What are your driving pet peeves?

Sep 22, 2008
People who won't turn right at a red light.
When drivers don't use their turn signals.
Slow drivers in the fast lane.

What are yours? :nerd:
people who don't turn at redlights?
...thats because you're suppose to STOP than turn at red lights.
people who don't turn at redlights?
...thats because you're suppose to STOP than turn at red lights.
My fault wasn't clear on that one, people who stay posted at a red light while signaling and no cars are coming their way, wait it out until the light turn green.
People who don't use their signals
People who don't shoulder check when they switch lanes

Idiots like this:

i have no patience at all so i hate red lights, makin left turns across traffic & bein caught in traffic. i also hate backseat/passenger side drivers, ****** always wanna comment on how i drive i be like "man shut the hell up & act like a passenger before i make yo *** get out my whip"
Cars who let you know theyre trying to change lanes....by changing lanes (this can also fall under cars not using their turn signals)

When a car is in front of you in the left turning lane, and there is a solid, normal green light, and they DONT get ready to turn by creeping forward in the intersection...which in turn makes you miss the light because they slowed the whole process down

(yea that second one was complicated)
exiting the freeway, coming to a stop....somebody right on my bumper as i'm slowing down...tryin to get me in an accident :smh:

and people who drive right next to me on the freeway wtf :lol: ...tryin to catch me hittin those high notes
Red light turns green and that person is texting in the phone holding up traffic. 

Going under speed limit...
-People double parked in a narrow street with no hazards on
-Prius drivers on the fast lane... I mean seriously? Can they not go any faster than 65?
-Actually, Prius drivers in general.
-When I ride shotgun and my friends text. Like dawg, I don't wanna die.
-Not using signals
-People who don't understand the zipper effect while merging (jerks who speed up when you're nose first, etc)
-People going
I hate it when I'm driving and my girl is using her phone bright as hell. like damn turn your brightness down before I kill both of us.

I HATE HATE HATE when people try to switch over into the lane to get onto the highway and expect you to let them merge.
Nah b, shoulda got in this lane before the light or sped up to beat other cars to the on-ramp. You ain't mergin infront of me :smokin
Had one tonight, there was a car that cut me off and then proceeded to drive slow; I was pretty heated because the person would have hit me if I didn't stomp on my brakes and then they had the nerve to drive slow.
I hate how people don't let you pass once you put your blinkers on :stoneface: really ?

I'm on the highway and your driving well below the limit, I speed up to pass you and you wanna speed Tito not let me pass :stoneface:
If your on the highway going 65 mph, get your behind in the right lane. Having a gang of cars behind because your to righteous to move over. Have to deal with this everyday :smh:
i hate school zones. avoid them like the plague. not trying to drive 20 mph like them signs posted.

also, slow people in the left lanes. stay off my side.
people who don't get directions until after they are on their way
This blows my mind when people do this. My dad loves doing this and it pisses me off every time

People that don't use turn signals annoy me. Especially the ones who you can just tell that they are going to turn at the most congested spot and back traffic up.

People who want to just chill in the fast lane. They won't move to the middle lane to let you pass OR accelerate so the there's enough space between them and the car to the right of them for you to use to pass them

That driver that has no chill on the gas pedal and everyone is just going slower than them. Weaving through every lane at 80mph just to get ahead and cruise at 60mph.

Inconsistent speeders. 60mph one minute, 78 the next when I want to pass you, then back to 60 again.

Or maybe I'm just a bully on the road....
speeding up to slow down
not paying attention to the road
everyone being in one lane when the other lane is wide open
slow ******* in the fast lane

im a pretty patient person, 0 tolerance on the road tho
People who think that everyone is just driving slow. I could be doing 80 on a 55 and some ***** thinks that i'm going too slow and tries to tail gate. I drop speed real quick and have them shook. When they get into the next lane I drive up to the car next to me so they can't pass. ***** ******.:smokin
I hate it when I'm driving and my girl is using her phone bright as hell. like damn turn your brightness down before I kill both of us.
I HATE HATE HATE when people try to switch over into the lane to get onto the highway and expect you to let them merge.
Nah b, shoulda got in this lane before the light or sped up to beat other cars to the on-ramp. You ain't mergin infront of me :smokin

drivers with this mentality. this is why accidents and stupid **** occur. like we've all been in a position where we've sat and its been tough to get in the lane where we need to get into, turn where we need to get into, etc....

I'm courteous to every driver. I'm not going to let everyone in front of me but i dont mind slowing down and letting someone squeeze in where they need to. It goes a long way. and i hope people would do the same.

also you can turn right in parts of nyc so whoever posted that you can't is extra wrong with cheese.
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