What going on in Mexico? Vol. Narcocorridos

Originally Posted by BigCityLife

Originally Posted by weedsfamily

Guess no Cancun this summer

Don't even think about going to Mexico lol, if they find out your from the other side (United States etc.) They'll kidnap you and ask your family for millions of dollars to free you, im telling you its crazy over there, I never tought i would see the day mexico would turn like this.

I honestly wouldn't worry about it. I went to Cancun last summer and was fine. I don't think it matters but in the summer half the people down thereare from the UK anyway.
lead singer of k paz de la sierra

I know theres someone else who recently got murdered last year from a popular band though, cant remember right now

pepe aguilars son i think got murdered as well?
Originally Posted by COOLnificent

Originally Posted by Elocin023

The pics they had in that article were graphic.
didn't know they could show stuff like that
you must never catch local Mexican news broadcasts. they show some crazy stuff
this has been going on for a while.

I remember there was a young singer who was gunned down last year. can't remember his name though
Originally Posted by COOLnificent

Originally Posted by saint lt

Originally Posted by COOLnificent

Originally Posted by Elocin023

The pics they had in that article were graphic.
didn't know they could show stuff like that
you must never catch local Mexican news broadcasts. they show some crazy stuff

Nope, what channel

telemundo, tvazteca, any of the spanish speaking channels...they honestly do show things that american news channels wouldn't
%#$% aint that crazy

You know that those singers have the fault of it, like they get into cartels and cartels finance they careers and them dudes aint no jokes. Like if a cartelboss is paying up your career when you starting you got damn now you a slave for him but this suckas don't understand that and get gunned down.

Also how you gonna take sides in cartel wars? It make no !!+%+*% sense, you asking for trouble

Valentin was a sad death but he new what he was getting into when he made the song and played it in the Zetas palenque...
Originally Posted by BigCityLife

Originally Posted by ServeChilled81

did anyone look up the song on youtube mentioned in the article, i don't know why, but the article had me shook to watch it, like someone was gonna come for me if I did

I think there was a segment about Narcorridos one of the evening news programs a few years back. I'm trying to find the info now.
The song is called Para mis Enemigos (For my enemies)

Mexican Tupac over there..
I went to Culiacan for two days last week. Stuff down there is no joke. You got to walk outside with body armor on. The narcs have gun battles in the middle ofthe day. The owner of the print shop that I went to do some work at was telling me all this.


SINALOA WOMEN> ANY OTHER MEXICAN WOMEN. I felt like I was in Sweden and not Mexico will all girls walking around.

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