What does it mean to make the shoulder clap?

It is a strike to the center of the chest in the Sternum region that is so hard that it in fact collapses the rib area and folds in the chest area making ones shoulders meet under the chin, producing a "clap" sound as you would with your hands.

Hope that helped.
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

It is a strike to the center of the chest in the Sternum region that is so hard that it in fact collapses the rib area and folds in the chest area making ones shoulders meet under the chin, producing a "clap" sound as you would with your hands.

Hope that helped.
Very solid answer.
Use of the word Inquiry made me

Always thought it meant ^^^His shoulders almost touch when the bullet pops his back
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

It is a strike to the center of the chest in the Sternum region that is so hard that it in fact collapses the rib area and folds in the chest area making ones shoulders meet under the chin, producing a "clap" sound as you would with your hands.

Hope that helped.
*Standing ovation*
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

It is a strike to the center of the chest in the Sternum region that is so hard that it in fact collapses the rib area and folds in the chest area making ones shoulders meet under the chin, producing a "clap" sound as you would with your hands.

Hope that helped.


If you need further assistance OP just dial 1-900-Shoulderclap
Umm, why don't you just do a google search for "shoulder clap"?

Click the first link. Your answer will be there.
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