What did you all get yourselves for Christmas? Vol. treat yoself

Jan 5, 2013
I've been meaning to scoop myself a paid of the NA metallic 5s, but I haven't yet. Figured I'd search sometime today/tomorrow and pull the trigger.

What about you guys?
Nothing. I've been slacking on the Treat Yoself part of my life. My brother and I have always done this thing where we buy ourselves something when we hit a big life milestone.

In the last 18 months, I got promoted at my old job, got a new job, got promoted at the new job, and paid off my student loans. All things that would have warranted a gift to myself. I've purchased nothing.
I was surprised to see true blues still sitting on the shelves when I went to the mall yesterday :lol:
Got myself a 4 hour tattoo session to cover up an old piece on my chest/start a whole chest piece..
A midi keyboard I bought to make beats as a hobby.

Bout it. Already have damn near all the material things I want.

Might buy myself a 4K HD Smart TV but i haven't decided yet. Don't really need it.
Nothing yet. I've wanted to get myself a watch with a leather band. Nothing in the thousands though. Maybe a Nixon.
Nothing yet. I've wanted to get myself a watch with a leather band. Nothing in the thousands though. Maybe a Nixon.

Buy yourself a Rollie. Flood it with da moissanites.


I think I've treated myself enough this year though. At most, I'll grab myself a pair of jeans and a jacket while these holiday sales are popping.
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