What are some characteristics of DRIVERS in the DMV?

The other day I had my first encounter with PG County road rage.

Long story short, I accidentally blocked the box. Some dude in a black Continental rolled down his window, and proceeded to verbally assault me with the usual"you stupid mother %%%%%#!!!"....

I didn't know what to do, so I just pulled off the
and said"You mad mother %%%%%#????"

I was
at the same time.
Originally Posted by Fantastic4our

Originally Posted by Ghost703

I absolutely hate drivers in VA, slow, if theres a accident on 1 side of beltway other side will be $##$@$ too cuz ppl are slowing down to look

drivers in VA thinks its cool to do the speed limit in the far left lane when other drivers are trying to get there mash on

SO TRUE!!! @@@ so busy trying to look on the other side they going slow. And I know the speed limit is 65, but I got the V8, I'm trying to do more than 5 over, if you and the car beside you are going the same speed, you need to accelerate or decelerate and GET OUT THE WAY (word to Luda). The left lane is the PASSING LANE.

757 heads, don't even let me get started on tunnels. I want to kill myself going over the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel.

I hate the way people drive in the 757 period...straight slow-I know the cops are out here but damn!
i got a ticket in pwc for a noise violation at 1am from a STOCK hyundai sound system with the windows down...and my girl got a ticket on 295 in henrico countryfor doing 75 in a 65 and got a $1300 fine...&$#* the police fo real...and down here in the 757 the drivers SUCK yo...264 speed limit is 55 i do that on thepwc parkway! and there's ALWAYS some debilitating accident taht shuts down 3 outta 4 lanes every day...
i drive fast, but if i see a cop ima slam brakes for sure

%#%@ the cops but these new laws/fines are ridiculous, you would be driving like a granny too

although i love riding thru DC like a maniac with my system crankin, haha

Virginia will institute "civil remedial fees" for Virginia residents who commit driving violations. These are on top of other fines imposed by statelaw. Some of the new fees:

Fee (made over three payments)

• Driving on a suspended license: $750

• Reckless driving (such as aggressive driving): $1,050

• Driving under the influence and related offenses: $2,250

• Felony convictions (such as leaving an accident scene): $3,000

Source: Virginia court system

I stay in VA and yes the cops here have nothing to do. So, they try to get everyone for tint, seatbelts, no signal for lane changes, speeding, etc. Becauseof that crap thats why people in VA drive the way they do. I am talking about No Va not Richmond or 757. But make no mistake, when I drive in MD or DC I haveno regard for laws.
Drivers in MD - Constantly occupy the "fast lane", 80 m.p.h. with the flow of traffic isn't good enough, they cutoff other drivers and thendon't keep up with the pace. If one person has the same exact car as you do, it automatically triggers their racing side. Finally, they bussin 80 to get toa red light.
Baltimore City Police - investigate homicides

Baltimore County Police - Setup Speed Traps

Big Difference.
I know this has been said before but ya'll dont understand the cops down here in NoVa, all they do is lookout for traffic tickets!
" DC=Will run you over/smash into your car with no regard. Drive like no one else is around."

This is sooooo true, my friend almost ran in woman tonight with no regard (on 13th and Fairmont)
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