What are your goals for 2014??? Vol. Lets progress

Get back in shape.

Take that next step in my career.

Be able to provide more for my fam.

To keep up this diet.
Get shredded

Continue eating healthy

Get drivers license 

Start thinking about careers/colleges 
Get into running/fitness
Turn heel
Learn some programming languages
Find new revenue making opportunities
Be more responsible with my money. Stop and smell the roses more often.
- Lose weight for my wedding in September.

- Save more money, to spend on the wedding and for the rest of my life.

- Immediately kill any desire to buy multiple pair of shoes 
 Oregon Foams aren't helping.

- Enjoy every day.

- Lastly, to trust and obey in God through all things.

Happy new year!
hopefully figure out what i wanna do with my life :smh: and get a new girl

thats all tbh
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Go to California whether im goin solo or not
Save up over 3 gs
Buy jeans that fit
Keep my GPA at least a 3.5
Find some new friends
Learn how to cut my own hair
Meet my younger brother
Visit my,older brother
- Head in the books

- Gym every day. tired if being that cool jiggy fat homie. Time to be that in shape pretty *****

- Budget. Budget. Budget. Aside from bills/necessities, save save save!

- Repair my relationship with the Father

- Smang as many O's as possible

- Fap less.

- Lift more, tweet less.

- Stay organized. I lowkey want to develop an OCD type thing so everything stays neat and clean.

- Draw every day. Design more. Build my portfolio.
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Anything would be better than 2013, don't know how I didn't overdose on drugs by now
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Well I definitely want to leave smoking and drinking in 2013....

I want to develop and increase my speech and grammar. Internalize intellectual strategies.

Get shredded and ripped. Develop and strengthen my faculties, mentally and physically.

Create an awesome, positive attitude.

Minimize my cursing.

Meet new and better friends.

Save and make more money.

Get a girl and keep her.

Get back into school.

Keep reading.

Keep eating right

Keep pushing things forward.
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Cut back on soda and mcds

Cut off pron completely

New job

Another car

New phone

Stop being such a pack rat

Stop procrastinating

Speak my mind a lot more
Save some money for 2015 (ha)
Care less about small things (destroys me)
Lose this fat belly that i've had since forever
Make music everyday
Going into 2k14 with the Don Jon mentality..

Body, Pad, Ride, Family   Career, Church, Boys, Girls, Pr0n  Education

word to JGL Da Gawd
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