What are the Pros/Cons of living with your Boyfriend/Girlfriend?

Originally Posted by gORJESS

Originally Posted by Lubu1

Originally Posted by gORJESS

Were actually having a baby, im due in October - wanted to get some unbiased opinions though lol.

I feel like we can wait a little longer for marriage. Im 22, he is 30 and the pregnancy was unplanned but we are trying our best and we want to do this as a family. I honestly wanted some tips on making the experience better for him and I. I want to do the little things that make him happy with hopes of him doing them for me lol. 
Ah, sorry babe, but your situtional looks like future baby momma status. Hes too old for you and your too young for him. His older man side is gonna show when yall move in, and your young girl phase will show too. I wish you luck cheeks, but I pray mostly for that unborn baby. Its gonna be a lot of arguing. Girlll!!!!!
Lol, I know that there is a chance things wont work out in the end...but I hope for the best. 
Just curious, but why do you think the age difference will cause such a problem? 
Maturity is always a major issue especially in relationships. Honestly, your in the prime of your SEXUAL life. I know your having a baby and them thighs and glutes might thicken up, but I think age 22 is too young to move in with a 30 year old. Trust me, its gonna be a hella of a intersting dynamtic. As if the stress of this new baby isn't already bad, you guys are gonna see each other move than ever and have to see every aspect of each other. There are things you do in the privacy of your own home that you will have to share with each other. Its gonna feel odd, but like I said I wish you luck. Just do your best for that kid.
I'm sorry this sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. Do not have a child at 22. It will be a financial catastrophe for you, especially if you do not have a career. If you are just moving in for the baby then I do not see the relationship lasting. It seems like that is the only reason you are doing it.
Originally Posted by Lubu1

Originally Posted by gORJESS

Originally Posted by Lubu1

Ah, sorry babe, but your situtional looks like future baby momma status. Hes too old for you and your too young for him. His older man side is gonna show when yall move in, and your young girl phase will show too. I wish you luck cheeks, but I pray mostly for that unborn baby. Its gonna be a lot of arguing. Girlll!!!!!
Lol, I know that there is a chance things wont work out in the end...but I hope for the best. 
Just curious, but why do you think the age difference will cause such a problem? 
Maturity is always a major issue especially in relationships. Honestly, your in the prime of your SEXUAL life. I know your having a baby and them thighs and glutes might thicken up, but I think age 22 is too young to move in with a 30 year old. Trust me, its gonna be a hella of a intersting dynamtic. As if the stress of this new baby isn't already bad, you guys are gonna see each other move than ever and have to see every aspect of each other. There are things you do in the privacy of your own home that you will have to share with each other. Its gonna feel odd, but like I said I wish you luck. Just do your best for that kid.

I understand this...but how do any couples make it work than? you know the seeing each others every move, seeing every aspect of each other and not being able to do things privately..how does it ever work?

 I mean if we are incapable of living together than it will eventually show and that will be that. 

Ive seen couples do it and succeed and I have seen couples do it and fail. I wouldn't say his and my maturity levels are that far off. We mesh well for the most part, that has never been an issue with us dating so im hoping it stays that way. 
Originally Posted by gORJESS

Originally Posted by Lubu1

Originally Posted by gORJESS

Lol, I know that there is a chance things wont work out in the end...but I hope for the best. 
Just curious, but why do you think the age difference will cause such a problem? 
Maturity is always a major issue especially in relationships. Honestly, your in the prime of your SEXUAL life. I know your having a baby and them thighs and glutes might thicken up, but I think age 22 is too young to move in with a 30 year old. Trust me, its gonna be a hella of a intersting dynamtic. As if the stress of this new baby isn't already bad, you guys are gonna see each other move than ever and have to see every aspect of each other. There are things you do in the privacy of your own home that you will have to share with each other. Its gonna feel odd, but like I said I wish you luck. Just do your best for that kid.

I understand this...but how do any couples make it work than? you know the seeing each others every move, seeing every aspect of each other and not being able to do things privately..how does it ever work?

 I mean if we are incapable of living together than it will eventually show and that will be that. 

Ive seen couples do it and succeed and I have seen couples do it and fail. I wouldn't say his and my maturity levels are that far off. We mesh well for the most part, that has never been an issue with us dating so im hoping it stays that way. 
sorry, but i call BS on the age thing.. age has nothing to do with it. you might think age is the problem but it isnt. if you love him and he loves you the way he should, he shouldnt cheat and should be okay with you being younger. he knew that before you got a baby and before you decided to move in together. and seeing your partner every day, every second, what is the bad thing about that? unless you are constantly on her or vice versa..and dont give each other space when you want or need it, there should be no issue at all.

it's funny how people automatically think that an age difference is a problem. my girl is younger too, but we make it work..
i recently came upon a year of living w/ my gf. some things i noticed

- give him his space. when i come home from work i need to decompress before i can completely be interested in whatev my girl has going on.
- it's ok to do stuff solo (go out with the guys/girls) at times.
- come up w/ a plan on how youre gonna handle bills/groceries/rent etc.
- dont take up all the damn closet space!
- no matter who pays the rent/mortgage, treat it like its both of yours' place.
- give a warning before you have your gfs over.
- obviously youll spend less on bills
- my girl is the cleaner, im the cooker. i like it this way.
- you dont necessarily have more sex, its nice to know that if you want it...it's there.
- its nice to have some personal contact. i generally enjoy my gf being here.

draw up a living arrangement just in case *#!% goes south, youll be able to properly split up assets
Originally Posted by TheGr8BlkHope

i recently came upon a year of living w/ my gf. some things i noticed

- give him his space. when i come home from work i need to decompress before i can completely be interested in whatev my girl has going on.
- it's ok to do stuff solo (go out with the guys/girls) at times.
- come up w/ a plan on how youre gonna handle bills/groceries/rent etc.
- dont take up all the damn closet space!
- no matter who pays the rent/mortgage, treat it like its both of yours' place.
- give a warning before you have your gfs over.
- obviously youll spend less on bills
- my girl is the cleaner, im the cooker. i like it this way.
- you dont necessarily have more sex, its nice to know that if you want it...it's there.
- its nice to have some personal contact. i generally enjoy my gf being here.

draw up a living arrangement just in case *#!% goes south, youll be able to properly split up assets
Never lived with a female that I was involved with but that was a great post
Originally Posted by TheGoldenChild

Come on, gORJESS.. you're asking a board full of guys that are scared of living with a woman, getting married and only date super models and adult stars...

just take care of your guy and dont get aggravated by little things that annoy you..

Originally Posted by TheGr8BlkHope

i recently came upon a year of living w/ my gf. some things i noticed

- give him his space. when i come home from work i need to decompress before i can completely be interested in whatever my girl has going on.
- it's ok to do stuff solo (go out with the guys/girls) at times.
- come up w/ a plan on how you're gonna handle bills/groceries/rent etc.
- don't take up all the damn closet space!
- no matter who pays the rent/mortgage, treat it like its both of yours' place.
- give a warning before you have your gfs over.
- obviously you'll spend less on bills
- my girl is the cleaner, I'm the cooker. i like it this way.
- you don't necessarily have more sex, its nice to know that if you want it...it's there.
- its nice to have some personal contact. i generally enjoy my gf being here.

draw up a living arrangement just in case *#!% goes south, you'll be able to properly split up assets
Great plan.
and dont let yourself slide.. you look cute from that picture.. but if you turn into those overweight, pyjama, never do your hair and make up type mommies then you're gonna have a problem
Originally Posted by Yeah

Originally Posted by gORJESS

The idea of making this thread came to me when I was in the shower, I thought to myself "I need to find out what kind of body wash he uses so I can make sure when I pick mine up, I can get his and make sure he always has a fresh bottle."  Stuff like that, not looking to change the man, just some tips on what makes living together more enjoyable. 
You seem like a nice person. Don't know your situation or anything, but I legitimately wish you two the best of luck. I'll give some advice this time around. Granted, I can't really speak for your man, but I'll list some things that are somewhat of a frequently reoccurring issue whenever I spend a lot of time with a woman in a relationship:

1. Mixing Friends - You want your best friends to get along with your man and vice versa. Nothing wrong with doing a double date every now and then, going to a party or two, awesome. I think the problems arise when you try to get your SO and their friends (either intentionally or unintentionally) to assimilate into your group of friends. I was talking it over with a platonic friend and she said she felt the same way. And because you guys are going to be living together, it might be something you pay attention to. You both are independent people with a set group of friends, so enjoy your friends' company, and allow him to do the same. (And don't take offense to it when he says he's not up for chilling with your friends! He probably just wants to lounge around the house, or kick it with his friends.)

2. Getting Too Comfortable - This is something that EVERY relationship has a problem with. Especially if you're living together (I've never moved in with a woman, but there have been times where it sure seemed like it.) I can't speak for your relationship, but you've probably come to expect certain things from your SO. It's natural. Just be sure not to falter with those things. I dated a girl for a while, she would frequently come over, and then one day she goes to the bathroom and starts blowing it up... and doesn't close the door.
I don't care about you using the bathroom, I don't even care if it smells like death, but you've been closing the door for all of this time and all the sudden you feel like "we reached the next level" and that excuses you from closing the door? MAN. *Track 13, Dedication 3.* This is just one example though. If you're fit and go to the gym, try to keep that habit up. You keep your place clean for when your SO comes over? Do the same when you live with them.

3. Saving Time For Yourself(ves) - This is a multifaceted point. Solitude might be one of the most under appreciated ways we spend our time, and we often don't miss it until it's gone. This is especially the case for you if you have a child coming (and I'm guessing it's your first.) You guys are going to get on each others nerves. It's natural. That's not the problem, what you do afterwards is. If you get into an argument, its okay to go over a friend's house to just chill and not talk $#@% about the fight. It's cool to go for a walk. It's also cool to ask your SO for some personal time at the house (get him and his homie tickets to the game or something.) Keep some time for yourself so you don't crazy. You should also spend time together working on your relationship. I'm sure you're going to feel inclined to invite people over all the time once you get the new place, but I'd suggest spending a month or at least a couple weeks just getting to know each other's living habits. How you live at your SO's place is a LOT different from how you live at your own place, and the little things (like the toilet seat, putting dirty dishes in the sink vs. on the counter, etc) can drive you crazy.

4. Money - With a shared living space comes shared finances. If you guys are cool with getting a combined account, cool, but keep your separate account. No ifs, ands, or buts. Personally... I don't care if a ninja gave it to you with navigation, don't go there...

5. Baby - This is a special instance, and I don't have any kids, but I would encourage you two to talk about everything when it comes to your upcoming child. Every thing. EVERY THING. E-V-E-R-Y space T-H-I-N-G. Schools in the area of the new place, day care centers that are close by (if one of you isn't going to stay home,) parks, clothes you want to buy for him/her, who is going to stay in on weekends, who is going to pick-up drop off, etc.

Hope this helps. And some tips to just keep your man happy in general:

a. You two are just chilling, watching TV by yourselves. Whip a titty out and start rubbing it and see how long it takes for him to realize it.
b. Your man just got back from work/gym/etc. You have several options that will make him happy:
    i. Have the game playing on the TV when he walks in the door with a cold beer waiting.
    ii. Grab him by the belt loop, direct him to the room, and slide him that awesome jawsome.
    iii. Be finishing up dinner, his favorite.
c. You wake up before your man usually? Pick a random day and wake him up to you wearing lingerie.
d. You can visibly see him engaged with something on TV? Don't start talking to him.  And ESPECIALLY don't start talking to him about a problem. Is it really so urgent that it can't wait for an hour?
e. Have a date night planned out before you nag him about taking you out.
f. What are his hobbies? Offer to take him and his friends to something that they all like, and don't assume that you will be included in the equation.

Everything in here is fact. I'd like to add dont wear that 3xl t-shirt and sweats to bed nightly. That %@#@ isn't sexy. I don't care how hot you are that will destroy your sex life. And as childish as it may sound your sex life will be a major factor in a relationship. And don't make sex a routine, b/c he will feel like its a chore. Different times of the day, outfits, blah blah. Just mix it up.

Best of luck to you
pros: much easier and convenient if you two were basically living together at one of your places. Save a lot of money on eating out too.

cons: if there is an argument, you have no where to really go since you live together.
Harder to get "me" time.

If you love each other, it will work.
Originally Posted by CJ003

Originally Posted by Yeah

Originally Posted by gORJESS

The idea of making this thread came to me when I was in the shower, I thought to myself "I need to find out what kind of body wash he uses so I can make sure when I pick mine up, I can get his and make sure he always has a fresh bottle."  Stuff like that, not looking to change the man, just some tips on what makes living together more enjoyable. 
You seem like a nice person. Don't know your situation or anything, but I legitimately wish you two the best of luck. I'll give some advice this time around. Granted, I can't really speak for your man, but I'll list some things that are somewhat of a frequently reoccurring issue whenever I spend a lot of time with a woman in a relationship:

1. Mixing Friends - You want your best friends to get along with your man and vice versa. Nothing wrong with doing a double date every now and then, going to a party or two, awesome. I think the problems arise when you try to get your SO and their friends (either intentionally or unintentionally) to assimilate into your group of friends. I was talking it over with a platonic friend and she said she felt the same way. And because you guys are going to be living together, it might be something you pay attention to. You both are independent people with a set group of friends, so enjoy your friends' company, and allow him to do the same. (And don't take offense to it when he says he's not up for chilling with your friends! He probably just wants to lounge around the house, or kick it with his friends.)

2. Getting Too Comfortable - This is something that EVERY relationship has a problem with. Especially if you're living together (I've never moved in with a woman, but there have been times where it sure seemed like it.) I can't speak for your relationship, but you've probably come to expect certain things from your SO. It's natural. Just be sure not to falter with those things. I dated a girl for a while, she would frequently come over, and then one day she goes to the bathroom and starts blowing it up... and doesn't close the door.
I don't care about you using the bathroom, I don't even care if it smells like death, but you've been closing the door for all of this time and all the sudden you feel like "we reached the next level" and that excuses you from closing the door? MAN. *Track 13, Dedication 3.* This is just one example though. If you're fit and go to the gym, try to keep that habit up. You keep your place clean for when your SO comes over? Do the same when you live with them.

3. Saving Time For Yourself(ves) - This is a multifaceted point. Solitude might be one of the most under appreciated ways we spend our time, and we often don't miss it until it's gone. This is especially the case for you if you have a child coming (and I'm guessing it's your first.) You guys are going to get on each others nerves. It's natural. That's not the problem, what you do afterwards is. If you get into an argument, its okay to go over a friend's house to just chill and not talk $#@% about the fight. It's cool to go for a walk. It's also cool to ask your SO for some personal time at the house (get him and his homie tickets to the game or something.) Keep some time for yourself so you don't crazy. You should also spend time together working on your relationship. I'm sure you're going to feel inclined to invite people over all the time once you get the new place, but I'd suggest spending a month or at least a couple weeks just getting to know each other's living habits. How you live at your SO's place is a LOT different from how you live at your own place, and the little things (like the toilet seat, putting dirty dishes in the sink vs. on the counter, etc) can drive you crazy.

4. Money - With a shared living space comes shared finances. If you guys are cool with getting a combined account, cool, but keep your separate account. No ifs, ands, or buts. Personally... I don't care if a ninja gave it to you with navigation, don't go there...

5. Baby - This is a special instance, and I don't have any kids, but I would encourage you two to talk about everything when it comes to your upcoming child. Every thing. EVERY THING. E-V-E-R-Y space T-H-I-N-G. Schools in the area of the new place, day care centers that are close by (if one of you isn't going to stay home,) parks, clothes you want to buy for him/her, who is going to stay in on weekends, who is going to pick-up drop off, etc.

Hope this helps. And some tips to just keep your man happy in general:

a. You two are just chilling, watching TV by yourselves. Whip a titty out and start rubbing it and see how long it takes for him to realize it.
b. Your man just got back from work/gym/etc. You have several options that will make him happy:
    i. Have the game playing on the TV when he walks in the door with a cold beer waiting.
    ii. Grab him by the belt loop, direct him to the room, and slide him that awesome jawsome.
    iii. Be finishing up dinner, his favorite.
c. You wake up before your man usually? Pick a random day and wake him up to you wearing lingerie.
d. You can visibly see him engaged with something on TV? Don't start talking to him.  And ESPECIALLY don't start talking to him about a problem. Is it really so urgent that it can't wait for an hour?
e. Have a date night planned out before you nag him about taking you out.
f. What are his hobbies? Offer to take him and his friends to something that they all like, and don't assume that you will be included in the equation.

Everything in here is fact. I'd like to add dont wear that 3xl t-shirt and sweats to bed nightly. That %@#@ isn't sexy. I don't care how hot you are that will destroy your sex life. And as childish as it may sound your sex life will be a major factor in a relationship. And don't make sex a routine, b/c he will feel like its a chore. Different times of the day, outfits, blah blah. Just mix it up.

Best of luck to you

I thought about this as well, I am not even the type of chick to even wear sweats out...I feel like I always have to look presentable. 

As far as not making sex a routine & all that, its definitely the plan after the baby. I keep up with all of that and try to change things up....and actually did google 'maternity lingerie' but I was like uhhhhh hell no, no way in hell will I be able to feel sexy feeling like I swallowed a basketball....

Would you guys want your pregnant SO dressing up like this?
Originally Posted by gORJESS

Originally Posted by CJ003

Originally Posted by Yeah

You seem like a nice person. Don't know your situation or anything, but I legitimately wish you two the best of luck. I'll give some advice this time around. Granted, I can't really speak for your man, but I'll list some things that are somewhat of a frequently reoccurring issue whenever I spend a lot of time with a woman in a relationship:

1. Mixing Friends - You want your best friends to get along with your man and vice versa. Nothing wrong with doing a double date every now and then, going to a party or two, awesome. I think the problems arise when you try to get your SO and their friends (either intentionally or unintentionally) to assimilate into your group of friends. I was talking it over with a platonic friend and she said she felt the same way. And because you guys are going to be living together, it might be something you pay attention to. You both are independent people with a set group of friends, so enjoy your friends' company, and allow him to do the same. (And don't take offense to it when he says he's not up for chilling with your friends! He probably just wants to lounge around the house, or kick it with his friends.)

2. Getting Too Comfortable - This is something that EVERY relationship has a problem with. Especially if you're living together (I've never moved in with a woman, but there have been times where it sure seemed like it.) I can't speak for your relationship, but you've probably come to expect certain things from your SO. It's natural. Just be sure not to falter with those things. I dated a girl for a while, she would frequently come over, and then one day she goes to the bathroom and starts blowing it up... and doesn't close the door.
I don't care about you using the bathroom, I don't even care if it smells like death, but you've been closing the door for all of this time and all the sudden you feel like "we reached the next level" and that excuses you from closing the door? MAN. *Track 13, Dedication 3.* This is just one example though. If you're fit and go to the gym, try to keep that habit up. You keep your place clean for when your SO comes over? Do the same when you live with them.

3. Saving Time For Yourself(ves) - This is a multifaceted point. Solitude might be one of the most under appreciated ways we spend our time, and we often don't miss it until it's gone. This is especially the case for you if you have a child coming (and I'm guessing it's your first.) You guys are going to get on each others nerves. It's natural. That's not the problem, what you do afterwards is. If you get into an argument, its okay to go over a friend's house to just chill and not talk $#@% about the fight. It's cool to go for a walk. It's also cool to ask your SO for some personal time at the house (get him and his homie tickets to the game or something.) Keep some time for yourself so you don't crazy. You should also spend time together working on your relationship. I'm sure you're going to feel inclined to invite people over all the time once you get the new place, but I'd suggest spending a month or at least a couple weeks just getting to know each other's living habits. How you live at your SO's place is a LOT different from how you live at your own place, and the little things (like the toilet seat, putting dirty dishes in the sink vs. on the counter, etc) can drive you crazy.

4. Money - With a shared living space comes shared finances. If you guys are cool with getting a combined account, cool, but keep your separate account. No ifs, ands, or buts. Personally... I don't care if a ninja gave it to you with navigation, don't go there...

5. Baby - This is a special instance, and I don't have any kids, but I would encourage you two to talk about everything when it comes to your upcoming child. Every thing. EVERY THING. E-V-E-R-Y space T-H-I-N-G. Schools in the area of the new place, day care centers that are close by (if one of you isn't going to stay home,) parks, clothes you want to buy for him/her, who is going to stay in on weekends, who is going to pick-up drop off, etc.

Hope this helps. And some tips to just keep your man happy in general:

a. You two are just chilling, watching TV by yourselves. Whip a titty out and start rubbing it and see how long it takes for him to realize it.
b. Your man just got back from work/gym/etc. You have several options that will make him happy:
    i. Have the game playing on the TV when he walks in the door with a cold beer waiting.
    ii. Grab him by the belt loop, direct him to the room, and slide him that awesome jawsome.
    iii. Be finishing up dinner, his favorite.
c. You wake up before your man usually? Pick a random day and wake him up to you wearing lingerie.
d. You can visibly see him engaged with something on TV? Don't start talking to him.  And ESPECIALLY don't start talking to him about a problem. Is it really so urgent that it can't wait for an hour?
e. Have a date night planned out before you nag him about taking you out.
f. What are his hobbies? Offer to take him and his friends to something that they all like, and don't assume that you will be included in the equation.

Everything in here is fact. I'd like to add dont wear that 3xl t-shirt and sweats to bed nightly. That %@#@ isn't sexy. I don't care how hot you are that will destroy your sex life. And as childish as it may sound your sex life will be a major factor in a relationship. And don't make sex a routine, b/c he will feel like its a chore. Different times of the day, outfits, blah blah. Just mix it up.

Best of luck to you

I thought about this as well, I am not even the type of chick to even wear sweats out...I feel like I always have to look presentable. 

As far as not making sex a routine & all that, its definitely the plan after the baby. I keep up with all of that and try to change things up....and actually did google 'maternity lingerie' but I was like uhhhhh hell no, no way in hell will I be able to feel sexy feeling like I swallowed a basketball....

Would you guys want your pregnant SO dressing up like this?
i lived with my ex.

she got way too comfortable with things. she started thinking Dutch Ovening me was cute and started FORGETTING TO FLUSH LOGS.

she started insisting that i get up 3 hours earlier than i had to so i could make her breakfast.

she joked about pulling a Left-Eye on my gear. that was the last straw.

give your dude his space. i'd get home from work and if i didn't immediately sit down & have dinner and discuss my day it was World War III.
Originally Posted by Space DooDoo Pistols

i lived with my ex.

she got way too comfortable with things. she started thinking Dutch Ovening me was cute and started FORGETTING TO FLUSH LOGS.

she started insisting that i get up 3 hours earlier than i had to so i could make her breakfast.

she joked about pulling a Left-Eye on my gear. that was the last straw.

give your dude his space. i'd get home from work and if i didn't immediately sit down & have dinner and discuss my day it was World War III.
was she your ex already or gf back then?
crap... she was my GF then.

LOGS, man. LOGS. there's no return from seeing your chick's logs looking back at you when you go to take a whizz.
gORJESS you seem like the wifey type, thinking about the little things that do actually count...well in my world ofcourse

1)When i lived with my ex, we were pretty much a team. Even though she handled the cleaning/cooking...i also helped her out. Yall will get closer in this process and down the road marriage is a possibility right? Being a team is def. a plus.
 2)There will be those days where your man will come home from a bad day or something...DO NOT push it. Give him his space, let him breath and hell come to you.
3) Always have a plan B, JUST INCASE you may need another place to live.
4)Know what he likes, his favorites..im sure hell def. appreciate it.
5)Let him have his boys night out and you go have yor girls night out. Trust me, this will help alot.
6)Def. do not get too comfortable. When its time of the month, please cover everything up...we do not like to see any of that.
7)I'd recommend going to the gym together, or both of yall signing up to the gym. Im sure you guys do not wanna end up like a bunch of slobs...especially with a kid on the way.
And now for the sex. This right here is important so he wont get bored of you. def. mix it up.

Unfortunalty, thats all i can come up at the moment. I wish yall the best of luck OP!
Originally Posted by Space DooDoo Pistols

crap... she was my GF then.

LOGS, man. LOGS. there's no return from seeing your chick's logs looking back at you when you go to take a whizz.

how old are you?
Honestly OP, reading your comments it seems like you all are forcing this thing just because you are having he baby. That is what I get from reading your comments. I could very well be wrong but that is what I am seeing.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Honestly OP, reading your comments it seems like you all are forcing this thing just because you are having he baby. That is what I get from reading your comments. I could very well be wrong but that is what I am seeing.

I sense that a little , its like she is trying to make everything so perfect


You 30 and poop still freaks you out?
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