What HW are you avoiding right now by being on NT?

Originally Posted by TrillipinoTrapstar

I got a week off due to fall break, so I'm taking it easy at this point.

But I'm trying to avoid studying for my 2nd Marketing exam and Intermediate Accounting and Business Writing HW right now until 2 Days before I return back to college.
what is this fall break?!?! you've barely been in school long enough this semester to already have a break
paper on two different viewpoints of the mexican-american war and the manifest destiny...ugh...
- studying/reviewing/reading for psychology midterm on wednesday
- studying/reviewing/reading for geology earthquakes midterm on thursday
- final draft/reading/summary for eng57 due tuesday.. this class
A speech on some readings for a Health Science class. Class is so useless, smh.
I gotta memorize a 5 minute speech by tomorrow. I don't even know yet if the speech I wrote is 5 minutes
Damn, I have to read a chapter for tomorrow but there's a group summarizing it and presenting it to the class...so I won't read and I'll take theirword for it.
What the !$! does "HW"

I know I'm kinda stupid but that just threw me all off on the title
no HW... in fact.. no SCHOOL FTW!!!

but.. our economy FTL!!!

tough finding a job right now...
English = 3 papers to write..

Had the whole weekend to do it, but I didn't do $*#%..

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