What if a superstar player you hated went to play on your favorite team?

Aug 8, 2001
This topic came up at work today.  Would that change your view of him if he helped your team win?   Has this happened with  any of the current teams you follow and support?

Im a clippers fan and I also dislike Kobe.  IF Kobe ended up on the Clippers (even if its unrealistic to acctually happen)  I dont know how I would handle that

If Kobe went to my team, I would be happy. You would be pretty dumb to be at that
I'd be happy, probably. The only reason I'd hate them is cuz they probably do really well against my team.

The way I see it, nobody is above the team. If there's a trade that would make the Lakers better and it involved moving Kobe, I'd be for it 100%.

Sometimes I'll be sentimental about it, but a championship trumps all.
lebron has a good amount of douche moments and i HATE the whole "drive to the basket so the refs call a ghost foul" move but i'd take him in a second and i bet if he was on my team i'd be happy when the calls went my way.

a lot of people hated sean avery on their team. I was happy he came back to the rangers. not really a superstar though
@ OP...i bet youd be the first one to get a kobe clipper jersey...he'd bring some type of success to your team...seriously if you dont know how to handle having kobe on the clips then youre lying to yourself yo

as for me the team comes first then the player always...the only reasons why i would hate a good player is because he kills my team but if that certain player puts on my teams colors id welcome him with open arms

perfect example
If Sidney Crosby ever came to the Devils I'd probably hate him for a while then grow into it. He's the only true superstar I truly hate.
If I can survive Karl Malone, I can pretty much survive anybody.  Team comes first, if they help the team, gotta support them, even if it's with gritted teeth. 
Like if Karl Malone was on the Lakers?

I'd ride with him jut for the time he was there, then pick up where I left off after he was gone.
I used to hate Gasol just on my own interpetation of his on the court demeanor. I thought he was cocky and smug and it turns out he's a real humble guy off the court. Once he was a Laker and I got to see him being interviewed and interacting with the media then that gave me the chance to fairly judge him. And I had a friend who seen him at a Target (I know...Target?) and said he was real cool with fans.
in addition i thought malone worked well in the triangle

vanexcellent...i still cant believe you hated pau dude was chill was hell when he first came out
I don't think I would've ever been able to support Starks or Laimbeer.

I'd still ride for my Bulls though
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

I don't think I would've ever been able to support Starks or Laimbeer.

I'd still ride for my Bulls though
Starks did get traded to the Bulls, but he's no superstar.He played 4 games then got waived.
Originally Posted by therenegade23

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

I don't think I would've ever been able to support Starks or Laimbeer.

I'd still ride for my Bulls though
Starks did get traded to the Bulls, but he's no superstar.He played 4 games then got waived.

yea... thank god I missed those 4 games I probably would've threw up in my mouth
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