What are you getting your Parents for Christmas?

Oct 21, 2007
Im either getting them a sony surround sound system.
or a nintendo wii

what is everyone doing for their parents this holiday season?
Sunday I went to get my dad a mouse and a wireless router, but the total came to like $30 and I could have sworn he scanned both items. I looked at the receiptand only the mouse was on there so I got a $80 router free. I felt guilty as hell, but I'm a broke college student so I'm not too anxious to give awaya month's salary.

And I'm gonna get my mom a gift certificate to get a massage for her present.
an hdtv... that i'll take with me when i move out this summer so i guess its a temporary gift
my mom's picky so I always ask what she wants. But she did perk up at the thought of a digi photo frame (although she has no camera hmmmm). But generally Isay what I want, and I ask what she wants. We're not so great w/surprises.
Dad - Probably something like a sleeve of golf balls, or some nifty Golf device.

Mom - No idea, probably a giant mix of Babyfaces greatest hits...
I can't believe that some of you fools not gunna get ur parents anything....

i am gunna go to macys and nortrums* and get them something....u all choked on not takin advantage on black friday
Last year I got my parents a LCD tv.
This year, since they're retired and don't need anything I have no clue.

They travel much more, so maybe I'll upgrade their tickets to First Class.
Dad - An external HDD for his music. iPod classic, and a sound dock for the ipod.
Mom - A laptop, and an ipod nano.
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