What if i said Taylor Swift is 9/10 material & her > most females that NTers beast on


Her arms looks similar to that Alien Creature that was just found
9/10 ?!?!?!?!

each to his own etc etc.

but she is no way a 9.

if we break it down and compare her to other white females of a similar age group that are blonde would she still be a 9 ?

i think not.

but that being said its all about personal taste.
Originally Posted by JoeyD16

I met Rachel Bilson when I was in Miami a few years back. I can honestly say she's nothing special in person, granted she didn't have any make up on but she was barely 5 feet tall and pretty flat chested and I wasn't impressed with her.

Taylor Swift is a good looking girl, to those of you giving out the 5-6-7-8's I'd really like to see what you're pulling.
Wouldnt you think Swift will be the same as Bilson?
Make up does amazing things...
She has a gorgeous face and she seems really sweet.

Wish she had a little bit more meat on her though.

I get the hint she ain't down with the bbc,

so 0 is what she get from me.


Julius F. Wrek
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