What are your thoughts?

Jul 27, 2008
I was close with my old High School buddy for nearly 9 years, last year we got in a car accident. I was the passenger he was the driver, we both had a fewdrinks since our plan was to just chill at the beach with a few people and spend the night. Well i got sick so i ended up throwing up or w/e, and just sat upon the ground cause i just wanted to go to sleep.

According to him the people in the house which were no more than 10 were "talking crap about me", so he wanted to leave i assume he got embarassedsince he invited me and now its like "look at this guy". A few people including myself are saying t just stay or w/e and leave in the morning causeof the fact that he had some drinks. He was too stubborn and i was dumb to get in the car, but being two hours away from home with no car and work the next daydidn't really leave me a choice

So i get in, put my seat belt on, ask him yo you sure you can drive? It's a long drive and i'm ready to fall asleep. "Yea man i'm cool blahblah."
Well next thing i know I'm out, he wakes me up i look up and see busted air bags, cracked windshield and a bunch of trees...

Turns out he fell asleep, rear ended a lady and was only able to react after the impact. Things got weird after that, mainly so when he tried blaming me forwhole situation. At least he did so when people asked what happened? he'd reply " I was taking drunk "el cuco" home and we had anaccident."

Since then i kinda just kept my distance moreso due to the lack of an apology for trying to point the finger at me and what not, Last time we chilled wasaround xmas time then we bumped into each other one other time.

Well last night he hits me up saying his b-day's on thurs that he's having people over, I'm more then welcomed to stop by...Maybe we can put ourdifferences in the past and what not.
I don't respond to the text, an hr later i get on aim and he im's me asking if i got the text?
I don't respond... what are your thoughts?

Best friends since freshman yr h.s.
Go down to the beach to have a good time
Me: Starts feeling sick from the drinks i had
Him: Embarrassed i got sick, claimed people were talking crap so he wanted to leave
Everyone: Tells him to just stay that i shouldn't be moving around let him be, to leave in the morning
Him: He's good to drive
Me: No choice since i had work and lived 2hrs away with no other way to get home

Me: Gets in buckles up and falls asleep
Him: Falls asleep and ends up rear ended a lady and nearly killing us on the expressway
Him: Points finger at me when people asked what happened?
Me: Gets pissed and just ignores him for a while seen him no more than 5 times since last summer.
Him: Texts me to see if i want to go out for his bday with some co-workers of his, im's me later to see if i got his text.
Me: ....... no response

What would you guys do in this situation?
sounds like a messed up situation but it wasnt your fault. u didnt make him drive. u should talk to him about it instead of ignoring him. if that doesnt work ucan either agree to disagree or jus tell him u cant %@#% wit him like that. good luck
Originally Posted by infamousod

were you in any kind of trouble or did he get a DUI for the crash?

The never questioned me, he appeared fine but tired...blood test revealed his alcohol level was over the limit. So he lost his license and got a DUI.
But even before he knew whether or not he was losing his license he pointed the finger at me indirectly...
best thing you can do is talk FACE TO FACE...not AIM, facebook, texting, twitter, myspace, blackplanet.......Get your feelings out if he's really yourfriend you will find out. Don't ignore it. Id talk to him before the b-day tho. That way you will know if you should even go. I wouldn't be a good ideato air stuff out on dudes birthday in a house full of people.
Why did he blame you? Theres nothing to really blame you for.

But like other people are saying, just talk to him face to face. Not over the internet.
Well we tried talking things over before and i confronted him about how he indirectly pointed the finger at me when people asked what happened and he deniedit, so i was pretty much fed up at trying to work things. I also tried making it aware that perhaps he has a drinking problem, since this wasn't the firsttime he had a run in with the law, but he kept getting away with it since his dad is a cop. His parents have confronted him about it before but it never reallyphase him.
Originally Posted by jumpmankb

Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

have make up sex.
Birthday sex..
Birthday sex..
It's the best day of the year..

These guys are dudes.

OP you should talk to him about it before or after his birthday but IMO you should go. Actions speak louder than words and since he text and IMed you about thetext, he cares. Be a champ and bring a bottle or beer because true friends will never go away and if ya'll been tight for that long then I say it'sworth talking it out. I understand where you're coming from, I too hate being blamed for $*%^ I didn't do or be the cause of a certain situation. It iswhat it is but he wants you there so go support!
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