What are some of your strictest personal rules??

I don't trust anyone 100%

No one

Not even my parents and closest friends
Nothing wrong with this.

We know humans aren't infallible, so we already know anyone CAN do anything to us.

100% can't exist from that standpoint alone
Never disrespect your parents. Even if they're dead wrong...always treat them with respect...word to Birdman :lol:

Never fight over a woman. A woman is going to do whatever she wants to do and be with whoever she wants to be with. You getting busted up or thrown in jail isn't going to lead to some epiphany on her part.
If I have an issue with somebody I gotta address it with a conversation, preferably face to face. I don't do emotional texts.

My man on page 1 hit the nail on the head...don't smash a chick your homie has dealt with. That's LAW.

Never let money come between a relationship, friendship, or business partnership. Work it out. Money comes and goes but good people are hard to come by.

Never talk down on another man to get ahead. You a grade A sucka if you do this.

Help people, even when it's not beneficial to you, still help. (Don't go into debt tryna help folks and don't save no female I'm talking lending a helping hand :lol: )

I won't hold/carry a woman's purse/wallet for her. Not wife, not girlfriend, not momma. I ain't doing it. Don't know why I have such an issue with this but don't eem ask shawty.

When the funk really goes down.......be ready to ride. :lol:

- Preciate it.
The best way to improve yourself is to do something that makes you uncomfortable.

Never date anyone from work.

Never date a woman with kids.

Never pay full price.
Some advice I always follow and some of you should too based on the direction of this thread now

Stop caring what people think of you, especially random strangers!
Never disrespect your parents. Even if they're dead wrong...always treat them with respect...word to Birdman :lol:

Never fight over a woman. A woman is going to do whatever she wants to do and be with whoever she wants to be with. You getting busted up or thrown in jail isn't going to lead to some epiphany on her part.
+1 on respecting your parents.
This is probably too deep for this thread, and it goes against all of this respect your parents talk, but one of mine is

I will not let my mother back in my life, even if she ever wanted back in.
Say hi to people. Acknowledging someone's existing is one of those inalienable things that everyone deserves.

Always hold open doors and usually let the other person go first. And don't care if people don't say "thanks" just means they were brought up a different way.

Saying thanks, please, excuse me and sorry. Maybe too much but it's a natural reflex at this point.

Never smash a girl that a friend already has. Just seems desperate and dishonorable to me. Plenty of girls out there, even if the opportunity arises, I don't think twice.

Think through decisions w as many other perspectives in mind.

Giving the right of way, meaning, if me and someone else is approaching an escalator, I always slow down and let them take it first, usually put my hand out as a signal.

All of this

Never burn any bridges at work, especially with co-workers. Fake it if you have to.

So much truth to this

- Don't bite the hand that feeds you

- Stay humble

Another good one

-Admit when you're wrong.

Incredibly important

This was a great thread before the goddamn umbrella talk.

Good posts in here.


First you guys don't tip. Now it's feminine to use an umbrella? Give me a break

I wear suits almost everyday to work and if it's raining, I will always use an umbrella and wear a raincoat. What idiot is going to get their hair/clothes wet?
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Strive to be as fair as possible

Look out for the little guy/odd one out

Stay true to my word

Be genuine

Be loyal

Stand up for what I believe in

Stay humble
#this is me 
I think the people without umbrellas dont live, work, or travel to a major city often.

If you just walking from your car to the building then back to the car you wont get that wet.

If you are waiting for the train, bus, street light to change etc you getting soaked and people are gonna look at u like your an idiot.
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Didn't mess with an umbrella till I got a job that involved me going outside and walking around from time to time ...wet clothes back in the office is NOT the move and feels horrible ...only talking bout hard rain tho, if it's a drizzle or some light **** I'll just put my hood up if need be
- Don't start unnecessary drama, don't let yourself get pulled into unnecessary drama. Just walk away

- Just because you've kicked it with them before doesn't always mean they're your friend. Don't be so quick to trust.

- If someone says you can't do something or never will, don't get mad... prove them wrong.

- There's always a lesson to be learned. Don't be oblivious

- An extension on my first rule..when you cross paths with somebody that you highly dislike(for good reason) at a social function or something, remain civil..even if they won't. Kill em with kindness.

- Always remain humble, yet confident.

- Respect other people's beliefs, even if you don't agree with it

- Don't be an ***hole to people you don't know for no reason at all. They have nothing to do with you having a bad day. Be polite.
I think the people without umbrellas dont live, work, or travel to a major city often.

If you just walking from your car to the building then back to the car you wont get that wet.

If you are waiting for the train, bus, street light to change etc you getting soaked and people are gonna look at u like your an idiot.

Very true
I think the people without umbrellas dont live, work, or travel to a major city often.

If you just walking from your car to the building then back to the car you wont get that wet.

If you are waiting for the train, bus, street light to change etc you getting soaked and people are gonna look at u like your an idiot.

Does Houston count?
I think the people without umbrellas dont live, work, or travel to a major city often.

If you just walking from your car to the building then back to the car you wont get that wet.

If you are waiting for the train, bus, street light to change etc you getting soaked and people are gonna look at u like your an idiot.

Does Houston count?

I haven't been to Houston so I couldnt tell you. But from what I know Houston is quite spread out so i could see there being plenty of parking and parking lots.
I think the people without umbrellas dont live, work, or travel to a major city often.

If you just walking from your car to the building then back to the car you wont get that wet.

If you are waiting for the train, bus, street light to change etc you getting soaked and people are gonna look at u like your an idiot.

Does Houston count?

I haven't been to Houston so I couldnt tell you. But from what I know Houston is quite spread out so i could see there being plenty of parking and parking lots.

Well there are plenty of parking lots, but most people here drive to work , so we are just walking from the car to the building.

Shoot most of the bus stops in the metro area have canopies.

Really no need for one.
1. If you're early, you're on time, if you're on time, you're late.

2. Beginning of a great day begins the night before.
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