What happened to men?

Should’ve asked her how many of her past dudes wore makeup. And why she’s no longer with them.
Yea my default answer for all this nonsense is that women don't know what they want in men anyway. They think they want a certain type of dude, but their biological attraction often leans towards another type and they can't control it. Men are easy, be cool, be hot, and that's all we want.
I noticed people on here bash Red Pill/MGTOW knowledge, but it has saved men from making bad relationship decisions, and will continue to do so in the future.

because they're tethered to a political ideology that discarded men's contributions as merely oppressive patriarchy and for "diversity" and "equality" to take hold men need to be subjected to being tore down and sacrificed at da alter of militant feminism.

also you have image of masculinity that is heralded in da mainstream that certain groups who subscribe to da aforementioned ideology want shattered and replaced with a more fluid gender expectation and rule for men that is better reflected by what Dave Chapelle calls "da alphabet people".
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Sometimes, I feel like the human mind really can't process true equality. Or maybe its just the powers at be.
Maybe they don't care. Conserve your energy and let your woman vent. They're emotional creatures.

I had to tell a dude the other day in the grocery store line to chill out because he checked his woman over some clothes she was buying and when she tried to plead her case he suppressed her. Last I checked we had freedom of speech in this country.
Behind closed doors you can do what you want, but in public... in front of me and everyone else... I have an issue with that. Makes me uncomfortable.
Dude just mean mugged me for a few seconds and then transitioned to a sad puppy dog because he knew I'd run his head through the scanner like a ripe pineapple.
Don't think you can talk to women however you want in public. Be a man and don't let her get to you.

Nah...unless a man is physically abusing his woman in public, I’m not getting involved and neither should you, you simply don’t know the dynamics of that relationship to step out of line and check another man, you might end up face up on the ground for not minding your business and guess what, dudes woman is gonna stand by her man and NOT you...all for what? :lol:

Or even funnier, the woman herself will tell your nosey *** to mind your business and then what? You gonna go off on her now too?

Now as a man, you witness physical abuse on a woman, I think is your duty to step in, in some sort of way..
Don't let a woman who never grew up with a father tell you how to be a man. Their vision of manhood is literally from movies and TV shows. This is why I think it so important for me to marry a woman who's parents were still together. My parents have been together for over 40 years and her parents have been together for over 30 years. I think that saves me alot of drama I hear other guys go through.

I know my personality, I'd never be with a woman I have to "check". I'd just leave that relationship because I that's not worth it. I'm not the type to be getting in shouting matches in public.

Some women say, "I need a man who can handle me". Trick, you're an adult not a dog, handle yourself :lol:

That doesn’t always work, all of my wife’s insecurities which she sometimes projects on to me stem from her as a little girl witnessing her dad legit cheat on her mom, luckily through a lot of patience she’s gotten much better and has filter out those daddy issues for the most part.
I had a girl tell me I didn't want to wear make up because of the fear I have of being different and society has conditioned me to think makeup is feminine. How about I've just never in my life even thought about enhancing my face with makeup? How about I love women but have no interest in these feminine things?
Yea, there is no way she was serious but the way some folks like to flip things, maybe she was.

Either way, that is ridiculous.

What was your response to that?
And it's only going to get worser, because the roles have literally been reversed in the younger generation/people I've seen out in public. People's opinions shouldn't matter when it comes to your respect and morals as a man. The problem of today, is that boys/men where raised to think of relationships in the terms of what it use to be years ago, but them cats are getting ate up out here. Because the dynamics of a relationship has changed drastically compared to what it once was.

Don't let people make you feel bad because you demand respect from others. Most females are raised to think their Queens that don't have to be reprimanded with accountability for any of their mistakes, hence: why most of them can get away with bad actions/behavior that men can't get away. Add in the enablers (family/simps/Social media/feminism), the problem we're having today.

Like I've said, I rather lead than compete with the woman I'm with. Remember that 70%-80% of divorces are initiated by the woman, everybody else around her will know before you do, lol,good luck to yall, because y'all are going to need it bad years from now.

Simps and manginas take note.
yeah i have an idea about this red pill stuff from the context in here but someone break it down for us washed folks

also, never am i ever intervening in someone else's relationship
what i've learned is if a dude is abusive in public you damn sure know what it is in private.
if she hasn't called the cops on dude yet she probably never will.

ill only step in if it's life threatening...which is a rare thing that i've never witnessed.

im more likely to just guilt some other random person by telling them they should do something
Maybe they don't care. Conserve your energy and let your woman vent. They're emotional creatures.

I had to tell a dude the other day in the grocery store line to chill out because he checked his woman over some clothes she was buying and when she tried to plead her case he suppressed her. Last I checked we had freedom of speech in this country.
Behind closed doors you can do what you want, but in public... in front of me and everyone else... I have an issue with that. Makes me uncomfortable.
Dude just mean mugged me for a few seconds and then transitioned to a sad puppy dog because he knew I'd run his head through the scanner like a ripe pineapple.
Don't think you can talk to women however you want in public. Be a man and don't let her get to you.

I get it, I do.

But, don't get you head knocked off stepping into a situation you aren't ready to PHYSICALLY fight over.

Like ksteezy ksteezy said, you don't know HOW that couple operates.

But again, I get IT but I am not sure if it is your place to police that. (Outside of it getting physical).

But again, I GET it.
It’s had a MAJOR impact. Dudes putting heart and flower crowns on their heads, filters, etc.

The rapper Gunna had on a CHANEL PURSE and got a ton of likes :lol: :rofl:

I just googled and found a pic. I remember when I was 8 and I mentioned an ear ring my great uncle looked at me and said "earrings are for women". He scared the life out of me.

I'm 35 and still not gonna get one.
Behind closed doors you can do what you want, but in public... in front of me and everyone else... I have an issue with that. Makes me uncomfortable.

I find myself going to Target, Michael's, Bed Bath & Beyond just to perv the aisles. Always something fine to look at there. This milf in Lululemon pants was pushing a stroller and talking loudly on the phone... I don't even think she noticed me follow her for 6 aisles. That's all I really need nowadays, nothing more and nothing less. I put my shades back on and walked out the store a satisfied old perv.
Some of us just think “I’m a red piller” sounds lame as ****. Red pilling is the opposite end of the same spectrum.

You still need someone to tell you who you are. Corny. Just go get some *** bruh.
I think if you really consider yourself the "classic" man stereotype, you don't follow any sort of doctrine like that or label yourself.
Yea, there is no way she was serious but the way some folks like to flip things, maybe she was.

Either way, that is ridiculous.

What was your response to that?

Oh she definitely was. Her point was we're conditioned from a young age to do certain things as females/males, with females always brought up to believe they need to get into makeup to look good for other people. My response was the same way nobody conditioned me to not like barbie dolls, I simply never have gravitated to wanting to use makeup, not because it's some thing I'm scared of. It's the same issue I have with people who put certain celebrities on a pedastal because they do things out of the norm like a dude wearing a dress (Jaden Smith), What is the substance there? If I rolled out of the house wearing a suit shaped like a penis, that's out of the norm too but what is it providing to society? The way to move progress forward isn't to do outrageous things for outrage sake, but actually offer something. Obama ran for president and that was out of the norm as an African American, he didn't think he'd break down barriers by wearing a skirt at his day job.

Anyway I'm ranting now.
Bruh u doin too much. Out here sounding like John legend. Being docile around women won't make them like you or give up the p.

& you ready to punch a chick in the face cuz she called you a broke boy makes you much more of a man, see by your response i can tell you feel women are only worth respecting if they can give you something in return. i'm sure you're fun at parties... grow up, you're 43, matter fact call your mom so i can treat her the same way you treat other women.

-i remember dr. eric dyson saying once, our vertical relationships with the women in our lives is fine, meaning we revere our mothers & daughters, but our horizontal relationships with women leave so much to be desired, which couldn't be further from the truth.
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