfriends closet im glad im still not with her though she let her self go by like 50 pounds haha!
at 'mature please.' It aint that serious. If you care so muchgo find a fat chick at a party.
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