What are some of the worst pranks you were ever a part of?

we put cooking oil inside a beer can and gave it to one of our friends. dude was so wasted to have any idea.
Originally Posted by NothingBefore

watch somebody dying and pretended to call the police and leave em' there

Lol he DID spell out Seniors on the car correctly. They were being or trying to be creative and incorporate the 05 into the word too. The 0 is the"o" in seniors (it's located between the "i" and "r" anyways. And 5 was used as both the "s" and 5 for SeniorS/#05.

So leave dude alone
He had fun with it.
when i was a senior in highschool my whole "click" went to one of our patnas house to chill and rap (nothin serious just for fun)
long story short
a sleeping friend+ q-tips dipped in Louisiana hotsauce + his nose = pain for him and laughter for us
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