What can the NBA do about flopping?

Originally Posted by Antidope

Nothing practical can be done, flopping has become a basketball play now. If you try to police it you would have to stop the game too often, and the fines would just cause a ton of issues with the players. I do want it go away though so hopefully the powers that be will at least try something
Every flop called stops the game, while awarding points from foul shots a good amount of the time. Sense, you make none. All it takes is for something to actually be done for it to stop, no ones gonna go out of their way to do something their punished for. Treat them like flagrants for two weeks guaranteed the flop is no longer a "basketball play" after that. 
Originally Posted by Wade187

Originally Posted by Antidope

Nothing practical can be done, flopping has become a basketball play now. If you try to police it you would have to stop the game too often, and the fines would just cause a ton of issues with the players. I do want it go away though so hopefully the powers that be will at least try something
Every flop called stops the game, while awarding points from foul shots a good amount of the time. Sense, you make none. All it takes is for something to actually be done for it to stop, no ones gonna go out of their way to do something their punished for. Treat them like flagrants for two weeks guaranteed the flop is no longer a "basketball play" after that. 
These all take shorter amounts of time than the deliberation between refs and replay watching would take, and in some cases would have the time it takes to shoot free throws added on because the refs decide to go with their original ruling of the foul. IMO foul shots are really a stoppage of gameplay either they're just a stoppage of the clock. 
That being said I like your suggestion of it being called a flagrant but IDK if that would go over well, but I do agree that in order for it to stop it has to be a punishable offense. 

I also like the "stop calling it option" but that happens now to an extent but really doesn't stop them from trying because in their minds they're going to get it eventually, I feel like you have to make it clear that if you do it something bads going to happen to you for it.

ATGD7154xBBxMZ wrote:
Antidope wrote:
TheHealthInspector wrote:
they already stop the game by calling fouls on the flops

and so far this week ive seen two times where the ref called "flagrant" fouls on the flops which requires a review, in one case they saw that they +%!@#@ up and changed it to a personal because theres nothing the rules against flopping... not to mention the tyrus thomas situation 
  pretty sure they reviewed that and refused to admit fault... maybe they could change it to an offensive foul on these reviews but like JVG said, the nba is obviously condoning it

Calling a foul doesn't take nearly as much time as rounding up the referees, discussing the play, and then going to the replay. There would be more time spent reviewing plays than actual playtime at every Clippers game. They do it sometimes but if they had to start doing it every time it would slow the game down to a crawl. Its the same thing with baseball and instant replay, it would just take too long. 

Who said anything about doing that? Let there be a 4th ref watching on a monitor that makes the judgment call quickly and efficiently. Forget the huddling of all 3 dudes. Plus like I said huge fines, so players would stop faster.

These are good ideas, better than the one that I thought of off the top of my head. Like I said I'm sure that theres better solutions that the NBA could come up with than the one that I suggested which seemed like the best way to police it in my mind.
Originally Posted by pdot

Originally Posted by JordanJayyy7

Let them play!
Ignore the flopper.

Don't make a call either way.

Let the defender flop & the offensive player lay the ball in...

Eventually they'll start just playing defense again.

Best idea, but basketball is too fast paced and reactionary for that to work. Soon as they see the flailing they call it, if they start holding back they'll miss even more legit calls.  A post game ref review with fines sounds more feasible.
Nothing in-game can be done. NBA needs to retroactively punish floppers. If they try to give techs in-game its just gonna get messy. It's hard to spot a flop. That's why they do it. Most of us can spot it with the aid of 3 or 4 different camera angles and instant replay. Ref has to spot it in an instant from one angle. If a ref gives a tech for what looks like a flop but really isn't that's gonna cause more trouble than its worth. Do they review flops? Do they kick ppl out for flopping? Nothing but confusion. I think if they give technicals after the fact and stiff fines for obvious flops it will eventually stop. Especially considering it will be known that they were given techs for flopping and if they do it too much they'll be suspended. As bad as it is right now in the NBA 10+ techs would be racked up in no time for some of the more egregious offenders.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Nothing in-game can be done. NBA needs to retroactively punish floppers. If they try to give techs in-game its just gonna get messy. It's hard to spot a flop. That's why they do it. Most of us can spot it with the aid of 3 or 4 different camera angles and instant replay. Ref has to spot it in an instant from one angle. If a ref gives a tech for what looks like a flop but really isn't that's gonna cause more trouble than its worth. Do they review flops? Do they kick ppl out for flopping? Nothing but confusion. I think if they give technicals after the fact and stiff fines for obvious flops it will eventually stop. Especially considering it will be known that they were given techs for flopping and if they do it too much they'll be suspended. As bad as it is right now in the NBA 10+ techs would be racked up in no time for some of the more egregious offenders.

all of this.
i would also like for them to add another ref, and hire new refs every few years.
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