What do you want to do before you die?

Buy my moms a house..
Working on house #2
Originally Posted by theDEEK

Originally Posted by 703FlipFiend

Originally Posted by PraVokal

Go to a Super Bowl....I dont even like football

Concure my fear of planes n travel across the ocean
Before I die, I want to teach you how to spell "conquer" correctly.

I concur
I faced my fear doing a combat landing in Iraq. Good Luck....

I want to travel the world, write a published novel, and raise a family that will live outside the box and achieve great things!
Originally Posted by nighthawk9421

Originally Posted by papageorgeo

Go to the moon!

Damn i Felt the same way ever since i was 11 years old for some reason
ive know all my life what i was built for, Im so cloase to it it my man, This is my goal n im going for it...

-be my own boss
-witness my hometown team win the world series/nba finals
-be in the mist of a riot
-smash a porn star
1.go streaking on university of memphis campus
2.smash a mother and daughter at the same time
3.snort a line
4.teach fantasia how to read and derrick rose how to speak correctly
5.turn water into wine
thats pretty much it....
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Own a construction company that develops a netzero apartment highrise
Hit me up when you need a Quantity Surveyor

I want to build and design my own house, travel the world visiting ancient ruins and amazing architecture, maybe have a family if I can bag me a nice guy, have an investment in a sneaker store.

I'm sure there is a hell of a lot more. But that'll do. Oh wait...

Marry Denny Crane.
Be alive when they find out an immortal pill of some sort.
Acquire knowledge of a cook. Acquire knowledge of a mechanic. Acquire knowledge of an RN.
Design and Build my own house.
Have a surplus of shoes so I don't have to wear the same shoes in a row.
Travel the world.
Be an active member of my religious group.
Live happily married with 2 or 3 kids in a house i designed somewhere warm/hot all year round...
Make tons of money working 8 hours a week
own a exotic car (Ferrari,lotus,etc..)
Travel the world (Pyramids, Great Wall, Mayan temples, etc)
Do Crazy/Something to remember (sky dive, swim with sharks, ride an elephant through a jungle, climb a mountain*climbed Mt.Fuji already*)
take a year off from life and do some spiritual searching/talk with god/ w.e you want to call it
Fly a Plane and/or helicopter

i've done the 3 sum thing
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