What Happens to Asian-Americans when the test-taking ends? (Long read)


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*Asian guy checking in...

According to what I observe from my "smart" Asian friends and schoolmates, they are timid, shy, and would just like to "lay low." They don't care about the popularity or social ladder. Education, in their minds, is the most important, and that mentality is the reason why they are so successful. People may make fun of them for being "social outcasts," getting no girls, having no life, etc. At the end of the day, they don't give a crap.
*Asian guy checking in...

According to what I observe from my "smart" Asian friends and schoolmates, they are timid, shy, and would just like to "lay low." They don't care about the popularity or social ladder. Education, in their minds, is the most important, and that mentality is the reason why they are so successful. People may make fun of them for being "social outcasts," getting no girls, having no life, etc. At the end of the day, they don't give a crap.
Originally Posted by VietStar

*Asian guy checking in...

According to what I observe from my "smart" Asian friends and schoolmates, they are timid, shy, and would just like to "lay low." They don't care about the popularity or social ladder. Education, in their minds, is the most important, and that mentality is the reason why they are so successful. People may make fun of them for being "social outcasts," getting no girls, having no life, etc. At the end of the day, they don't give a crap.
you forgot the part where those same traits hinder their ability to relate  to their white friends after school and the perceived lack of leader ship skills due to the same characteristics
plus how they get overworked becuase of the characteristics i.e. the good looking cheer leader example
as an aside..How come in every example all the friends were white lmao ? Do asains only hang out with white people? pardon the ignorance
Originally Posted by VietStar

*Asian guy checking in...

According to what I observe from my "smart" Asian friends and schoolmates, they are timid, shy, and would just like to "lay low." They don't care about the popularity or social ladder. Education, in their minds, is the most important, and that mentality is the reason why they are so successful. People may make fun of them for being "social outcasts," getting no girls, having no life, etc. At the end of the day, they don't give a crap.
you forgot the part where those same traits hinder their ability to relate  to their white friends after school and the perceived lack of leader ship skills due to the same characteristics
plus how they get overworked becuase of the characteristics i.e. the good looking cheer leader example
as an aside..How come in every example all the friends were white lmao ? Do asains only hang out with white people? pardon the ignorance
Interesting article.

The part about the dating was
 ([The lamentation of my enemies after I steal their women!])
Interesting article.

The part about the dating was
 ([The lamentation of my enemies after I steal their women!])
I was going to stop reading after the 1st page but saw my HS mentioned on 2nd page so I'll continue reading.
I was going to stop reading after the 1st page but saw my HS mentioned on 2nd page so I'll continue reading.
For any Asian-American, it is a must-read.

I think it was page 6 that had this.  Really resonated with me, and it may resonated with any other Asian-American at the workplace:
“So let’s say I go to meetings with you and I notice you never say anything. And I ask myself, ‘Hmm, I wonder why you’re not saying anything. Maybe it’s because you don’t know what we’re talking about. That would be a go...od reason for not saying anything. Or maybe it’s because you’re not even interested in the subject matter. Or maybe you think the conversation is beneath you.’ So here I’m thinking, because you never say anything at meetings, that you’re either dumb, you don’t care, or you’re arrogant. When maybe it’s because you were taught when you were growing up that when the boss is talking, what are you supposed to be doing? Listening.
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