What did you think was exaggerated until it happened to you?

Not to be an a-hole but you admitted drinking and "getting too high". Over the past decade you prolly have spent low 5 figures ($20-30k) that coulda been invested in Real Estate and you would've been on the path to getting residual income rather than trading your time 4 money. And its not just money spent on Marijuana/Alcohol- you admitted at times you were confused and barely able to function. Theres alot of flexible part time work you couldve pursued, had you abstained from abusing those substances (DoorDash, UberEats, GrubHub).

Same thing with coupon dude
I get what you're saying, I definitely could've invested in something like real estate or stocks. I don't smoke for real, maybe 10x in life. Less than $200. I didn't start drinking till late 20s. If I had to put a number on it, maybe $1,500 in life. And that's a HIGH estimate. I just wasn't serious about making my money work for me back then, but now I'm looking at it more intently. And to your point about supplemental work, I've done over 2000 ubereats deliveries.
Add me to the food poisoning list. I always thought of it as a little diarrhea, some vomiting, maybe a fever. But a couple years ago I discovered what it really was.

I think I went to the bathroom every 3 mins for like 5 or 6 hours. I had to position myself on the toilet and aim for the tub to throw up. Blurry vision and headaches from dehydration. It was never ending.
100% cosign. Sounded like someone was aiming a water hose into the toilet. I was dehydrated , weak and dizzy. Had to call my co-worker over at 5am to bring me something to eat and Gatorade bc I didn't even have the energy to walk across the street to the gas station.
Not to be an a-hole but you admitted drinking and "getting too high". Over the past decade you prolly have spent low 5 figures ($20-30k) that coulda been invested in Real Estate and you would've been on the path to getting residual income rather than trading your time 4 money. And its not just money spent on Marijuana/Alcohol- you admitted at times you were confused and barely able to function. Theres alot of flexible part time work you couldve pursued, had you abstained from abusing those substances (DoorDash, UberEats, GrubHub).

Same thing with coupon dude

:rofl: that $ figure was a HELL of an assumption
Prob on the low end if we are being serious. $200-300 a year. I would say it's definitely higher.

I mean even at $1000 per year, it would take 20/30 years to reach $20-$30K.

You legit think folks in their mid 30s have spend 30K lifetime in alcohol?
  • Dogs and how much they really are like a family member.
  • Gym for health, and not just looks. Once I realized my body didn't have the invincibility of the teenage years, I realized that going to the gym can get a good portion of that back.
  • The power of emotions on your well being. I just have been pretty rational for most of my life, so when i got hit with that first love breakup i had no idea wtf was wrong with me lolol
  • Indoor Rock Climbing. You gotta be strong and smart.
Corona Virus. I took it serious, wearing masks and staying at home but I figured I’m young, no health issues so I should be okay. But man when I got exposed and tested positive...symptoms were mild until they weren’t lol There was a point I didn’t think I was gonna make it. Couldn’t breath, almost passed out in the shower. Luckily I knew a few people who had it and I was hitting them up just to talk me down. It’s been three weeks since I tested negative and I’m just now feeling 100%

If you don't mind (and no shade), how much of you believes it was the actual covid vs your mind etc.?

I took precautions, wore my mask, social distanced etc. I did so more so not because I was afraid of getting it, but because I was afraid of getting others around me sick.

But I still went out more than I probably should’ve thinking I’m untouchable. I got that **** in November and it sucked. Was a definite wake up call.
What do you guys think about alcohol consumption.

There seems to be this idea that only full blown alcoholics have an issue with alcohol. Which is logic that I flat out don't understand. Especially in terms of mental and spiritual health alcohol is alcohol.

I mean even at $1000 per year, it would take 20/30 years to reach $20-$30K.

You legit think folks in their mid 30s have spend 30K lifetime in alcohol?

Lol I definitely messed up on my initial math calculation. But to answer your question, if we were talking about money spent directly on alcohol, probably not. But if we are talking about alcohol-related expenses such as bottle services, getting ubers, eating out before/after drinking, etc, I think even with that crowd for mid 30s, a very, very small percentage spent 30k in their lifetime.
Lol I definitely messed up on my initial math calculation. But to answer your question, if we were talking about money spent directly on alcohol, probably not. But if we are talking about alcohol-related expenses such as bottle services, getting ubers, eating out before/after drinking, etc, I think even with that crowd for mid 30s, a very, very small percentage spent 30k in their lifetime.

You also have to calculate time and possibly even the effects of the social space a person occupies when doing this.

In the end the dollar amount could be crazy high.
Lol I definitely messed up on my initial math calculation. But to answer your question, if we were talking about money spent directly on alcohol, probably not. But if we are talking about alcohol-related expenses such as bottle services, getting ubers, eating out before/after drinking, etc, I think even with that crowd for mid 30s, a very, very small percentage spent 30k in their lifetime.

Right. :lol:

That is what made Jodeci's comment hilarious.
If you don't mind (and no shade), how much of you believes it was the actual covid vs your mind etc.?
I don’t usually get sick which was part of the reason I thought I’d be fine if I ever came across covid. I was convinced I would be one of those people that would be asymptotic lol so mentality I was fine. Even after my positive test first week only symptoms I had was fatigue and a small cough. It felt like any other time I had the flu. On like day 10 I started waking up just covered in sweat. I was nauseous and had no appetite. Lost my sense of smell and taste and had the worst back pain. It was bad. My girl wanted me to go to the hospital but I wasn’t there yet. It wasn’t until day 14 I was able to take a deep breath and felt strong enough to take a walk outside. Walked around the block and was gassed. It was definitely the rona. I’ve never felt anything like that.
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