What games are keeping you busy until Modern Warfare2 drops?

Nov 18, 2007
Im fed up with Gears and Halo3, and Im not about to spend 60 bucks for firefight, Im itching for a new shooter.
october better hurry up and pass
COD4, random demos, and my other collection of games I rarely play. Modern Warfare 2 is gonna be ill tho. Imma be at the midnight drop.

Anybody on PSN, feel free to add me. PSN: SolezOnFroze
I just got madden and fight night... So im good w/ that.
I was going to get 2k10, but demo looking wack, i'll see.
Either 2k, or im even considering Live this year. smh
I got nba 2k10 and school keeping me busy.. When MW2 drops its a wrap for my academics. Smh. About 4 days out the week I only have one class a day anyways, soI think itll work out fairly well

Freshman year of college FTW
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