What Games Are You Playing?

Jul 30, 2012
- League of Legends

- Waiting for Black OPs 2 

That's it right now. I might get NBA 2k13 and Guild Wars 2 when they come out depending on how people respond to them.
Batman Arkham Asylum and Arkham City, 2k12, and after 5 years I still pop in my Halo 3 every now and then and still play it, dont even bother with Reach.
Batman Arkham Asylum and Arkham City, 2k12, and after 5 years I still pop in my Halo 3 every now and then and still play it, dont even bother with Reach.
is this game really that dope?

i keep hearing about it but i've never bothered to scoop it up...

as for me. not a gamer... just MW3 ... i'm still trying to cop this Metal Gear Solid pack for the xbox 360...

love that damb game.... :pimp: :pimp:
Batman Arkham Asylum and Arkham City, 2k12, and after 5 years I still pop in my Halo 3 every now and then and still play it, dont even bother with Reach.
is this game really that dope?

i keep hearing about it but i've never bothered to scoop it up...

as for me. not a gamer... just MW3 ... i'm still trying to cop this Metal Gear Solid pack for the xbox 360...

love that damb game....
I think they are. Solid single player gameplay and it never gets old, at least for me. If you're going to get one of them I would suggest City cause the gameplay is better simply because they improved on all of the stuff that was in Asylum.

Theyre still going for cheap on Amazon and Gamestop too. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_s...=batman+arkham+city&sprefix=batman+ar,aps,180

I also need that MGS HD Collection in my life. Metal Gear Solid 2
 I really want to go hard on some single player games like Uncharted and MGS before Halo 4 comes out and ends up being good and I get lost within it.
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Revisiting Fallout New Vegas for some reason.
Need to go pick up the MGS Collection for Xbox.
Waiting for Dishonored to drop in October. Joint looks tough.
Nothing but that MW3 and GT5.

I want to play something good and narrative(last good game I played was MSG3), but I can't find anything to get into. Everything good is either a sequel to a game I never played or has just been out wayy to long and I just feel like I'm late on it.
Not much of a gamer :rolleyes. I suck at video games, but play them to kill time. Right now I'm rotating between Battlefield 3, MW3, and F1 2011. I'd really like to pick up both Arkham City and Asylum in the coming months as well as Forza 4.
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i play heavy sports when sports are in season.

ie: im on mlb 2k and have been playing a bit nba since olympics came on...

Waiting on GTA but sleeping dogs looks pretty dope!
Still running Skyrim (PC)
Traded in my PS3 version.
Modding community keeping me happy. Dawnguard's finally out for PC, and TES Online's coming out on new years so I'll be good until then.

Thinking about getting Medal of Honor when it drops.

Anything that came out before the summer I either didn't want or already finished.
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