what are some good cheap dates for the winter?

Jan 3, 2008
Besides the usual of going out to eat or seeing a movie? Its not a first date or anything like that, its a girl I've been talking to for a long time it just seems like there is never anything new to do. Especially since its winter all my options are limited. So the rico suave dudes give me some answers
Besides the usual of going out to eat or seeing a movie? Its not a first date or anything like that, its a girl I've been talking to for a long time it just seems like there is never anything new to do. Especially since its winter all my options are limited. So the rico suave dudes give me some answers
Take her to a nice coffee shop for some hot coffee, followed by ice skating. Simple and cheap.
Where you located?

If NYC, try the Ice Rink at the plaza. Just bring your own skates. It'll make for a fun and hurtful experience lol. It's cool because you get to meet alot of people there.
Where you located?

If NYC, try the Ice Rink at the plaza. Just bring your own skates. It'll make for a fun and hurtful experience lol. It's cool because you get to meet alot of people there.
Take her to a nice coffee shop for some hot coffee, followed by ice skating. Simple and cheap.
Coffee, ice skating, your house for a movie & hot cocoa (stove top with milk no microwave BS), Go out to see xmas lights... stuff like that. If you got the time and money head up to NY with her (if you dont live there)... I heard its beautiful in the winter.
Coffee, ice skating, your house for a movie & hot cocoa (stove top with milk no microwave BS), Go out to see xmas lights... stuff like that. If you got the time and money head up to NY with her (if you dont live there)... I heard its beautiful in the winter.
Bowling is the most underrated first date. I be trying to put people onto it. For one, you get unlimited opportunities to stare at that mass without having to try to be coy or nervous about it. Unlike movies, you can still talk and get to now each other if that is important to you. It's not expensive generally, and gives you a chance to endear yourself to her more without coming off like you're showing off like maybe a fancy dinner might. But end of the day, the infinity stares at the booty game are the #1 benefit.

Stuff like musuems and art galleries, not everybody can pull that off and not every female is going to be receptive. You'll just look like 2 confused douches walking around looking at pictures with no real idea what's going on, you just hoping it'll get you some ##@ at the end of the night.
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