What are you favorite RELAY GAMES/RACES? vol. BBQ

Feb 20, 2004
NT, I'm responsible for the games/activities for an upcoming BBQ (non-alcoholic) for families and teens of all ages.

What are some of your favorite relay races/outdoor competitive team games that you remember playing, growing up?

So far I have ;

1) 3-legged race
2) Water balloon toss
3) Tug-of-war
4) Pinata smash
5) ?
6) ?

Side note: A fun one we used to do had multiple teams each wearing alka-seltzer-ring necklaces and being armed with an empty styrafoam cup & a limited supply of water. The point of the game was to dissolve each team's alka-seltzer-necklace by throwing cupped water at each other, while protecting your own necklace. Team with the least dissolved rings after 3 minutes won.

Looking to add at least two relay/games!

Talent show..?
Or maybe do some kind of relay race where instead of passing batons runners have to pass off costume pieces they have to wear, like shirts, masks, and/or hats and such. And it can be themed like for like superheros, or scary costumes, or famous people or whoever yenno...

Hope you have fun BBQ...

Edit** You can have the teams choose who they want to be before hand to make them more into it and in the spirit of things. Also in regards to all the activities people love prizes lol...
forgot to mention Capture The Flag is going to be the main event. 20 vs. 20 w/ prizes.

keep em coming, folks!
Yeah was gonna say capture the flag. Loved that game,

What about smear the %%%%$ ? You set up a perimeter and set a football in the middle. Person with the ball runs around until they are too scared to get tackled and throws the ball in the air. New person catches it and runs around etc, etc. no winner. But it's fun as hell. Haha
You could also play kings cup with something super carbonated. Like Perrier or something . Super cold so it's hard to drink
Forgot to mention its a family church BBQ. Lol .... therefore no drinking games or wet t-shirts.

egg race.....keep the egg on the spoon while reaching a certain destination and back to the finish line...
which ever team (of 2) finishes first with out dropping/breaking the egg wins.

Scavenger Hunt...for the kids...
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