What app is this?

Looks like an Instagram Pic, but I think what you are asking is what app did they used to create that layout, right??
It is instagram but what he did was take the pic on an iPhone with HDR on first it is also over exposed as you can see the glare reflecting on the tongue then he went on instagram and on the app you can enhance an image to make it more sharper I've done it before I have with a pair of adizero's http://i.imgur.com/x7tqo.jpg
Originally Posted by OGMX23

It is instagram but what he did was take the pic on an iPhone with HDR on first it is also over exposed as you can see the glare reflecting on the tongue then he went on instagram and on the app you can enhance an image to make it more sharper I've done it before I have with a pair of adizero's http://i.imgur.com/x7tqo.jpg[/url] if your talking about the background it is probably diptic or some photoshop[/quote]

Yes, I know this is an instagram pic.  I took it from instagram.  I am asking about the app used to split the background into the 3 sections.
Looks like it was photoshopped using a computer... most likely not an app.
Originally Posted by Kj2k

Looks like it was photoshopped using a computer... most likely not an app.

Appreciate the response but I know for a fact it is an app.  Can anyone help?
You should probably have the mods move this to General or Sneaker Showcase because there are more people in there that can help.
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