What are some things you have no interest in doing before death?


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I will not sky dive
I will not mountain climb
I will not deep sea scuba
Im not messing with a real Safari.........I didnt even like the one at Six Flags when I younger.
Ski............nah accident waiting to happen
Im not white water rafting
Originally Posted by lurkin2long

I will not sky dive
I will not mountain climb
I will not deep sea scuba
Ski............nah accident waiting to happen
Im not white water rafting
pretty much.

and bungee jumping.
Originally Posted by TH0MAS CR0WN

I want to do all of those that you listed besides maybe deep sea scuba diving

damn..........maybe i should man up?

most extreme ill get is a tour of rollercoaster across the world.
Originally Posted by TH0MAS CR0WN

I want to do all of those that you listed besides maybe deep sea scuba diving
agreed! I dont mess with that water ..anything else is game
I want to do all of those! Goin skydiving this summer
We were just talking about what on earth (wait for the pun) would make a mother !#%!@+ want to go to the moon. I'm Swazye. I'd sky dive hypothetically,I just know that in REAL life i'd never find the right time, place, or level of indifference to my life and obligations to do it.
I've already done everything on that list, but the Safari. If I ever go to the right part of Africa. It'll be done. (I had no chance in Morocco)

Ain't much to be afraid of! I'm alive!
Anything involving heights is not for me so forget bungee jumping and sky diving. I don't even want to step foot in a top floor in a sky scraper.
Originally Posted by keepitgully

Get a rectal exam.

watch out for freddy finger when u hit 50, age for prostate exam. Thats plenty of time to loosen up the spincter though, so u have a bit of time to mentallyprepare yourself. Iv'e been preparing mentally for about 10 years now and im still not ready. Pray for a Doctor With Short, Thin Fingers
off topic but funny as hell

How you should handle the exam, so you can go home that day with a slight bit (but not much) of dignity.
1.) You'll loosen your pants and drop them. The boxers or the tighty whities come down next. (Don't wear the ones with the hole as you'll embarrassyourself more)

2.) The doctor may decide to totally degrade you at this point and check for a hernia. (Lucky you!)

3.) Your doctor will ask you to bend over an exam table while leaning on your elbows. (My doctor prefers my laying on my side in a fetal position. Not onlycan he examine more thouroughly, it's supposed to be less uncomfortable and not as invasive.) I don't care what position you're in. Let's faceit. That's about as invasive as you can get.

4.) Your doctor will snap on a rubber glove and hopefully won't be too cheap when it comes to the KY Lubricant. As soon as you hear the glove snap ontohis wrist, prepare yourself.....it's coming. Try not to tense up. You'll want to, but it's not going to help the situation.

5.) The doctor will then jam his finger back stage and feel around for your prostate. If you're like most men, (at this point in the exam) you'regritting your teeth, your eyes are tightly closed and you may be crying. Not from pain, of course, but from the sheer terror of another dude's finger inyour smokestack. Then as quickly as it happens, it's finished. He's done.

6.) Wipe away the tears and lift up your trousers, you big wuss. You're all done. Now go home and take a shower so you don't have a case of KY!#! for the rest of the day.

not doing:

hard drugs
eating insects
attending the nba finals
taking a bullet

sky diving
three chicks at the same time
going to the superbowl
see the pyramids
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