What Do You'll Think Of Common?

His voice annoys the ##%+ out of me.

The way I see it is this:

If I want to get all conscious-like, I'll listen to Mos and Talib. Common is boring to me.
Resurrection, Like Water for Chocolate, One Day It'll All Make Sense, Be, Finding Forever, were all dope imo
but didn't like where he went with Universal MindControl....
Resurrection and One Day.... are personal classics

Be was a pleasant surprise

now he's dumpster juice
Originally Posted by Essential1

top 20-30

Top 10 on my list anyday. Dude is one of my favorite all time MCs. Great +@+%#%# lyrics, a poet in his own right and raps in what he believes which i love.

In addition to that dude has made one of my alltime favorite albums in Be, one of the greatest hip-hop songs (if not THE greatest) in I Used To Love H.E.R. AND made by far my favorite all-time intro song in Be.

#$*! the haters and i dont give a #$*! if i get flamed, but my dude Comm is top 10 on my list anyday...

but i agree Universal Mind Control shouldnt have happened, but he did get alot of commercial success off of that album and after making real +$+ *@%% all theseyears and not really getting much attention, you cant really blame the dude for trying to make some $ with some club hits and Neptune beats.
Originally Posted by The Minister

Originally Posted by illwill8710

Old Common=

New Common=


Like Water for Chocolate >>> Kanye's production on 'Be'.

Lyrically Com fell off HARD after that album. But I will put him somewhere in my top 10 all-time. Somewhere between Lupe and Pharoahe Monch.
Originally Posted by MALI700

BE and everything before it are classic imo except for Electric Circus (don't come at me with your bs like that %#+% was good CAUSE THAT %#+% SUCKED!)

UMC is almost as bad as a Bow Wow album
^^^cosign he still nice 2 me tho
ive only listened to resurrection,be,and finding forever. be is the only album i really liked out of those 3. the other two were decent. production reallycarried his last two albums imo.
He's been a pretty consistent MC aside from his latest album.
Resurrection, One Day It'll All Make Sense, Like Water For Chocolate, and Be are all
His music is appreciated..while not being one of my fav. I always keep an ear out for his new projects.
he is vastly underated and will go down as one of the best in my opinion. not to hyped on his acting though but his roles arent ever really to big. mad respectto him and his music! classic albums outweigh his bull !+%%! im out
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