What gets weird the more you think about it?

I put ketchup in da fridge.

Just one of those things.

I know European cats do not refrigerate eggs.

Dunno wassup wit that.

Eggs are another thing thats weird if u think about it
I put ketchup in da fridge.

Just one of those things.

I know European cats do not refrigerate eggs.

Dunno wassup wit that.

Eggs are another thing thats weird if u think about it

I have a friend who's parents have chicken coop in their yard, intended for fresh eggs daily. The color is more an orange than the yellow we buy in stores.
Why is not normal to break the fast from a nights sleep with a cheeseburger and fries at 8AM? Does is have to do with strictly nutrients from 'breakfast foods' that are better for our bodies once we wake up?
The sphinx and the pyramids.

By today's standards they'd be pretty hard to accomplish. No ******* way they were built in 2000 BC...TWO THOUSAND BEFORE CHRIST :wow: it becomes less fathomable to me by the days...
I've never even thought not to have eggs in the fridge.

Now that I think about it I don't know what would happen if you left it out for weeks.
The ocean and space. There's so much that we don't know about and will never know about. It blows my damn mind.
Puma punku. There are massive stone blocks there cut with diamond precision that are thousands of years old

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Ima need Belgium cat to explain the European egg thing.

I know they leave them thangs outside
I'm sitting in an apartment in vancouver pressing buttons on a keyboard and after I hit submit a cat in belgium, halfway across the world, can read what I just typed

that's incredible 
Like already said, language. Words. Like how does one develop the skill to create words out of sounds, with no meanings, and then teach it to others. The fact that I think in English and others think in their own native language blew my mind.

The ocean. It's just so vast.

How your senses can evoke an emotion, feeling, memory.

Roads, highways, streets. Especially highways. Like man really had the idea of clearing out MILES of land as transportation. And all it takes is following this stretch of asphalt & taking exits that potentially connects you with the whole country.
Skin, like if you cut yourself how it heals and stuff like that really is crazy. Human body in general.
everything we see is light reflecting off something else, we dont actually see the actual object 

my brain somehow processes light coming at me from every angle and turns it into what I see as the room I'm currently in 
Homographs, words that are spelled the same but have different meanings. For example tear, ripping apart and also crying.
The more number of school shootings i see the more number i become to it :nerd:
How ppl who vaccinate are scared of those who dont.
Like you chose to expose yourself to the disease. (And you shed) Then you built up a tolerance.
What you scared for? It should be the other way around, if anything.
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The first person who ever took a dump...did they think they were dying?

The first person who began to get tired, what was going through their minds? Did they think it was a wrap?

Deja Vu....how TF does that happen?
What if your whole life flashing before your eyes right before you die happens in real time? And what if we're living it right now? And what if we get deja vu because we have small moments of consciousness where we realize this all really HAS happened before?

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"Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying."
The "call of the void"/intrusive thoughts.

This happens to me every so often and I'm scared that one day I'm going to follow through with my thoughts and kill myself.
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That's not weird. You should consider therapy.
"Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying."

Well like you said this would just be plain terrifying not weird :lol:
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