What are some of the realest lines you ever heard?


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It doesn't have to be a punchline, simile, metaphor, analogy; Just a line that when you heard, you were like, damn thats deep.

I have quite a few but immediate ones that stick out are:

Freeway - Free __ "Y'all dudes freelance, play for any team, don't stand for nothing, than you fall for anything."

Talib Kweli - (Forgot the name of the song but its from reflection eternal) ___
" _'s run pastwhat they need to get to what they want"

What are some of yours? If you know the song post the title so I can check it out
AZ on "The Essence" - "and that don't make him ya mans just cuz ya'll palms meet..."
Talib Kweli - Around My Way
"The way we saluting flags, wrapping them around our heads
when n***** ain't become American till 9/11"
Notice as you rollin' all the haters cuz they watchin' u, but pay 'em little mind - soon they'll find it ain't no stoppin' you.'Til then, you bend or fold for no N'...

_'s with knowledge is more dangerous then _'s with guns/
They make the guns easy to get, and try to keep _'s dumb
Kurt Loader asked me what I say to a dead cops wife/
Cops kill my people EVERYday, thats life
Talib Kweli - "The Proud"

People lemme paint a picture, you know I ain't a christian/
I ain't a Muslim, ain't a Jew, I'm losing my religion/
I speak to God directly, I know my God respect me/
Cause he let me breath his air, and he really blessed me/
Talib Kweli - "Around My Way"

Is it fair, is it equal, is it just, is it right?
Do you do the same %%+% when the defendent face is white?
If white boys doin it, well, it's success
When I start doin, well, it's suspect

Mos Def - "Mr _"

The whiteman came to Africa with rifles & Bibles/
Heard the names, and startin changin the titles
Dead Prez - "Sharp Shooter" . . . One of the realest things I've heard a rapper say, and its true.
**## what you heard, I'm from Africa
Guerilla warfare for two grand
They say karate means 'empty hands'
So then it's perfect for the poor man...

Dead Prez - "Psychology"

Yeah, I'm for peace
But I'll kill ya if ya **## with my moms or my niece
See we all want peace, but the problem is
Crackers want a bigger piece
Got it where the@%@$+!% can't get a piece

Dead Prez - We Want Freedom

They all mean a lot to me . . . Thats just the way I see things . . . I'm sure a lot of the people who post on here couldn't really relate for obviousreasons
thought someone might drop this considering the recent situations, but

Pimp C -

"And then when I got on my knees that night to pray
I asked God why he let these killas live and take my homeboys son away
Man if you got kids show em you love em cuz God jus might call em home
Cuz one day you here but baby the next day you gone"

UGK- "One Day"
Why in the club you dont make it precipitate?
You know, make it rain when you can make it thunderstorm?
Im like, Why? The world needs sun, the hood needs fun
so theres a war going on and half the battle is won
How dare I throw it on the floor
When people are poor.

3000- Da Art of Story Tellin Part 4

You should hand respect to, a man if that man successful
And use what that man present you, if a man respect you
Why would a man reject you, if that man neglect you
That man resent you
Papoose - Reality Muzik
Met a blind rapper, said he my #1 fan
His fingers were blinkin like he could see through his hands
When he reach my age he probably be a better man
Only 13 and he just as nice as I am
Everything I can see he cant
Goddamn, maybe everything I cant see he can

Papoose - Realty Muzik
You sold millions of records, but what's next?
You need a couple of bombs from funk flex
A diss record'll make everybody upset
But that'll make you hot, you playin' chess
Used to be an artist, but now you an exec
You signed a buncha wack artists at your desk

You make sure they wack so you can sound fresh

I guess they just your pawns, you playin' chess
Record labels, y'all signing acts right and left
He pop bottles and celebrate his success
Y'all put him on the shelf but told him he was next
He just a tax write-off, yall playin' chess
Papooose - Chess
They want you to be like what you aint like
and they want you to love what you cant like
Bobby Creekwater
And when you travel abroad they got world###*@! law
Some folks get on a plane go as they please
But I go over seas and I get over-SEIZED
London Heathrow, me and my people
They think that illegal's a synonym for negro
Far away places, customs agents flagrant
They think the dark face is smuggle weight in they cases
Mos Def - Mr. N_
Don't hate me, my folks is poor, I just got money
America's five centuries deep in cotton money

Mos Def - Mr. N_
The ink of a scholar is worth a thousand times more than the blood of a martyr
Lupe Fiasco - American Terrorist
Now the poor klu klux man see that we're all brothers
Not because things are the same becuase we lack the same color
And thats green, now that's mean
cant burn his cross cause he cant afford the gasoline

Lupe Fiasco - American Terrorist
It's like
Don't give the black man food, give red man liquor
Red man fool, black man###*@!
Give yellow man tool, make him railroad builder
Also give him pan, make him pull gold from river
Give black man crack, glocks and things
Give red man craps, slot machines

Lupe Fiasco - American Terrorist
You don't know what you feel, y'all too safe
Election done came and went, y'all worked so hard for it
Huh, and in the end we all got dicked
These are our heroes, thanks a lot public school systems still rot
Still harassed by cops, snitches on blocks
Sellin they peoples out - some real folks with clout
NaS - These Are Our Heroes(**** Picnic)
@$!@ the five-oh cause they after me
Kill me if they could, I'll never let em capture me
Done lost too many *****z to this gangbangin
Homies died in my arms, with his brains hangin, %%%#!+ up!
I had to tell him it was alright, and that's a lie
and he knew it when he shook and died, my God
Even though I know I'm wrong man

2Pac - Lord Knows
I smoke a blunt to take the pain out, and if I wasn't high
probably try to blow my brains out
Lord knows...

2Pac - Lord Knows
It's like your mind don't understand
you don't have to kill your
dreams ploten'
schemes on a man
2Pac - Wonda Why They Call You B_
And still I see no changes, can't a brother get a little peace
It's war on the streets and a war in the Middle East
2Pac - Changes(When you younger and hear this its 1 thing and you hear this now it speaks volumes)
There are too many MC's who are overrated
You ask me, they wasn't even supposed to make it
Big L - I Don't Understand It
MC's - what's goin on?
I don't understand, man, how rappers cold transform
One minute you're hardcore and raw
That's what you was known for, but not no more
You changed, you rearranged
You're not the same, your raps are blame
That explain why you lost your fame
Used to be on top, then you fell like rain drops
You turned pop, now you no longer gain props
Big L - I Don't Understand It

See NaS' Black Zombie, Purple, & 2nd Childhood
Oh n before I forget http://niketalk.com/topic/17160

"...Rappers is talking to me as if...
We in the same boat I tell them quick, NO, I MOVE COKE!!!...
And you and I don't share no common bond...
So forgive me if I don't recieve you with open arms...
It shames me to no end...
To feed poison to those who could very well be my kin...
But where there's demand, someone will supply...
So I feed them their needs at the same time cry...
Yes, it pains me to see them need this...
All of them, lost souls, and I'm their Jesus...
Deepest regret and sympathy to the street...
I see no pity for they fix when they kids couldn't eat...
And with this in mind, I still didn't quit...
And that's how I know, that I aint s**t..."


"... I see the game for what it's worth...
Pain, fame, and work...
These B***HES walkin' wit they brains in the skirt...
So why you f**kin', they thinkin...
Of ways to get even, or ways out the hood, they make up a reason..."


- The old Juelz Santana...
2pac- Blasphemy
My family tree, consists of drug dealers, thugs and killers
Strugglin, known to hustle screamin $$%# they feelings
I got advice from my father, all he told me was this
*****z, get off your%@!! if you plan to be rich
There's ten rules to the game, but I'll share with you two
Know, *****z gon' hate you for whatever you do
Now rule one -- get your cash on, M.O.B.
That's Money Over$@%+%@@%, cause they breed envy
Now rule two is a hard one, watch for phonies
Keep yo', enemies close$+**+!, watch yo' homies
This is real.
You don't know what you feel, y'all too safe
Election done came and went, y'all worked so hard for it
Huh, and in the end we all got dicked
Yea that was a nice line, but yo, homeboy might actually win . . . I don;'t even know why, but for some reason I'm startin to believe it .. .
Talib Kweli - (Forgot the name of the song but its from reflection eternal) ___ " _'s run past what they need to get to what they want"
[color= rgb(204, 204, 255)]Good Mourning ...
... that was my senior yearbook quote.[/color]
If God wit me, who can be against me sucka?
U can't make me suffer - just make me tougher - it's motivation...

I know there's only one KING, one THING, one BEING - the only sumthin' I believe without seeing.
And with all my faith I pray, somehow, someway - regardless of what anyone say -
I believe one day,
That I'ma change my life,
Get right, and start livin' like Christ...

I'm the young city bandit
hold myself down single-handed
for murder raps I kick my thoughts alone, get remanded
born alone, die alone, no crew to keep my crown or throne
I'm deep by sound, caved inside a thousand miles from home
-Nas: The World Is Yours

The whole song "Deep Fried Frenz" is full of real lines.


I can tell
....average at best, holla at my mans Wes Duce with that
It's like
Don't give the black man food, give red man liquor
Red man fool, black man###*@!
Give yellow man tool, make him railroad builder
Also give him pan, make him pull gold from river
Give black man crack, glocks and things
Give red man craps, slot machines - Lupe Fiasco
_'s, fear what they don't understand//
Hate what they can't conquer//
Guess it's just the fury of man//

Sunny days wouldn't be special, if it wasn't for rain//
Joy wouldn't feel so good, if it wasn't for pain//

Don't mess with the stressin, that's why we all invested in weapons//
I don't rely on luck, I know I lose the second i'm guessin'//
This song is dedicated to the one wit the suit
Thick white skin and his eyes bright blue
So called beef wit you know who
*!!* it we just let him kill all of our troops
Look at the%%+*!*@%! we been through
Had the __s sittin on top they roofs
Hurricane Katrina, we shoulda called it Hurricane (Geeoorrggiaa) Bush
Then they tellin y'all lies on the news
The white people smiling like everythin cool
But I know people that died in that pool
I know people that died in them schools
Now what is the survivor to do?
Got to no trailer, you gotta move
Now it's on to Texas and to (Geeoorrggiiaa)
They tell you what they want, show you what they want you to see
But they don't let you know what's really goin on
Make it look like a lotta stealin goin on
Boy them cops is killas in my home
***** shot dead in the middle of the street
I ain't no thief, I'm just tryin to eat
Man *!!* the police and president (Geeoorrrggiiaa) Bush
So what happened to the levys, why wasn't they steady
Why wasn't they able to control this?
I know some fok' that live by the bridge
that keep on tellin me they heard explosions
Same %*+@ happened back in Hurricane Betsy
1965, I ain't too young to know this
That was President Johnson now
but it's president (Geeoorrggiiaa) Bush

Georgia Bush Lil Wayne
But where there's demand, someone will supply...
So I feed them their needs at the same time cry...
Yes, it pains me to see them need this...
All of them, lost souls, and I'm their Jesus...
Deepest regret and sympathy to the street...
I see no pity for they fix when they kids couldn't eat...
And with this in mind, I still didn't quit...
And that's how I know, that I aint s**t..."


you can't compare what Pusha and Mal do to anybody.
Damn a lot of these contributions are

But a question, that Pap track, it's directed at Jay?

I'll contribute some more in a bit, my ipod is out of order
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