What desk/chair/office set ups you got?


Aug 31, 2011
Looking for something simple for my bedroom. Tired of just using the macbook on the bed or whatever.
I need space for paperwork and for my macbook (15" if it matters)  but I don't think I will need any compartments or drawers??
I may upgrade to a 17" and monitor, possibly mounted on the wall infront of the desk or imac later this year. so i may wait till then, but i just want some ideas on what too look for when i buy my desk and chair
as far as the chair goes i want one of those soft black leather seats with them wheels on em. which chair would you recommend for under 500?
Originally Posted by MrBrown

inb4 megatron


i recently got the ikea ad in the mail and they had some simple desks that looked good for like 70-100 bucks

and go to an office store for a chair. i got one of those black leather executive style chairs for 70 bucks on sale a few years ago

good luck
My computer chair is about 5 years old and leather. Comfy, and it was fairly cheap. I know I bought it at Staple's off of the clearance section. My desk is also fairly cheap and is an L shaped to fit into the corner of my room. It's very convenient as it sits right into place with the wall, and doesn't leave a corner open (hopefully you know what I'm talking about). I'm a fan of the L shaped desk.
My desk chair so comfy - like a damn Laz E Boy everyone in my office wants the chair and try to steal it when im not there
I built me a stand-up workstation. I was ruining my abs sitting down.

Looks like this but without the bookshelf thing on the bottom. Ikea had the table top for $20 and the brackets were like another $20. Real easy DIY job. I bought a bar stool for when I want to watch a movie or something but otherwise I enjoy standing and my stomach is flat again.

$500 for a desk & chair?

Personally, I prefer using a yoga ball as my chair.  It's great for those times when you just want to move around and will give you a great ab workout while you work and it will only cost you about $30.
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