What Are Your Pre-Game Rituals Vol. First bball game TONIGHT

^same usually try to visualize what im going to do playwise..coming off pick and rolls and what ill do when defense reacts to it..shave my head while in theshower nothing too crazy..oh and while in warmups start off shooting freethrows try to hit 3 in a row and then move onto long range shots
Football & Basketball -- I didn't do anything real unusual, but I always ended up taking a leak twices before the game started (at home, not always onthe road). Probably was nerves more than anything else.
Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

listen to some music, take a dump, and go out there having fun.
that is the first thing that came to my mind when i read this post. thatsexactly what i do.
i like to get hype. me and my dude are the craziest people on the team, and we get everybody fired up..
and this is where i get wierd, i then get completly quiet and listen to "Are you in that Mood Yet?", "The Future", and "Heaven orHell" by Joe Budden..

and no im not bi-polar. lol
Baseball - I would always eat 2 hours before the game at the latest. Always cereal or pasta. Write my cousins initials in the dirt. RIP. Stretch the lowerhalf of my body, run a lap around the field and then run 5 sprints. Then I would come back and stretch the my arms, rotator cuff and shoulder. If I playedwell the game before, I would play catch with that same person until I had a bad game. If I saw someone hitting in the cage w/o batting gloves and they weretearin it up, I wouldn't use batting gloves that day.
Yeah,baseball players are weird.

Basketball - Not a whole lot. D up my friend and vice versa twice each. This would get the nerves out. I would pray too but that's about it. Not asextensive as my baseball.
For basketball all I really did was sit down in the locker room, put on my headphones and just zone out...nothing really specific.

Me and my buddy would do this high five and jump up while in warmup...we actually did it before we started playing beer pong* the other day...hah...
*My buddy drank all the beer though, I don't drink
take a dump and try to be relaxed but still focused. other then that I just eat right and drink alot of water.
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