What are you looking forward to in 08?

air structures as well &


foams (doesn't matter what color)
eggplant flightposites
airmax 95 (doesn't matter what color)
Penny II's
White "Peace" Air Raids
Tech Challenge II's since I didn't get a chance to cop a pair of the I's
Lava '95 regardless of the small air bubbles
Nike Air Force Max (AF1 low X AM 95)
And last but certainly not least, the birth of my son or daughter
Neons are re-releasing?! Dammit, Nike!! Why do you like me better when I'm broke?
silver foams
cf flightposite (if they come out)
air max pippen
penny II
air zm 95
am95 af1
playoff aj fushion
af1 id
Air Structure
Air Tech Challenge II
Maybe some black Jordan IV or III
Air Trainer 1 Chlorophyl:
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