What Games Are You Playing?

Still playing MLB The Show 12'.  Still playing .500 ball in my Mets franchise...
Portal 2
Resistance 3(finally)
Shadow of the Colossus/Ico Collection
Sonic Generations
NBA 2K12
NBA 2k12 occasionally. Tweaked the rosters around after the offseason trades and signings.

Crazy to see Dwight in a Laker uniform
Fallout 3 GOTY edition . WOW i remember seeing this at e3 the same time mw1 was being in shown, and i just brushed it off. I picked it up a few days ago and just wow. I love this game, just very time consuming.
Im rotating it with Infamous and GTA: 4 the complete edition as well.
i need to pick up God Of War 1 & 2 remastered, 3 , MGS HD set, 1 & 4 (heard the new trophy patch was awesome) and uncharted 1,2, and 3. or just anything with a fun trophy system.

Whats up with the resurgence in TF2? been seeing it mentioned alot on reddit lately
Need to finish these campaigns. Haven't beat GOW 3, Max Payne 3, Deus Ex , Dead Island. I got a habit of letting games stack up. :smh: A lot of games coming out in the next few months too that I plan on getting. (Madden, WWE 13, Hitman, Halo)
Dead Island
Left4Dead 2
Mass Effect 3
Gears 3


gonna rent Sleeping Dogs sometime this week, it's getting great reviews
started playing ssIV again...i sold my arcade stick and now just using the regular controller and I'm getting my butt kicked. smh
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