What current problems are you dealing with?

My fingernails are too long and i can't find my cutter. So i guess i shouldn't be in this topic. You guys have some real problems. I can't think anything wrong at the moment. I'm employed, messing with this hot chick, everybody in my family is ok and cod is here. To all of you guys here keep your head up.
- Trying to get the bunz from a chick but nowhere to smash (I'm a HS Jr so I live w/ parents and hers are always at home)
- Not in shape as I want to be but have no motivation to work out
- Want a real girl (and not just JO's) but can't seem to find one
- Hate my job and want to look elsewhere
- Want to just change my physical appearance overall. Man, I been having the same haircut(waves) for the last 16 years.

 My problems ain't eem that bad compared to others which I'm thankful for.
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